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Everything posted by Wb123

  1. I'm not sure I agree entirely. I have a batch of cartridges with duff primers that frequently don't fire in all my shotguns. Should I be returning shotguns or cartridges over the matter? It would not be reasonable in my mind for a dealer to take a hit on the shotguns over it. I do agree that I would be very hesitant to shop there if I heard that an argument appeared to lead to loss of the chaps sgc.
  2. I bought a straight stock splinter fore end 25 inch side by side and fell in love. Very different to shoot than my 30 inch pistol grip over under, the side by side is much more fun. It just felt right from the get go. If I found one with Multichokes, a bit more weight, slightly longer barrels, and a better fitting hand guard then I would be very tempted to get rid of the over under.
  3. I still think he should wait and see how the chap returns, if he comes in with a little humility then let it go. That said a good part of my job occasionally involves the occasional rant / appearing to lose my rag. When being nice fails it is often the only remaining way to get results, especially on the sad occasions when you have to be a scarier man to cross than the competition. I certainly wouldn't want anyone suggesting I was unfit to keep my fac because I have to turn it on once every few months.
  4. The public can be a nightmare. I'd try not to get worked up for now though, he may shuffle in after a night to reflect on it with his head down to apologise for being a tit and collect his shotgun. An outcome far more likely given you kept your cool and behaved as a gentleman throughout. Im not sure how being a tit is grounds to call his feo though unless he was threatening/violent. A schoolmate buys returned as faulty electronic goods by the pallet load to fix and resell, he works on 30% having no fault detectable when he takes delivery, of the remainder about half are scrapped to fix the rest. It would seem that the products he gets are returned as faulty but ultimately untested.
  5. This really. I will still buy their stuff though, all said and done it lasts very well. I bought my macbook in 2006 and am still using it as my main computer, my ipad was new in 2011 (i use that and a handmedown from the better half), and my iphone is a three year old handmedown i use because i am too embarrassed to admit i preferred the much older and smaller one that also still works. So long as you never update the software, and replace batteries as required they seem to run well forever in my experience. Thinking about it further the last time i actually bought apple stuff other than batteries was more than ten years ago, but if i suddenly had no laptop/ipad i would replace with apple again.
  6. Is that not the same with setting any price? Charge as much as you can without losing too much buisness elsewhere? If enough other people offer the same for less prices drift down, if nobody can or will compete prices go up to whatever the market will support.
  7. I had a similar gun with unavailable parts. The first time it broke a firing pin was £50 and a few weeks for a gunsmith to sort out (he made the pin), the second time i measured it up and had one made by a chap advertising his services on ebay for £20, then fitted it myself. If money is tight and the gun of little financial or emotional value I would be tempted to go diy, worst case scenario you can scrap it and head off to Wabbitbosher for something else.
  8. We use a disco 1. If i wanted a new car the double cab isuzu seems well priced and i have heard good things about them.
  9. Profit. Each car scrapped means another sold. Those of us who work on our own cars will also be much more open to buying used rather than paying a huge premium for a new car with a warranty so selling something as easy to work on won't attract many sales if any. Making things fixable both increases the cost of production and reduces sales, therefore it's not going to fly. Even with the cars and motorbikes i have owned that I have done a lot of work on, the manufacturer has not gained anything as I almost exclusively use pattern parts. Unless fixabillity becomes incentivised in the same way as low emissions (which is pushed in part because it drives people to replace cars with newer ones increasing sales and supporting manufacturing) this will keep getting worse.
  10. Has unbridled economic protectionism ever worked out in a countries favour for the longer term? (Honest question, my understanding is that the data suggests short term benefits but with substantially reduced longer term growth, but it is not an area I know well). Could relative ease of movement of capital mean what didn't work before now might?
  11. I spot and shoot with red light, but my permissions are very keen on keeping a visible but controlled population. If eradication had business value for the landowners and was therefore expected thermal or ir would doubtless be useful. As I have no desire to achieve eradication and they don't want it I stick with the lamp. If I were taking such an approach covering vulnerable livestock or crops I expect someone else would be asked to take over.
  12. Electronic signiture, tick the box and press continue.
  13. Apparently the paper ones are taking a few months longer to process than if you do it all online. I put a variation in online a couple of weeks ago and it was very quick and straightforward.
  14. I did a paper round whilst at school and usually got as much in Christmas tips as four months wages. In fairness I made the mistake of working for the same place for three years straight without attempting to renegotiate pay and discovered shortly before I left a competitor were paying near triple the amount per house. On the rare occasions papers were missing from the bag the ones who tipped best never lost out. These days i just get the occasional bottle of wine, though not just at Christmas. The better half gets an annual bonus around Christmas depending who she is working for which tends to be about 10% of her annual pay. If if we had a regular postie I would definitely tip him, this year I left a case of beer for the porters where I currently work. In eighteen months here I don't think I have ever seen the bin men, clearly they do a fine job given I am not drowning in refuse.
  15. Wb123


    Aigles wether wet or not. I have a summer and winter pair I have more or less stopped using leather boots as i find my Aigles comfortable and low maintenance. Keeping leather suitably looked after to last seems vastly more labour intensive for no gain in my case. Even just nipping to tesco i tend to grab my wellies as they just slip on and go.
  16. I don't think I have ever even wondered how fast my shot flies. I buy whatever is cheapest and occasionally consider if it makes a subtly different bang.
  17. Progressive taxation is a ******. If I pick up extra I pay 40% tax, 3% ni, 9% student loan, approx 8% indemnity, then usually about 4% travel costs. Colleagues with kids have an even worse time with thresholds for losing child tax benefits and a few others with losing extra childcare entitlement plus the 60% rate. Unless they can charge like a wounded rhino it makes no financial sense to take on extra work when stuck in paye. Whilst i I appreciate the logic behind progressive taxation it seems to ramp up far too quickly in the U.K especially when you look at child benefits and become a barrier for many doing a bit more.
  18. Given how often he reminds me my opinel is illegal i suspect it being something uk legal is important to him. Personally I never use non locking knives, i have seen the results of folders vs fingers too often.
  19. Many thanks everyone, i understand he shoots at targets made of compressed rubber that the arrows easily pull from. The better half is looking to spend anything up to £150 for something he can enjoy for many years to come. I shall try and find outnexactly what use he has in mind though we think it is some form of trimming/adjusting arrows. The buck solitare rosewood looks nice.
  20. The better half's father wants a small buck knife for Christmas, intended use is something archery related. I know nothing about knives beyond quite liking opinel carbon blades for out and about, and japanese steel in the kitchen, but an opinel would seem a bit cheap for the circumstances. What would people reccomend?
  21. If just pootling along i rarely use the clutch once going but struggle to get clutchless shifting to feel like i am not abusing the thing if riding hard (this bike much more than my last one). I have never got the hang on clutchless changes in the car.
  22. Went for thee days about two years back and tried to keep it cheap. Thought we just managed it for a grand until the car hire people added another grand to the credit card a month later.
  23. To be fair I would be arguing for a special case or independent city state were i a Londoner. The financial sector makes huge amounts from europe and supports London plus half of the south. He only has to answer to his constituents and i reckon most of them gain overall from the EU. The rest of the country is in a more nuanced position, hence the vote overall to leave.
  24. Apply for both! I would have thought you could put together a case for a 22lr or hmr, plus a slightly more powerful airgun, and get a shotgun for the pigeons on the wing if you wanted.
  25. Fair doos, around here last minute childcare is available but means paying £250 a day, significantly more at weekends or nights. When i worked in Yorkshire similar availability seemed to exist (to be fair in Leeds). For colleagues who have had to use it it is not cost effective but has a role in stopping ones career going down the pan for having kids.
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