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Everything posted by Wb123

  1. Wb123


    The trouble with this argument is that the nhs is already significantly more efficient per pound than any private system one can compare to. Why would we expect a commercial provider to provide a higher level of service per pound if it has not yet been managed elsewhere?
  2. If being cheaper than factory loads is of critical importance you may need to go 28 or 410. Less powder and shot use, and a higher price to beat. Win win.
  3. Wb123


    Very true, but if willing to jump through that many hoops why would they come here to be badly paid and treated when they could go NZ, canada, australia, the gulf states etc?
  4. No doubt it would be just the same, 2% is an incredibly fine margin for such a decision, especially when those set to live with the eventual decision stood so firmly against leave. I voted leave but am uncomfortable with such a profound call being made on so tight a margin.
  5. I might have some in the freezer if you are stuck and the other half hasnt promised them to anyone else. The tesco finest sloe gin is almost as good as a decent home one, and wont involve waiting six to eighteen months.
  6. Ill have to get a litter of yellows and some creosote if they sell at that price!
  7. Fantastic spot, well worth a visit. They seem to have a magic cave out the back containing whatever you were looking for, and were so cheap on cartridges it would pay the petrol cost of the ten hour round trip to see family if i stocked up each time i was passing.
  8. I had a very similar problem. In the end a weekend with youtube and some scrap steel got me mig welding to a point that will acheive everything i need to. Tig apparently has more of a learning curve. Someday i will buy a set and will then take the same approach. If i could have found anyone to give pointers it would have been very helpful.
  9. Depends what you want. My custom moulded in ear plugs were about £80 all in, but Howard Leigh max are still more effective and more comfortable for me. If you want something that has electrics to help you hear everything you would otherwise miss things rapidly get pricey. I have gone to Peltor protacs and after a while getting used to them would not go back to in ear protection for shooting unless money were no object. On the motorbike i use howard leigh max plugs.
  10. Wb123

    Kitchen Knives

    I like globals but dont get on with the handles. My father has a few shun permiers which are beautiful, hold a lovely edge, and are a pleasure to use. I have a tesco finest chefs knife that is my go to though, the handle is perfect, tip not too high, hard enough to hold an edge very well but soft enough it sharpens up easily, never been tempted to get something else. A few years ago they were selling ones in a european style but of steel slightly less hard than the global stuff and for me i think they found perfection. I also have a boning and paring knife of the same lot.
  11. I always use spring washers. I never seem to have enough spares so being able to reuse is important. Nylocs come off then are useless.
  12. If doing all that why not import it yourself? (Make sure you are sitting down when you do the sums). I looked long and hard at importing a bps but the fees at the us end take what is already a expensive pump gun into territory where i would be buying something else. Id rather like another barrel to avoid having my choke opened up but i fear i wont find one.
  13. Davey and sons try and import some every year. Apparently because the sales of pump actions in the UK are **** we get anything left over from the american market which more often than not is nothing. Consider the complete absence of BPSs from the UK market until July last year (I was after one either new or used), then a small number were imported many of which are still available. They just don't shift in meaningful numbers. I had to resort to placing a wanted ad for mine (bought before that batch landed), a lengthy interview later to ensure I was a suitable new home for it the previous owner agreed to sell me one. I suspect because they are so nice to use and hard to replace people don't tend to part with them in the way they might with yet another semi or over under. When back on the mainland I hope to pick up a ten bore if there are any around then.
  14. I was told if you dont return the lever to centre gently the shock of a bump in transport can damage the gun as the lever is released without resistance.
  15. Get stuck in. I take the fact that i have not yet been banned as a suggestion i probably dont take part enough.
  16. I dont know if there is a fair price, but I have yet to see a model to remove the threat that seems preferable to the status quo. Nothing is without cost. Wages were too high to maintain exports and immigration bought a stay of execution whilst the economy was rejigged. Immigration served a purpose and played its part putting us in the the G7 for the last however many years. If the alternative was a greece like state and no terrorism i know which I would take. The problem ultimately though is the issue of unintended consequences. Nobody knew second generation immigrants would get their knickers in a twist about unpredictable events in the middle east fifty years in the future. Who knows how the poles will be playing in fifty years...?
  17. I guess it all depends how you define failure of multiculturalism. Did importing massive amounts of cheap labour provide economic prosperity, my understanding is yes. How much is a fair price for a terrorist attack?
  18. Wb123

    'Gardening' Leave

    A family friend had to do twelve months before they could work in the same industry again. Ive got no idea how they managed. A schoolfriend retired and within three months had gone back to work. Mind you he was in his mid to late twenties so perhaps a tad young to stop completely.
  19. If it genuinely buys you that much income a year take the pension unless planning to die soon.
  20. Could you get the magtechs and cut some to produce extra tube to braze on?
  21. Two much brighter bulbs was a useful adaptation. A speed adjuster is the only thing left to try and make.
  22. Not used those but was very pleasantly surprised by some £15 Silverline ones i bought my other half in the hope she could then hear me shout pull. The only noticable difference between those and my protacs is the way the cheap ones cut suddenly in and out in response to shooting whereas you forget you are wearing the protacs.
  23. Given the snr rating i wouldnt touch them. There are much cheaper alternatives which are more effective, and give you the chance to find what is most comfortable for pennies. That said ive not worn earplugs to shoot since getting my protacs which are the best thing since shotguns. Ive tried many earplugs including custom moulds and found that for me howard leight max are the best by miles, even more comfortable and effective than my made to measure ones. If you like going to noisy concerts the lack of distortion in these metal ones is probably well worth a look, otherwise i think there are far better options out there.
  24. Now that is the first semi to tempt me.
  25. To be honest I think the BBC is about balanced enough. Any time I read an article about a subject I know well it fails to capture the nuances and the writing is often misleading. But these things are written by journalists who are out to get a story that will interest and inform people in a short article. If you want well balanced factual analysis read a peer reviewed journal, but todays news won't be in print until six months time. If you want fast reporting on a broad spectrum of things in one place accept it will often miss the salient issues and be prone to a one sided analysis. As a voter who was pretty 50:50 for the referendum I always felt the BBC was well balanced on the Brexit issue. Those I know on both sides who were staunchly in favour of one vote felt the BBC was playing for the other side. To my mind that is enough to confirm balance enough. On here the echo chamber is very much for Brexit, so everything looking out is comparatively against it.
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