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Everything posted by Benthejockey

  1. Naked Ditchman? That's bound to have a lot of shock power 😂
  2. Time for the ANFO ditchy. The garden is nearly gone anyway so finish it off, kill the mole and turn all the soil ready to start again. 1kg nitrogen fertiliser, 60 ml fuel oil, give it a good mix and pack it down the runs, detonate and BOOM. Au revoir monsieur mole. Job done. This warm damp weather at the minute you'll have a decent lawn again by autumn.
  3. They only drive the bolt through not the whole gun otherwise its a hell of a blank 😉😂
  4. Birds reared under bantams are always going to have the advantage over other captive reared birds. The hens know which eggs are good and which are bad, they chirp to the chicks when they start pipping, they know how to find wild food, they try and protect them from predators and they generally teach them how about bird life which can only filter down when it comes time for them to breed themselves. Whereas human reared birds only know that food comes from big blue barrels and that's about it. If I ever had a broody hen at the right time of year she'd definitely be the first choice.
  5. Potato cyst nematodes or wireworm if I remember my btec potato agronomy. Wire worm is after grass and the nemeatodes are after repeatedly planting potatoes in the same spot. That's why they only grow them in the same field every 4 or 5 years.
  6. Moles would be the least of your worries after a night with those 3, you'd be just a shell of a man afterwards 😂
  7. Don't forget the blonde curly haired historian woman... Susannah Lipscomb
  8. How has ditchman NOT catching moles got to 11 pages 😂 Have you ever thought about tarmac Ditchman?
  9. Well with that new shooting bench, a plastic tub, the sweeping up of aluminum off the lathe and some nitrogen fertiliser from the garden and a rifle you've got your own blue Peter tannerite to blow the blighter up.
  10. I'll give you 25 quid for it 😉
  11. @bluesjI found one on gun star in Bridgnorth for £350 but by the time I rang up it was sold.
  12. You can get them small deer legal, definitely with an 18 inch barrel and the Americans do shoot white tail deer with them. But this is for close range fox round the lambing and chicken sheds and going to be loaded with 38sp for snared and caged furries.
  13. Definitely not using it for small Germans 😂 you could stoke it up for small deers and large Germans but that's not what I want it for @Lloyd90 @ditchman at close range it's very effective on anything cow sized and down. And the accuracy is needed especially for moles 😉
  14. I'm after a cowboy gun for HAD. 357mag, 16inch barrel. A big loop would be nice but not the end of the world. As would a picatinny rail for a little red dot but again its not the end of the world if its not there. Doesn't have to be the prettiest but has to very accurate and very reliable. Closer to Shrewsbury/Shropshire the better. Not a huge budget otherwise I'd buy new.
  15. If its any consolation @ditchmanI caught 3 in a week and then number 4 turned up. For a week I tried to catch the *******. Every morning the excitement of seeing a triggered trap abaited to seething fury as the little black goblin had yet again outsmarted the trap. Shortly after I saw a mole flattened on the lane which made me very happy until the next day and more mountains appeared!!! But that one has obviously got the message to cease and desist, for now at least.
  16. Right time of year for planting grass seed though Nev 😉😂
  17. Loads of propane and a match 😉 whumpffffff
  18. Fox. Had it a few times with my cheapo cameras they see the red ir flash and remeber where it is and tend to skirt round them just enough to set it off. Then you get some that don't care. I'd guess he's had a bad experience with ir before.
  19. Definitely. And the reason is because "normal" people like me and thee will make our point, let the other side make their point and so on. When we make our point and then rabid frothing loony toon rages to get their point over and doesn't give you chance for a rebuttal we walk away shaking our head think what a knob. And thus democracy is slowly eroded.
  20. Ripping down a monument does what exactly? They ripped down saddams effigy but does that erase him and his actions from history? I bet you can find one or two Iraqis who say not. Everybody is offended by everything and disgusted by the actions of our ancestors nowadays as if it makes a blind bit of difference. I'm related back to some Norman's who came over in 1066, those bloody French coming over here slaying our potential king and then ruling the country for years after, I do apologise for my forebears. We could go further back and look at neanderthal and homosapien man, you can bet your last werthers original that the homosapiens discriminated against neanderthals and used them as slaves and treated them with extreme prejudice, again sorry for the actions of my forebears. Sounds ridiculous doesn't it. What has happened in the past cannot be undone and should serve as a reminder of what we did wrong and what not to do again and not as a stick to beat us with when one particular group of snowflakes get emotional.
  21. He wants a kick right in the mangina. Self serving supercilious little *****. Every time there some band wagon on the roll he jumps on it in his vegan loafers.
  22. A few weeks back I sat and watched/videoed a cub and vixen hunting. Today I went down to see if the silage had been taken off yet - it hasn't grrrr - and I saw that same cub now 3/4 grown looking very healthy and mischievous. It was lovely to see. I will at some point try and shoot both the cub and the vixen and any other foxes on the ground once the silage is off. When I saw them weeks ago I could have all but picked the cub up and killed the vixen with a pointy stick. Everything deserves some compassion sometimes.
  23. Benthejockey


    Checked his wallet for id of course.
  24. Benthejockey


    Killed 3 in a week, had one that was digging round my traps and springing them but not getting caught. Just seen him this evening run over on the road.
  25. Benthejockey


    I found a wood pecker nest a few weeks back god they were noisy little *******.
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