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Everything posted by Mice!

  1. So free shooting available but people are giving the bloke stick??? If it said pigeons he would have had 50 reply's. The land owner can say what they like, doesn't have to be fair. I would jump at the chance if it was near me, then you can knock on all the neighbours doors do some name dropping its how I have always got permission. Great offer well done πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€
  2. You world is your oyster really harnser, you can stick with a springer plenty of good guns available, your saying you don't want the hassle of a divers bottle, I've had my rapid 7 since 199? And I've never used a divers bottle yet always just taken the buddy bottle somewhere and got them filled up 150 &300 shots per fill keeps me going. Gas ram is along the same lines as a springer but supposed to be smoother to shoot never shot one tho. You can get air rifles that use c02 powerlet cartridges google crossman. Probably best to buy something second hand see what you think then find you get drawn in to wanting a pcp after all, have a good read through the other posts loads of good advice. Mice
  3. You want them that nice for when your in the dog house really, go on admit it ☺
  4. I would hope it was just an over worked individual making a mistake, when my old fella passed the nurses were great they've obviously seen it before but you don't think of that at the time. I agree with you completely about the running of the NHS can't imagine the number of people that must be employed, yes it could be better run but I wouldn't want the job
  5. It's ok saying we pay for the dentist but that's not by choice, its about £17 now think for a check up, your in and out in maybe 2 mins. I don't think paying to see your gp is right but I think they should have an evening and weekend surgery for workers only, if your on benefits or an oap you should be able to make it during the day. I can say I've never had to wait more than a day or so for an appointment if I've needed one but I work shifts ☺ I read the start of this thread to the wife and straight away she said you should pay a £5 when you make an appointment which gets taken if you don't show up.
  6. There was a lass doing a study couple of weeks back in the woods at back of us, using corrugated plastic? Making a triangle then using something to catch footprints. It was hedgehogs she was looking for but not sure how she got on.
  7. I bought raw dog food, a very American book but good. We feed biscuit in the morning and raw in the afternoons. I read some time ago that if you feed biscuit and meat together it can cause bloating and health issues along with bad wind and stools. We stopped feeding our older dog mixed and he improved loads, then with raw better again coat teeth stools. We now feed our young dog 14 months old biscuit in the morning because its easy for the wife and raw in the afternoons mix of chicken carcass and minced, you need a freezer and fridge but the dog looks great loads of energy.
  8. There was a sirocco on gun trader sounded good a week ago or so, always fancied one.
  9. Pop on the free shooting section you will be Beating them off with a stick.
  10. Mice!

    Horse chestnut

    Just driven by the tip in Leyland and both sides of the road are linned with chestnuts not as big as above but they look great, with a sneaky sweet chestnut amongst them
  11. 1 shot off the bird feeder, first I've seen in weeks. 872
  12. Mice!

    Horse chestnut

    Yes same round my way and the hawthorn really impressive. Lancashire
  13. There is another thread running further down the page answering a lot of your questions, personally always fancied a .25 if I was going fac that's the way I would go.
  14. Are you sure that's an air rifle, looks like something off a Sci fy film. Nice though
  15. Mice!

    got an itch.....

    Means nowt to me that, but I'm not from Leyland just enjoying living here πŸ˜‰
  16. Do you know anyone with hawks? I know they don't want the birds eating lead but if you can guarantee head shots only they may want them and you should get some time watching there birds? Second keeper probably has freezer room for bunnies
  17. And hearing voices πŸ˜… I've got dickies good but thick for summer, thin ones supplied by work but there naff.
  18. Mice!

    got an itch.....

    Ha ha no mate but the radio was onπŸ™Œ
  19. Don't get a windows phone then my last was ok this one is a pain in the πŸ˜—
  20. Mice!

    got an itch.....

    On nights pal just eating breakfast 😌
  21. Mice!

    got an itch.....

    We'll I was right he likes it πŸ‘ is it quiet do you know🀣
  22. Mice!

    got an itch.....

    Plucky pheasant its called can't see a web page and just realised tomorrow is Sunday do might not be open? If its still open they used to advertise having a range so you can try stuff out Like I said snoozer he's started it now, gun porn on a Saturday night haha nice pics thoπŸ€”
  23. Mice!

    got an itch.....

    Have a ride up to ulverston tomorrow mate can't think of the name but sure there is an air rifle place there where you can try stuff out, sooth that itch ha ha
  24. Mice!

    got an itch.....

    You've started it now πŸ˜… I haven't looked at price of new guns in a while but heard good things about the hw 110 I think it was, Longbower off here has 1 said its fantastic
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