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Everything posted by Wb123

  1. This is a very difficult area. I think most of us would want our politicians to represent a selection of society rather than being career politicians. I feel politics should be a field one can move into for a five year term and then be able to move back into normal work in order to encourage this. As such we must allow people to continue to work outside politics to keep their oar in. Or else no sane individual would take a one way trip into politics In Mr Osbournes case it is clear his various employers feel he can provide value for money and balance his commitments. So long as he declares his conflicts of interests, which clearly he has, i fail to see the issue.
  2. Id rather like a pair but given the rate at which i wear shoes out at work I just cant justify spending that much on walking. When not at work i seem to live in my aigles.
  3. I saw a couple the other week. Here they cause no trouble so I leave them alone.
  4. The old system was along those lines but with the request that the GP inform the police if they have concerns, if they develop one of a list of conditions deemed to be worthy of reporting, and to add a firearms marker to the notes. Some forces (Scotland) would only issue after receiving a response, no response no certificate. This had many unsatisfactory aspects as it is a flagrant risk dump onto GPs, has major issues re security of information, and transfers a not insignificant amount of work which is entirely unfunded and not without risk. Therefore it is unsurprising that GPs expect to be paid for it. It is important to note that the key risk areas for firearms ownership are around personality disorder which no sane/insurable GP in the land will profess to be able to offer an opinion on. The new guidance attempts to address these issues by providing a few template letters to help alter the current system which seems to function as the police letter informing the GP but with few shooters paying for a response. Letter one for 'conchies', I do know a few, is just the application of the normal approach when a therapeutic relationship breaks down for whatever reason or requests for abortion etc directed to doctors theologically opposed to it. In essence if you don't feel you can remain suitably impartial or the like you direct them to somebody else. Letter two is the most defensive of all the templates, it translates as 'not able to offer a safe opinion'. If these were issued in very large numbers it could force a rethink of the whole system. Letters three and four are for long and short responses. Note the statement that until the report is received you should assume the applicant has declined to pay the fee. It will be interesting to see if the police will issue where evidence is given to them that licence holders are not engaging fully with the new system. Letter five is the door mat approach of roll over and do the extra work for free. What is interesting around fees for this work is that it bucks the normal trend for extra-contractural private work. Most GPs are stretched on the NHS work till the eyeballs bleed and will rightly want a decent rate for any extra work which will have to be performed once all the NHS work is done. HGV, flying, other medicals etc you can shop around for and usually get a much lower rate with a clinic set up to do nothing but private medicals. This more or less has to be your GP in time he would far rather be with his kids, consequently the usual rules of supply and demand are skewed as you cannot readily go up the road to someone else unless you want to change GP also. If paying employer and employee NI, a marginal tax rate of 40-60%, and indemnity cover around 10-15k a year this rate will have to be rather juicy before the take home amount becomes appealing. I suspect we will see some surgeries only issuing number twos, some three and fours with varying prices depending what the market will support (most GP surgeries I have worked in charge circa £140 for an HGV medical for example). Another potential issue is that the insurers may come out and push for number twos only unless extra cover is purchased. Assuming this change in guidance has a clear effect on clinical practice I suspect it will either make a positive reply from your GP mandatory before a certificate can be issued, or if number twos are given in huge numbers it will effectively remove medical involvement bar the firearms markers on records.
  5. Left home ten years ago and have never had access to one since.
  6. North cotes is fun, brandesburton is fantastic if you are heading over the river.
  7. It looks to slightly improve the playing field between paye and going limited.
  8. Very happy with everything i have seen.
  9. I have third party cover for other cars on my policy document but when i phoned to confirm before borrowing a mates car the office say i dont actually have it as its a 4x4 policy. Glad i phoned as that argument could get expensive.
  10. At that price I'd eat them every week. Unless given shot pigeons I only have pigeon once a year or so.
  11. £30 for a pack of ten. or about £3.50 for a wrapped plucked and gutted bird. Interestingly those prices have held steady, my local farm shop six years back was charging £30 for 10.
  12. Last time i looked at cartridges there my rfd was cheaper. Also they could not discount the single box price, they wouldnt budge from the per box of 25 price even when i wanted 3000. For a single box the prices were not that bad though.
  13. If they can get for free/pickup more than they can sell why should they pay?
  14. I'm anticipating this will be of use for stance and mount practice, with some use for a nice smooth swing. My plan is to see how 'see the bird, stance, mount and swing through' works. I struggle to see how practicing judgement of lead in the bedroom is possible without much more expensive kit. If we could find a way to shoot without leaving the bedroom none of us would ever go outside, it would be like being thirteen again.
  15. I got to see the latest advice for GPs from various medical bodies for dealing with requests for information re firearms licensing. I'm a bit disappointed as it seems unlikely to get rid of the problem all together, with the earlier negotiating panel being unfamiliar with the words 'sod right off' a complete withdrawal of involvement would be difficult to make work. I suspect the end result will be the police not issuing until they receive a suitable letter which most places will charge for, perhaps it is a step towards removing medical input though if shooters and shooting bodies react appropriately. It should go public in the next day or two, watch this space.
  16. Last time I was home I paid £1.50 for a brace in the feather. Plucked and wrapped about £4. Pigeon breasts about £3 each. Apparently the game dealer get the pheasants that are under weight to be bought by the french. They pick them up but don't pay. The french will pay much better than we will so the larger birds go abroad.
  17. I'll bet myself a jam doughnut that is a cat. Furthest I ever found one of my parents cats whilst walking the dog was 2 miles from home coming back to the house from god knows where, I was going out, he was coming back.
  18. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DISCO-LIGHT-made-by-SKYTEC-multi-coloured-REVOLVING-approx-7-034-high-x-8-034-wide-/322435958094?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&nma=true&si=IOp%252FEmlUPA%252BbMDlxjCftBUuHNIs%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc I've got this bad boy in the post, it will certainly be fabulous however well it works as a shooting trainer.
  19. I have a 300tdi disco which was a lot cheaper to buy and insure than a defender. That said given the choice id have a 110, i just have a soft spot for them. The better half found them too agricultral and our budget at the time would not stretch. 2k should get you a very solid disco 1, or an absolute dog of a 'proper landy'. I assume you arent afraid to get dirty, if you wear lace at weekends and like to keep your nails clean get something japanese.
  20. This is a big question and depends what your surgeon is expecting to find which will be very specific to your case. One colleague was on crutches for six weeks and swore blind she would never have had it had she known how painful it would be after, another was back at work that afternoon with supposedly instant cure of her symptoms. I have been offered one which i have declined until my knee gives me more trouble.
  21. One of my pet hates working over here is the huge amounts of branded prescribing. It must cost a fortune but also leads to occasional easily preventable errors. Two cases i have seen in the last six months come to mind, one where a drug to reduce blood clotting was prescribed under a brand name not recognised by the clerking doctor or understood to be a 'blood thinner' by the patient, que lots of unexpected bleeding in theatre. The other was an allergy to another brand name nobody in the unit it had heard of, the patient couldnt begin to spell, and had no idea what it was. We found out it was codeine post op after writing her up for a load of it to unpleasant effects, stringing out her stay by a few days. Both of the above in the old days would have been avoided by preassessment clinics and patients arriving with time to work these things out before trotting off to theatre. Now the process is so rushed it often feels done on a wing and a prayer.
  22. This is a cracking idea. Any chance you could send a link to the revolving thing? Imstruggling to visualise what to buy.
  23. Good man. I paid £20 to the cheapest machinist for one, the smith charged £50.
  24. Some interesting variation here. What would the expected lifespan of a never cleaned completely abused rifle or shotgun be?
  25. I ended up getting a firing pin made from a technical drawing a while back for less than half the price of going to a smith when the previous one broke. Its worth getting a few quotes from machinists, i found several advertising on ebay who returned an enormous variation in prices.
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