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Everything posted by Wb123

  1. Wb123

    Hearing aids

    I was very impressed with a bone conduction test kit i tried at a conference a few weeks back. The trial rig is on a pair of glasses frames and connects to iPhone by bluetooth for calls, music, adjusting settings, etc. If you go permenant there is a skull implant which communicates to a little box that sits over the top held on my a small magnet. The sound quality was utterly fantastic, if interested i think i have the name of the company somewhere. Edit: not targeted at the vast majority of nhs patients.
  2. My better half has the aigle leather lined and reckons they are a good mid point for warmth between the neoprene loned and cotton lined ones. The fit and finish of them is brilliant, somehow she got a pair from amazon for £67, not that i am even slightly bitter...
  3. Wb123

    Mates Rates

    Its a nice idea but might work better as more of an informal thing like encouraging putting ones trade under ones avatar or in the signiture. Less overt tax dodging and less attractive to needy types. DOI: cant offer to help people out for the problems i would most often be asked for help with on this forum as it would create a conflict of interests, even at full rate. I also hate asking for help.
  4. My better half is very fussy about riding gloves, her preferred ones (Roeckl full nappa leather) were discontinued a few years ago and she had always been getting them sent from Germany as apparently they werent sent to UK stockists. Her last pair are starting to bite the dust and a few weeks searching has found only one pair in size 10.5. Would making another set be as simple as unpicking one of her old pairs to use the panels as a pattern to sew up another pair from a sheet of nappa leather? Fortunately she has kept old pairs incase we found a way to repair them..
  5. Wb123


    Thin leather flying gloves, if need be under something with a trigger finger opening. I have a set of dents wool and leather shooting gloves which do the trick nicely (though do benefit in mid winter from a thin leather glove beneath them).
  6. A mate further north does a lot of carpet fitting for landlords. Last i heard he would do an entire two up two down semi in dirt cheap carpet and not the cheapest underlay for £500 including fitting.
  7. Im currently in Northern Ireland so limited to holding 2000 cartridges at a time, but when living in england did exactly as you say. Eyeballing gunstar i can replace my claygun for new at £650, perhaps just the barrels for half that, saving £22 per thousand cartridges would go cost effective at 15000 cartridges. In essence then unless barrel life falls below 10-15,000 cartridges the damage is unlikely to present a financial loss but does save money in the shorter term. All that said it with likely no proofed recepies available it would likely be a nonstarter for the savings at the amount i shoot. Eyeballing clay and game it doesnt look like a homeload lead cartridge is going to be cost effective either.
  8. As the cost of cartridges has been edging up i have been assuming the cost of reloading has been matching it. Today the better half went off to pick up a slab of 21g fibres and is now pulling my ear because the last time she knew how much they cost it was £30, now it was just shy of £50. As I found her looking for the leeloadall this may be the chance to get her doing the hard work reloading... Is it working out any cheaper to home load 21g clay bangers at present? On the same note how much barrel wear would you really get pushing cheap steel shot ahead of a standard fibre wad? Could a steel load with a standard fibre wad be cost effective down a modern turkish over-under of no great financial or emotional value? My favourite place to shoot at the moment is fibre only but a cost effective load in plastic would be useful at some other places.
  9. I looked into doing just that but couldnt find a way to make it sufficiently profitable for under £60 a form. Access to records and indemnity were the big issues, and even if covered Scotland would be the only market which didnt seem likely to produce enough people prepared to spend enough money and time arranging records transfer for it to be worthwhile. If it went uk wide i would look at it again. In short the doctors letters are an attempt to set your gp up as the fall guy, the insurers dont want the work, doctors dont want the work, and if i were a gp i suspect i would be using the conscientious ojbector opt out or charging like a wounded rhino. Refusing to pay and the police taking no response as no problems still dumps a good chunk of the medicolegal risk for no reward, why anyone expects gps to accept this state of affairs i dont understand.
  10. is the elephant in the room not shooting from the wrong shoulder? Even with a potentially iffy fit at least that way he can keep both eyes open... DOI: also strongly cross dominant and really struggled till I changed to my left shoulder, trying shooting left handed with both eyes open was a revalation.
  11. Could you decoy them to some carrots?
  12. I enjoyed reading **********'s book on unfit in the hope of understanding the same thing. I now appreciate somewhat better how complex the field is. In my understanding if the mount is consistent the gun should shoot where you are looking. If the mount isn't consistent you can't do a proper job of adjusting gun fit, however often a consistent gun mount is altered by an individual to compensate for poor gun fit, and so the two become profoundly intertwined as one compensates for the other. So long as mount is consistent the two become something of combination. A good example would be an american shooter who reputedly mounts his gun almost in the middle of his chest, objectively his mount is rather unorthodox, but as placement is highly consistent the gun can be fitted to his mount however unusual it may be. I also struggle with a change of jacket completely changing how my guns feel.
  13. I suspect the average working man could easily stump up £3 a cartridge for a spot of wild fowling if that is their hobby. If you have got to the point of sinking the money into club membership, fuel to and from your fowling site (I made the mistake of working out the proportion diesel made up of all my shooting costs once), waders, coat, gun, licence, dog and running costs, the difference in price between a 12 bore budget clay cart and an 8 bore of finest hand picked bismuth will make little difference to the overall cost of a seasons shooting. I am assuming here that a typical fowler might go through 100 shots a season, or an extra cost of about 2.5 tanks of diesel.
  14. Sounds like a tricky spot. If possible I'd say you are happy to help with costs reimbursed but need to be free to stop at 48h notice for job interviews/work as appropriate. Also make it clear this is a temporary measure whilst trying to get back into full time work. Naturally this is to all intents and purposes not compatible with both parents returning to full time work unless they have a highly flexible plan C (assuming you were plan B after paid childcare). In essence the above is not a viable way for both parents to go back to work, and in all probability it won't be making immediate financial sense for both parents to be working beyond avoiding a large CV gap and maintaining pension contributions. Nannys and aupairs can be a good solution where sufficient earning potential is present for both partners but can come with substantial liabilities if for instance the nanny gets pregnant. Agencies avoid much of this but significantly increase the cost by pricing in the risk and adding their own overheads to the bill. My colleagues with children who don't have unlimited instant free childcare tell me you have to be mercilessly strict on working out what work to take or not take, to know exactly how much you have to be making a day for work to cover costs, and have a clear idea why you are at work. Most of my female colleagues with children are working to maintain their skills and career progression but not ultimately net contributors to the family finances. An uncle ended up as a stay at home dad due to childcare costs and seemed to enjoy it eventually.
  15. I have also never bothered, if i wanted to start it is getting hard to find software for mine anyway now.
  16. Without knowing the exact model and date of registration it is hard to say, but from what you have said somewhere between an arm and a leg (£305-£535). http://www.parkers.co.uk/nissan/pathfinder/station-wagon-2005/car-tax/
  17. I had reasonable success with a nut and bolt on my disco, made easier with a well lubricated washer below the nut. By the last rivnut of the job they were going in well, the first few are less secure than i would like. If doing it again i would superglue the rim around the top to the panel and allow to set before attacking it with the nut and bolt.
  18. My gun cabinet i would expect to be able to get into in fifteen minutes with a chisel, hammer, and crow bar. It complies with the required standards. You may be one of the few people who dramatically up-safe. I know a chap who uses a huge old safe i certainly wouldnt expect to get into in fifteen minutes, it weighs 1200kg though. For those of us who buy gun cabinets though the home office standards are quite clear that relatively minimal security is required.
  19. Must take a hell of a cabinet to sand blast a cottage.
  20. Making money with no risk, no time, and next to no investment is going to be tricky. My fund manager does an ok job on average with my surplus income. How much appetite for risk do you have?
  21. Wb123


    Colleagues who have made the jump tell me cost of living is near double but you work half the hours we do here for double the money plus some, vastly better working conditions, but the natives are a bit rough.
  22. Given how quickly one can force a fairly standard cabinet, if there for the guns are they really going to spend twenty minutes searching for the keys when fifteen minutes will get into the cabinet? Thats said, is there any case history as to what is regarded as 'reasonably' hidden?
  23. Wb123

    House Prices

    Part of the issue that has perhaps been missed in this debate is the cost of buy to let to the tax payer that results from increasing the pool of buyers and increasing property prices, in turn increasing rents, and subsequently increasing the benefits bill, and in turn the amount of tax that has to be raised... Invest your money elsewhere and your activities have less of a knock on effect on the taxpayers outgoings. I am a big fan of the free market, but do feel that it occasionally can need nudging. In this instance the removal of interest as a tax deductible may well move many properties back onto the market and reduce yeilds to the point that people chose other investments. Now naturally the state could alternatively respond by building a huge pile of social and affordable housing, that needs a lot of capital though and would knock the value of peoples existing investments far more, as you say crippling the smaller time pension landlords who seems incredibly heavily exposed to one asset group.
  24. If you dont like it dont vote for them. Personally i cant see the problem, my better half is wrong in many of her political views. At least here both are crazy.
  25. Wb123


    I like to think he is out shooting his last few days, spending time with his wife and kids, and going through the process of getting his affairs in order and readying himself for death. I think we would all rather he was doing that than spending any remaining moments of here in arguments over how to make the hardest possible brexit, the world changing too fast, and wether a shop selling a european 7.5 in a cartridge is grounds for treason proceedings.
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