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Everything posted by Wb123

  1. I dont object to people paying for the services they use, part of the problem i am told with licencing in one place i lived it that it costs so much more to process than the fees that they desperately want to avoid any increase in the work load. Maintaining a horrendous wait for variations and grants helps put some people off. Would people be prepared to pay a representative rate for a faster service? Supposedly the DBS runs at full cost recovery, assuming an extended check is a reasonable reference point for the police work involved in checking background thats £44, being generous and ignoring the 20% the dbs do for free. Your firearms dept wont have the same huge bank of centre staff. Now ones firearms lot need to visit which wont be cheap, assuming an hour total work time gone per visit lets call that £70 including all related costs, though it would not suprise me if it were more. Total estimate £114 Some people will need an extra visit or to walk a permission but the current system only allows for a single fee. Assuming one in seven need another hour we are at £124. We need to build in cost to cover working time on rejections, appeals, revokations, and those incidents where something goes wrong which will be rare but highly expensive in man hours. It is hard to make a good guess but im starting to suspect a total true cost close to £200 is not unlikely.
  2. I was contacted after mine went in and told they couldnt grant it without a permission form.
  3. I had a brown seat moment with a heavily laden car and nothing on the tow bar when going uphill in the wet a corner led to some horrendous understeer (at 20mph!). It had felt alright until then on that journey. Not sure i would put many bags of cement on one of those unless the car was otherwise pretty empty.
  4. Im not sure i understand this. All the side by sides i have seen have the right barrel on the front trigger and the left barrel on the rear trigger back and left from the front one. They are made this way because god shoots left handed and this arrangement gets you on the back trigger much more easily after firing the front. To use it right handed would mean having to get the finger round the back of the front trigger, whilst not the end if the world, especially with a sprung trigger, it doesnt feel as easy. I understood this to be convention favouring the left handed shooter, not a common variable. Wabbitbosher has a theory that the traditional sbs layout was designed by a lefty which having gone from right to left handed shooting i suspect may be true. Looking at my sbs the front trigger fires the right barrel, the back fires the left, both are curved to hug the index finger for left handed use, the stock is cast for left handed use, but it has a top lever opening when pushed to the right. Bar some very very very expensive items everything available i have seen has the top lever going to the right on an otherwise left handed gun. (Interestingly i find pushing the lever as per left hand much easier on a tight action than as per right hand use). How is the gun in question arranged and what does the owner want to change?
  5. Mine goes in the ammo section of my gun safe, which could be prised open with a coin but my feo is happy.
  6. Wb123


    I was miles away with what i thought you wanted. No idea how you get into that, though ive met people who have mentioned doing that sort of thing. Good on you for wanting to do it, makes me feel like a cynical old *** given my interpretation of tbe first post.
  7. Wb123


    Not with firearms at all, i took the question to be a loosely phrased 'im looking for an alternative income stream using my life experience to aid others in how to live their lives. How do i get clients as a lifecoach/executive trainer/mentor etc'. Shooting wise it seems such a closed shop full of suspicion and secrecy that i doubt there is anything large set up, not that it wouldnt be a good idea though. My fac has a supervision order on it as apparently all do here. In practice this means clay grounds only for six months.
  8. Wb123


    I have had some cracking mentors, but they just seem to appear. No websites involved.
  9. If no night shifts are involved and you can make up the loss of income it could be a reasonably nice way to work. On the other hand if it doesnt suit how much do you want to stay?
  10. I have one with the ammo box at the top. Needed touching up with some black hammerite but not complaining at the price i paid.
  11. Looking at that id just run a cutting disc through the crimp, abut the ends, slip a little insulation tape over, split a slightly too small pvc over to splint, and add a barrel clamp if needed. Assuming i wasnt too attached to the gun. If you have suitable odds and **** lying around it will take an hour perhaps less and cost next to nil, if you need to buy much it may be worth splashing for the new one.
  12. Comes up at £15 for me. Given by skill goes as far as a bsa sweet .22 with marks on it for different ranges and a turret for each bullet mass will take me, i think i will give the app a miss for now.
  13. Cheers for the help everyone, i got the job. They will send a contract and details out early next week.
  14. I font but i think everyone else should. Half the reason people are antishooting is lack of exposure. Treating our hobbies as state secrets will just reinforce this.
  15. Wb123

    Smk synsg

    I have a cheap smk bought for plinking a few years back. I never did much with it beyond try and teach safe handling and generally enthuse some younger siblings. I now find myself living in northern ireland with it on my FAC. Ive been meaning to take it apart and polish it up and try and improve the trigger, but given no power limit here should I be replacing the mainspring also? There will be no market for a second hand smk i imagine, so going over 12foot pounds shouldnt hammer the resale value below zero. Will a new spring be likely to make a smoother and more accurate gun, or should i just polish up the limited one?
  16. A Ruger no1 looks absolutely perfect. Thank you everyone for your input. Would .270 be suitably affordable to feed or load for?
  17. Boot puller. I have one by the front door, one by the back door, and if out if the house the boots are not coming off.
  18. A mate works in taking ideas to production prototypes for a local company. He does most of his work for the company but also takes private contracts occasionally. I can put you in touch if you like, he works around Salisbury.
  19. These things happen, there but for the grace of god go all of us as it were.
  20. Many thanks everyone. We are the same height and take very similar stocks for shotgun so id expect length not to be a huge issue. I know using an action designed for the other hand is quite possible, but i want to avoid the eye full of powder or in worst case sudden action failure into the face. I was thinking more, is there a true ambidextrous action ala ithica shotgun, browning bps, or sa 22?
  21. My better half has expressed an interest in deer stalking, something that has always tempted me too. To try and decide if it is viable in the next year or two as money is somewhat tight i have tried to price it up. She shoots from the right shoulder, i shoot from the left. Are there any truely ambidextrous rifles suitable or am i going to have to price up as needing two rifles?
  22. Another seiko 5 user here. Every year I consider getting something a bit more refined, quite possibly a grand seiko.
  23. I went out the other night to one of the neighbours screaming. A chap who had clearly been terribly over-served was going along trying doors. She had phoned the police, my other half had phoned about the screaming, I found him a street along barely able to stand. The police reckoned he was beyond drunk and the best thing was to put him in his bed (on the other side of town) and have a word with him in the morning, in the mean time to look for any damage he had done overnight and they would push for criminal damage and costs to be reimbursed. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the case. I certainly have tried to get into the wrong house on a number of occasions after a run of long shifts when stone cold sober and could easily see it happening after several light ales. I've done it both on streets where I've not lived for months and just a few doors away from home. This chap allegedly was looking for a place he used to live, an excuse I'd not readily accept had I not found myself in similar straits (but nobody phoned the police and when the door would not open I worked out where I had gone wrong after some pushing pulling and frustration). Obviously in this case the ****** making off with your boots is much clearer.
  24. They are all the rage on the driven sheep circuit...
  25. I need nothing but do terribly want to go back sometime. Fortunately being a lefty it was much easier to be restrained when i visited and only to leave with one gun. I could easily give in for something english made and with a tad of left cast though.
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