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Everything posted by Benthejockey

  1. The mallis are like the German shepherds adhd cousin 😂 they're like little velociraptors when they're puppies.
  2. They definitely aren't tailored to our search history. I've no interest in bumming and haven't been searching it. If it came up with reams and reams of rifle adverts or sheep market prices then I'd believe it.
  3. Christ knows what I've been googling but it doesn't include anal memoirs! Although I did just **** on the wife's feet 😂 Trump
  4. Interesting choice of advert on the forum this evening. Famous anus the memoirs 😂
  5. @team tractor on a positive note you haven't lopped off any appendages so far so that's a bonus. Keep positive matey it will get better!
  6. Those are training days he does I think. His dad, Malcolm, told me a story one day about some lads sizing up his place, he went up to their van and asked what they were up to with his dog on the lead quietly at heel, the one chap got rather mouthy and told the old bloke to go forth and multiply, at which point the old bloke gave the dog the "make this berk poo his pants" command. The dog went full mallisaurus rex and once the bloke had filled his nappy sufficiently the dog was told to sit and be quiet and the gentlemen decided they wouldn't like to rob Malcolms place.
  7. A bloke I used to do horses for, his son breeds and trains them for the army and police at home and abroad. If you're on Facebook look up lorockmor working dogs. They're incredible dogs.
  8. Never been able to justify the extra to buy a left handed gun so I've always shot right handed rifles lefthanded. The only time I ever really had an issue was shooting an air rifle with a roll over cheek piece that had a relatively sharp edge on the wrong side. Id like to try a left handed gun and just see if it made a difference.
  9. I completely understand why they're grumpy, I used to deal with Horsey women who are much worse than shooters for asking brain dead questions but I was always polite initially.
  10. I have run my own business and fully understand the full blown morons that you get on emails asking you stupid questions! But I've emailed a couple of RFD's recently and the responses I've had off several are positively rude. Quite often they've put an advert on Guntrader with 2 awful photos and no description or no photos and an awful description. I sent a message today about a rifle 6 hours away. No photos and a risky description but it was the right sort of money. I asked to see some photos or a quick video just to see the rifle and if he'd shot it and knew how it groups. In the description it mentioned some small pitting in the barrel from moderator wear. You'd have think I'd have asked to see a video of his mum and sister wrestling naked in a vat of jelly. If after two or three emails I was clearly a time waster then a bit of short shrift would be fine but to reply to the first message as happened today then I won't be buying any gun from them.
  11. Well after everyone's help I thought I'd pass on getting a 458 or 300 win mag and I've sent off a variation for a 270. Obviously @Walker570I'll keep the 243 for the really big stuff 😉
  12. It's all to do with the amount of water discharged and where it goes as to whether your tank conforms to regs if I remeber rightly. Sellers bypassed the change of regs by saying they were on the process of getting a permit from the EA which was basically a form filling exercise when we sold 18months ago. Whether it's more tricky now the rule change has come in proper I don't know.
  13. Thats a pot hole one out lane 😂
  14. Horse fly possibly. They're sneaky little *******!
  15. Bring back the water cannons and give them a good bath.
  16. Yeah boo that's absolutely awful, terrible job. Post it to me and I'll dispose of it on the fire for you so you don't have to look at it 😉
  17. They don't half stink! I once caught a male pole cat in a fox trap after the dead pheasant I had in there. And a few weeks back I ran back into the house from the garden to screams of BEENNNNNNNNN THERES A FERRET IN THE HOUSEEEEEEE. I thought they were imagining it and it was a little cat or maybe an overly brave mink or something. Turns out it was the kids ferret from next door that he'd lost 2 years ago! It had a quick run round the utility room, fortunately the dogs were shut up, got scared by their barking and made a right old stink and then disappeared up the garden. I caught it a it later on and returned it home...where it escaped again a week later 😂
  18. Despite my assertions to the otherwise I'm not really a sniper. I'd struggle to find somewhere on my permissions to shoot more than about 300 yds and that to me is a bloody long way away. I'm drawn to the 25-06 for no particular reason. I won't do the variation till the weekend probably so there's plenty of time for the what's heavier a ton of feathers or a ton of bricks argument to roll on 😂
  19. Scaring deer and foxes, occasionally making them fall over and I don't mean by hiding in the bushes and tripping them over with it 😂 I've always got the 243 for the really big stuff Nev 😉
  20. I chopped in my 308 today to finance a new gun. I was going to stick a 141 variation in but then I thought I might try something different. So I'm open to ideas, opinions and experiences of calibres up to and around 308. My uncle is extolling the virtues of the 270 and I've seen a few 25-06 rifles at the right sort of money. The only stipulation really is there must be factory ammo offerings.
  21. Perfect. I'm off to wynnstay Oswestry on Monday morning so I'll grab it then if you've caught one. 👍
  22. Benthejockey


    Aliver and more antogonistic to my local magpies the better. Shrewsbury or church Stretton or somewhere between the two. Closer to me the better.
  23. Episode V The Ditchman tries to strike back 😂
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