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Everything posted by Wb123

  1. I have also never bothered, if i wanted to start it is getting hard to find software for mine anyway now.
  2. Without knowing the exact model and date of registration it is hard to say, but from what you have said somewhere between an arm and a leg (£305-£535). http://www.parkers.co.uk/nissan/pathfinder/station-wagon-2005/car-tax/
  3. I had reasonable success with a nut and bolt on my disco, made easier with a well lubricated washer below the nut. By the last rivnut of the job they were going in well, the first few are less secure than i would like. If doing it again i would superglue the rim around the top to the panel and allow to set before attacking it with the nut and bolt.
  4. My gun cabinet i would expect to be able to get into in fifteen minutes with a chisel, hammer, and crow bar. It complies with the required standards. You may be one of the few people who dramatically up-safe. I know a chap who uses a huge old safe i certainly wouldnt expect to get into in fifteen minutes, it weighs 1200kg though. For those of us who buy gun cabinets though the home office standards are quite clear that relatively minimal security is required.
  5. Must take a hell of a cabinet to sand blast a cottage.
  6. Making money with no risk, no time, and next to no investment is going to be tricky. My fund manager does an ok job on average with my surplus income. How much appetite for risk do you have?
  7. Wb123


    Colleagues who have made the jump tell me cost of living is near double but you work half the hours we do here for double the money plus some, vastly better working conditions, but the natives are a bit rough.
  8. Given how quickly one can force a fairly standard cabinet, if there for the guns are they really going to spend twenty minutes searching for the keys when fifteen minutes will get into the cabinet? Thats said, is there any case history as to what is regarded as 'reasonably' hidden?
  9. Wb123

    House Prices

    Part of the issue that has perhaps been missed in this debate is the cost of buy to let to the tax payer that results from increasing the pool of buyers and increasing property prices, in turn increasing rents, and subsequently increasing the benefits bill, and in turn the amount of tax that has to be raised... Invest your money elsewhere and your activities have less of a knock on effect on the taxpayers outgoings. I am a big fan of the free market, but do feel that it occasionally can need nudging. In this instance the removal of interest as a tax deductible may well move many properties back onto the market and reduce yeilds to the point that people chose other investments. Now naturally the state could alternatively respond by building a huge pile of social and affordable housing, that needs a lot of capital though and would knock the value of peoples existing investments far more, as you say crippling the smaller time pension landlords who seems incredibly heavily exposed to one asset group.
  10. Anything cheap and then get it bent. I had a nightmarish time finding anything left handed and in retrospect would have gone for a wabbitbosher and cast adjustment.
  11. If you dont like it dont vote for them. Personally i cant see the problem, my better half is wrong in many of her political views. At least here both are crazy.
  12. Wb123


    I like to think he is out shooting his last few days, spending time with his wife and kids, and going through the process of getting his affairs in order and readying himself for death. I think we would all rather he was doing that than spending any remaining moments of here in arguments over how to make the hardest possible brexit, the world changing too fast, and wether a shop selling a european 7.5 in a cartridge is grounds for treason proceedings.
  13. A good friend in the legal side of things maintains firmly that he only wants a jury if he is guilty. Given the tendency for people on here to assume guilt at the first hint of a prosectution i have to admit that the idea of being judged by twelve of my peers doesnt fill me with much positivity.
  14. I dont know, ive heard of some pretty spectacular cases of people saying whatever they think will get a payout then coming unstuck later, large numbers on occasion. My favourite was an allegation of sexual assault (non nhs work) which when met with a flock of winged vampire legal types yeilded a hand delivered letter of apology that afternoon and an explanation that the patient had heard that making such a claim would be met with an offer to waive the bill. Innocent until proven guilty, and to be honest if a jury is involved even then im not always convinced.
  15. Seems a bit steep, last time i moved 12 months ago, it was £110 each. Unfortunately your options are see if they will take less or go elsewhere. We are normally only ever in one place for 12 months so include the fees in working out the total cost of the stay, there can be a lot of variation but usually there is not a lot of scope for shopping around unless searching a very large area or a very densely populated place.
  16. Ive tried all sorts and so far found nothing that price that lasted more than a couple of months or didnt leak. Now live in wellies.
  17. Im enjoying reading this, please keep us updated as to how things go.
  18. Greenfeilds in salisbury were always good and do have other branches that way. A quick look at their pricelist suggests you might still get clay bangers at £156/k but the do knock more off if you go over 6k at a time.
  19. If you put them much closer (a couple of feet) i understand the aerodynamics are such that >50% reduction in fuel consumption is acheivable. Pack them tighter and it also helps make more space on the road. On a 400 mile run improving from 17mpg to 27mpg you save 60l of fuel and potentially ten hours of driver time. Assuming rock bottom driver rates that takes about £200 in total off the cost of running the load, or if running a lorry commercially up and down the m6 for two trips a day six days a week £125k a year. More if fuel is over £1 a litre or you pay your drivers a decent living. The 4-10% currently quoted is with them much further apart so it doesnt seem as scary and new a concept. I do agree that allowing traditional roadtrains on dollies would potentially be more efficient but attempts to introduce that have never taken off, but either this or road trains would reduce the amount you and I pay for our goods to be transported with comparatively very little investment versus rail.
  20. Because we dont have the rail infrastructure, and it requires greater investment in facilities and work to offload and truck on. These just park up at depot, local driver hops in for the last legs alone and off it goes. What we do have is an overloaded road system with an excellent but rather full motorway ststem which would benefit from compacting trucks together. Rather than forking out a huge amount of money to expand rail capacity we significantly increase the road capacity by squeezing more trucks into a smaller space. Goods get cheaper because there are large savings in fuel and wages, no massive intrastructure investment needed, everyone wins except long distance lorry drivers. It could be done by rail but do you and I want to pay for the required investment in tax or increased cost of goods? Id sooner make better use of what we have already got.
  21. Wb123


    Except in Hull...
  22. It seems unlikely in my lifetime they will get rid of drivers for all routes but essentially putting road trains between major hubs would reduce the number of drivers required. That said i am told by a friend who did some work in the area that for motorway use the potential fuel savings are worth significantly more than the saving on drivers.
  23. My understanding for now is that you can stick them six inches apart to save a lot of fuel between motorway hubs. Ultimately i dont see why you couldnt get rid of the rear drivers though. This is essentially a road train but with (small) air gaps to workaround the regs on maximum weight and length.
  24. The issue with the nurse is easy, you dont work alone in a situation where you feel unsafe. It doesnt matter if it is previous allegations, the neighbors dog, other people in the house, too unsanitary conditions... Your own safety comes absolutely above all else. If he either removes the perceived threat or travels. If you pressure the staff to accept conditions they feel are unsafe you end up with trouble. Now you may find other people working locally are fine with his air rifle, in which case it may be workable to try and manage with just their involvement, but in my experience once somebody says unsafe everyone quite rightly draws a line even if privately we may not agree.
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