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Everything posted by 7daysinaweek

  1. Roy give it a go anyroads, it helps the farmer out and he should see that, may well lead to other perms as you know farmers are a tight knit community. Get down to Mcavoys or Bamfords and plenty of springers and pcp to choose from. If I need to pick me rats up around yard/building I use a shovel or something similar, if I am out on the ditches the crows and their bretheren hoover them up and they are gone within a couple of days. I carry hand gel for good infection control. Get Dem Dirty Rats! atb 7diaw
  2. Once again, diligence, effort, commitment, ohh! and passion come to mind, sure I could come up with many others. I take my hat off to you pc and as usual really enjoy reading your posts, very informative. atb 7diaw
  3. No problem Roy hope you get sorted. atb 7diaw
  4. Yes quality scopes, I and have read on many forums that Zeiss and Swaros use Schott glass machined by Meopta who supply the brands for the glass in their scopes and have done for the past decades. Spoke to a chap last year who had also been to the factory as a uk agent for them and when i asked him he confirmed this. atb 7diaw
  5. Hi Roy as roadkill says nightvision is very effective. I shoot fair few on a local shoot. If you use a light try a low mellow one or you can buy a homemade nv kit that would be more than suitable on the air rifle for the job, try daveG on here he does them or the evilbay for around the £150 mark. Air rifle wise i use my airarms s410 .177 and does the job very well, excellent accuracy and penetration. .177 will fit all of your pest control jobs around barns and close field work, rabbits, maggies etc. Depends what you mean by expensive, what is your budget, springer or pre charged pneumatic? if you decide to try a pcp but do not have access to try one, if it helps i have a air arms as above i could come over at some stage and you could have a shot, look over it and it may help you in your decision if you do not already know someone with a pcp. No strings attached this is just a friendly offer. You not too far from me. As for the job in hand try not to much movement if using a light, if they are coming to a food source (baited) you will only have a split second for a shot whilst they pick the food and they off again, they usually do not hang around. Night vision would be the most effective as they do not know you are there, however as said you can use a light, best options are to have a constant low light on in a yard when they come to a food source. Putting a strong light on and off them can be done but does not give the best chances. I used to shoot hundreds with 12 gauge shotgun and lamp walking ditches on the shoot, the sound did not bother them at all. atb 7diaw
  6. Children do harbour lots of nasties as their immune system is not fully developed until 7 years old. As stated above good hand hygiene is a must in lowering virus and bacteria ingestion transit. Good sleep pattern also will help as your body does most of its repair while asleep, poor sleeping broken/short spells of ongoing sleep cause immuno- supression of your immune system and will generally run you down. Unfortunately killing viruses with medication is difficult, a virus can change it's DNA in less than 15 minutes thus rendering many pharmacological (drugs) innefective against the host virus. Basically it learns very quickly how it is being attacked and changes its armour that is why antibiotics have no impact at all on a virus ad are for use on bacteria. Our bodies immune system are amazing but as with everything the older we get, age, health conditions, enviromental and genetic factors all lower our immunity. The overuse of antibiotics for the last 40 years both in medicine and food has all helped with ever immune increasing strains of bacteria resistant organisms. Yes, the over the counter (OTC) sales of non prescription potion/remedies for the afformentioned makes drug companies billions globally. It is not financially in their best interests to be putting money into research to bring an end to these maladies. As original poster it does appear your asthma has been well controlled as you appear to not have had an event for many months, as with all inhalers, inhalation technique and compliance are absolutely central to good preventitive and acute management of symptoms. Always carry your inhalers with you should you require them. Right, got to cut short as off to work! atb 7diaw
  7. I just surfaced, went out at 8pm and got back in at 6 in the morning, I rarely go out. I went to a local boozer I not been in for a good 20 years as my usual local burnt down a few weeks ago. Had a great night, bumped into loads of people i have not seen for years, no fools and was a nice sensible atmosphere. Wife just cooking Sunday din, din's, once I have eaten it will be headphones on and listen to some Chopin and I will be off again to the land of nod! Not back in work til tomorrow eve, happy days!
  8. radiohead, pink floyd, chopin, bach. Happy days! classic fm on me dab radio in the kitchen
  9. I not been out on a new year for about 10 years, will be going to the pub around 9 til whenever. not my usual pub as me local burnt down a couple of weeks ago! I am looking forward to it, each to their own if it ain't your thing. Happy new year!
  10. well done on the bag, looked like a lovely day also! atb 7diaw
  11. mmm Sardines, I likey says mr pike. nice fish that and well done, always exciting catching predators. atb 7diaw
  12. Ahhh the lady of the river! Spent many years driving round the country grayling fishing on the welsh dee, the severn, the dove, scotland, the nith, the annan. method was purely trotting and had some wonderful fish. Fishing in them slack eddies in the crystal water, does not get better in my opinion. Well done on your catch and when they shoal up and conditions favourable you can have some spectacular bags as you have. I recall fishing a river up in the cheviot hills and finishing with over 150 fish for the day, almost a fishy a cast most under the 1lb mark. Keep promising myself i will return to the river as have not for many years, hopefully next year. atb 7diaw
  13. Well done Sam, you certainly put the work in and deserve every bird you get! atb 7diaw
  14. Yes the Giro in Bootle, I know lots of people who worked there and like many institutions was a job for life for many. Sadly not anymore. The building still stands and it is now Santander, I pass it most evenings when I in work. atb 7diaw
  15. Suddenly it's here again that time of year so the best to you and all you hold so dear I wish your forthcoming year to be filled with sporting opportunities and cheer have enjoyed reading many posts here some informative,some quirky and queer so once again and being sincere lets raise a glass and drink a beer HAPPY CRIMBO! atb 7diaw
  16. Could you imagine the size of the enema, Flipping Nora!
  17. What a cracking write up, as above i myself do not wildfowl, however an outing like that must only come along rarely for sure! It will be forever in your memory and may I wish you many such outings. atb 7diaw
  18. No, Geordie, but has lived here most her life so has our scouse accent. I work in Bootle! atb 7diaw
  19. just asked the wife as she knows about these things. He can in some cases increase your direct debit. when you set it up it came with conditions as follows: A direct debit guarantee by the bank/building society that will state the following or similar. if any changes made to the amount,date or frequency of your dd the bank has to notify you within 14 working days, if an error is made you are entitled to a full and immeadiate refund paid out by your bank or building society FSA rules atb 7diaw
  20. Not all people have a premedication, diazepam the benzodiazepine for use in anaesthesia are used for the management of anxiety and also reduces muscle spasm and promotes mild amnesia. Anxiety increases biochemical stress response and production of things like adrenaline and cortisol which affect heart rate and blood pressure. Different benzodiazepines are used for the differing effects and clinical assessment is made and adjusted to the patients needs. patient may have pre existing conditions that require the use of a drug by mouth or injection before the anaesthetic. Hope this helps.
  21. pre medication commonly is diazepam is a benzodiazepine, the stuff they put in the back of your hand is propofol as a sedation and to induce memory loss, Sleeeeeeeep! then along comes the Gas man and administers the volatile induction agent to keep your systems relaxed and in the land of deep,deep Nod! Ahhhhh the wonders of drugs!
  22. Sounds to me that the Gas man got it about perfect! I wish you a speedy recovery. atb 7diaw
  23. Never too late for Duck Apple! Sorry could not resist, nice little bag that. atb 7diaw
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