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jonny thomas

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Everything posted by jonny thomas

  1. When you're as good a shot as me cyl is the only way to go
  2. I live in Bristol where our biggest economic migrant problem is with the welsh they're murder weeks leading up to a match of any sort and should they win years after funny thing is you can't find one when they lose Does my head in bang on about how brilliant wales is yet live in England This isn't all Taff's mind you some are ok
  3. Youngest son has just got one 200 quid with a scope Just had a play ridiculous accuracy at 25 meters really impressed Wife's home from work now so we've been told off and it's been put away Oh scopes in the bin rubbish
  4. Don't worry about anyone else at the moment concentrate on getting well
  5. Maybe some should bash themselves rather than the brand kept clean and with the right length cartridges mine has never jammed Not saying this is always the case but probably more than people will admit
  6. If we stopped foreign aid to India (a country with a space programme ) Would that be enough of a saving to buy a steel manufacturer Bit simplistic but hey ho
  7. I won't get much of a pention my fault I know but money's always been a bit tightPeople are living longer now the generation you're talking about lived to less than 60 on average
  8. This has just occurred to me I'm going to bloody well die with a spanner in my hand worked hard from 16 and I'm probably not going to get a rest before popping off to see the big man
  9. jonny thomas


    The gamo looked good and was nice to handle just wasn't consistent Not an uncommon complaint Hopefully yours is different
  10. jonny thomas


    Just Google your gun as I've not heard of it is it the same gun as a gamo rocket? Looks very similar if it is crossman pellets work well however my boys rocket was as accurate as a pick axe 4 or so would group well 5th would go god only knows where
  11. Nobody's trapping them in bristol there's loads of them Right horrible mangey things as well
  12. I've done it on a cheapo jump pack you can get a much better battery than the one in the unit
  13. My oldest son came shooting with the youngest and I after showing little interest has bought a baikel had it about a year had a few lessons and has been advised the gun fits him perfectly and there is no need to buy a "better" gun unless of course he wants a nice posh new gun Someone on here put it perfectly "there's nowt wrong with a gun you can drive a fence post in with then shoot a few pigeons"
  14. My boy uses his all the time at college if it gets lost its no big deal if you lose the buck or kershaw equivalent it would be
  15. Just get any old shotgun paint it black Hey presto it's tactical
  16. a friend of mine is a travel agent who is a bit of a florida expert seeing her later will let you know
  17. Payroll people will sort it unless you're contracting then it's all down to you
  18. I only ever use 7.5 28g in my semi it's all about case length minimum of 68mm most semi's will cycle fine
  19. I work just down the road from braces top people Pm me and I'll put the kettle on
  20. Possession of an illegal firearm Failing to stop and god only know what else 3 years pathetic what's the point in being honest crooks seem to be better off than most and have better guns with no restrictions and little in the way of punishment
  21. Maybe it's time for english independence If you were born here you can vote that would be my only condition
  22. If we legalise burglary it would have a massive effect on crime figures Good ol liberals criminalise guns and legalise drugs you couldn't make it up
  23. I once read a comment in viz "Why do people who see ghosts and aliens always have sh## cameras" Just about sums it up for me
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