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Everything posted by Wb123

  1. In england and wales my understanding is that provided no easy access for too young children he is legally ok. Pragmatically speaking though he should lock it away or get in the car/taxi to said nurse.
  2. I do really fancy a SA22, I shall have to get thinking of good reasons. The fact that my right hand shooting better half doesnt like my left handed 452 is probably the easiest to fly, shared safe so if she got one it would need to go on both tickets.
  3. How many inappropriate injuries or deaths are acceptable per wounding or death prevented? The american data would clearly suggest you carrying a firearm is significantly more likely to end up with someone innocent injured or killed than to protect you, their data and ours supports the same about bladed weapons. This has huge net costs to the tax payer in health care, incapacity, legal process, and potentially in encouraging criminals to arm themselves increasing the odds of violence against other people. Your choice does have a direct effect on the society around you. Now a spray i suspect might work out far better cost wise, as might a squeaky toy or boomerang. Arming oneself if evidence exists it acts for net benefit i could support, but the evidence seems to be sorely lacking.
  4. The law does a huge amount to punish and deter such individuals. We dont pay enough tax to deliver the sort of policing response we would all like but that to a large extent is democracy in action. The law is in my eyes sufficient, the delivery is hamstrung by our choices as a society about how much tax we are prepared to pay and how what we do pay should be utilised.
  5. http://www.countrywaygunshop.co.uk/product/phillips-english-walnut-gun-stock-oil-60ml/ Found the stuff, its from Louth. The webbed fingers up that way make the locals natural stock refinishers, better for rubbing stuff in.
  6. If I could remember that id post it, brown glass bottle, yellow label, see it in lots of gun shops, usually about five quid for enough to last a lifetime.
  7. I put walnut oil from somewhere in Lincolnshire on mine, beautiful stuff.
  8. Not sure i can spot the damage, have you got a better picture? Unless i have missed something huge i reckon your best bet is to throw it in the car and go out shooting. You will feel much better about that mark when it has a few better ones with memories of good trips accompanying them.
  9. I live and work in Belfast...
  10. It is not worth fighting because a week off work dealing with either the legal fall out, injury, or both will cost substantially more than the loss. If you hand everything but your underpants over you spend an hour on the phone sorting bank cards out, order a new phone, spend an hour giving the police a statement, and the matter is dealt with in an afternoon. In your latter case naturally one would fight but with limited means. I would sooner take a 1 in 1,000,000 chance of being killed by a swivel eyed loon who set out to do it, than a 1 in 100,000 chance of being killed as a result of taking someone on the street by surprise as they didnt realise i was walking behind them, or going for my keys, etc... This isnt about principal it is about actual risk benefit.
  11. That depends if he is also appropriately tooled up to fight or not, if he expects a fight he will either go prepared or pick a softer target, in either case he will have the element of surprise. But as in my previous post the argument is not about you or I and a scrote, it us the bigger picture of benefit and harm that comes from encouraging escalation of conflict.
  12. It works for Tim the butcher under those circumstances assuming said miscreant is not also armed in expectation of a fight, but how much of a threat is he actually at and is it more likely he will end up injuring someone in an unneccesary escalation of force to a misinterpreted threat? The extreme example is the american figures for burglers versus family members shot. The above is more of an issue with weapons capable of more damage than a spray which is a much much more nuanced debate, but it illustrates the main issue, how many avoidable uses of force and their sequalae merit Tim keeping his takings? Sprays are an interesting line here where it would be useful to the debate to see some figures for the impacts of such use. Assuming a spray has a very low likelihood of causing significant injury, and availability for self defence did not alter criminal behaviour in a manner to overall adverse effect, i could be persuaded of its merit. Is there any such data from parts of europe that encourage them? All that said replacement cost of everything on me walking down the street will never usually be over £500, who would be crazy enough to risk significant injury and the resulting costs fighting over that?
  13. Only if we are assuming carrying a weapon improves the safety of the normal man on the street. I would argue there is a difference between the impact of highly trained professional armed security countering a specific high risk threat, and arming Tim the Butcher. As alluded to earler, on the whole people are safer where people who feel vulnerable are not able to arm themselves and then harm each other unneccesarily (though naturally some people come to harm who otherwise may have been better off). Like mandatory vaccination a balance has to be struck between the benefit of legislation versus individual choce to a population overall versus the autonomy of the individual.
  14. My understanding was that the vast bulk was being copied and pasted into UK legislation bar stuff with the political value to be an exception. Anything shooting related i suspect will be insufficiently important to merit any if the very limited time available.
  15. Im struggling to think of any good reason to have more than one, night vision can be put on and off, why have a semi and a bolt action, barrel length surely doesnt merit good reason when you could easily exchange... Naturally that doesnt mean another wouldnt be nice to have, it just seems a degree of enthusiasm from ones flo may be required.
  16. How easy is it to get an extra slot for one? I could be tempted for another to use with night vision.
  17. Down in cromer the locals seem to use fordsons almost exclusively for beach launch work, i always wondered why but there must be some logic to it.
  18. I have a work pair (not in realtree), the holes definitely make them easier to clean but i dont like the breeze if wearing thin socks.
  19. Depends how you define normal, i have worked with what i would regard as 'normal people' licenced to carry handguns for self defence. Are you defining normal as having no added reason beyond anyone else to carry a firearm for self defence though? My understanding of the matter in the states is that allowing weapons for self defence leads to those who feel vulnerable due to percieved threats arming themselves. A larger proportion of these people then tend to over react and harm people who were not a threat than those who benefit from arming themselves. As such the over all impact on society is for the worse. If as per the above mentioned individuals I was advised by the police to carry a personal protection weapon I probably would, otherwise i think it is a recipe for disaster. If people feel that threatened they should stick to hairspray so they can do reasonably limited damage.
  20. When working in Manchester with a load of 'new arrivals' we had a talk about self defence from the local constabulary as there had previously been issues with people thinking it was ok to carry knives or mace. The conclusion was if you feel that vulnerable carry hair spray, some brands deliver a well directed jet which is supposedly just as effective. Should you be challenged on it claim to be fabulously gay and terribly vain.
  21. Ouch. I tend to just ask for their cheapest and take whatever it is. Im not convinced even an average shooter will hit that many more clays with the pricier stuff and my shooting is currently nowhere near average. All that said, shooting clays is a cheap enough hobby. We were having a chat at work the other day about hobbies, one girl travels a fair bit and tends to spend 4-5k a year, the better half spends 8-9k a year on the horse, another chap likes cars and sinks about 10k a year into his merc depreciating like a stone. A golfer reckoned his golfing seemed to work out at 4k a year, those who had annual ski trip seemed to budget £1200 minimum for it. One guy spends as much an booze a fortnight as i do on cartridges in two months.... There are much more pricey ways to pass the time.
  22. I would hope that unless carrying with a half sensible reason whichever charge came with the higher sentence would be used.
  23. My understanding of the uk car market is that a very substantial proportion of new cars are bought by fleet operators who then lease them out. The tax breaks associated with hybrids are huge and if repair costs are not a consideration (ie they get sold off at 3-5 years) it is more cost effective to go hybrid. I had an enlightning conversation with a chap the other day who stated that his employer gave him 70k to spend on a company car but that would increase to 120k if he picked a hybrid. The resulting car apparently will only just get out of the garage under battery power, and does 18mpg. I like cars I can fix so a hybrid with a short life expectancy until its uneconomical to repair seems like a terrible idea to me.
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