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Everything posted by Wb123

  1. Why do we have to persist with imperial units as if they have any relevance to brexit? Damned near ever commercially useful field to the country is standardised to metric, most of us under 40 only understand metric, and the only people without a functioning grasp of metric units are either retired or about to! Give me standardised units that are as close to a common language with the rest of the world as possible.
  2. I have been frequently surprised how low van payloads are vs a decent trailer, or when towing full weight limits van payload markedly... No idea what van will suit but look out for trouble if moving a decent amount of stuff plus such a toy and then towing. If old enough not to need another licence would selling the trailer and caravan give enough for an old 7.5ton race truck?
  3. I would be happy with that. In said economy i assume i would earn enough for a foreign shooting trip every few weeks though...
  4. When i first shot an eley i thought it had misfired, i shall have to try some rws. I mostly use cci though as they are almost half the price. Edited as what i thought were rws were actually winchesters.
  5. Is it common enough an occurence that you should be pricing it into the work?
  6. Wb123

    Ardiuno users

    I bought one for a project, my brother now uses it.
  7. Mercifully i have yet to pay over £100 in fees. Last move was £190 but at least that was reimbursed as a relocation expense.
  8. Likewise, cant shoot the black ones, keep the numbers down around the cross country course but dont worry too much about the hay fields.
  9. I rather like having a decent rfd nearby and not a huge place a couple of hours away. Consequently i buy as much as i can from my rfd. Im not convinced the shooting population is big enough to support such superstores without ending up with just three or four shops for the whole country.
  10. Im left handed, tried a right handed semi and really did not enjoy it. Try before you buy, I cant see myself wanting to shoot one again... With suitable eye protection it probably isnt particularly dangerous. A catacylsmic failure after a blocked barrel might be more likely to go in to your face but you are getting down to pretty unlikely things to worry about there.
  11. I thought this was a place we could discuss what we do with our weapons at the weekend and nothing to do with gender. That said i'd love to get a nice sidelock engraved with a view from home on each side.
  12. That worked when 5% went to uni and most of them got well paying jobs. When 50% go to uni but only 5% get well paying jobs it falls apart.
  13. I was waiting a few more weeks here to be sure the does had stopped suckling when they all vanished overnight.
  14. Wb123

    Moving house

    Last time i moved the guns were locked in the safe in the car under a huge pile of stuff the night before leaving to allow time to make the wall good. 0530 got moving, arrived at new address 2300, put locked safe in hallway and bolted in the next day. The problem we encountered was the customs lot not being able to find the cabinet on the way through customs.
  15. I thought you could still get dummy dpf casings to get a system with the filter removed through the mot. http://www.darksidedevelopments.co.uk/blog/fake-dpf-pipes-now-available/ Failing that save your money and get something old enough not to need one.
  16. I would also be interested to know for my 452. Honing the contact sufaces of the safety mechanism helped that a lot, operating it was a two hand job before.
  17. Turn it around, why should anyone not have to pay if we say state provision should be a safety net for those in dire straits who are entirely unable to contribute? I think an Australian model should be where we head. A state contribution but the individual tops up, either with cash or via insurance.
  18. I have had stuff milled from ebay before. Search and you will find people advertising there. Get a few quotes and away you go. I got a firing pin made up when i couldnt get one off the shelf.
  19. Chased up my fac today as it was in to remove a sold shotgun. Posted it six weeks ago and was running low on ammunition, sent an email last night and got a reply this morning saying they had dug it out, sorted it out, and put it in the post back. They also had sorted out my better halfs one at the same time. Seems a shame to have had to chase it but every time i have had reason to contact them they have been fantastic and got things done in hours. I wonder why they are so helpful here relative to what people report from the mainland.
  20. Absolutely, finding private GP is tricky around here though. Private gp with access to nhs prescriptions and secondary care could be a great way to sort out the gp recruitment and retention crisis without needing a full rehash of the system.
  21. A bit if context is important, i fear you are assuming there is any serious interest in addressing the issue. In finance the whole buisness model requires information security, in monopolised healthcare for the most part people dont take buisness elsewhere (though there are examples where encouraging just that can be highly beneficial). We are frequently told not to do x,y,z for risk of patient records being leaked. X,y, and z are unavoidable parts of the job, the fines to the trust should information leak are not enough to make changing the system a financially viable option, and not doing x,y,z would mean no job.
  22. I have a box that seem ok. Struggling to get some cci subs to group at all though.
  23. Some of the systems where I work are on DOS. New software is expensive and disruptive, when the frontline work cant be delivered adequately on the available funding why spend on IT? I have worked in health settings with very secure and functional IT arrangements but things werent being done at the very cheapest possible price.
  24. Whilst a smaller gauge would be fun to try i fail to see what else it would bring for my shooting (mostly clays with the odd walked up bit of game). Over the last two years i have averaged only 4-5000 cartridges a year so cartridges are not a huge expense, but it is the most frequent major outlay which feels painful to the wallet. Even if doubling in price .410 would not actually be a huge difference in expenditure, the £25 for clays each time i go out is easilly forgotten in a way that the 2000-3000 cartridge stockup roughly every six months isnt.
  25. Was using hull compx 21g or Eley 21g but cant get them here. Currently on lyvale express 21g.
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