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Everything posted by Mice!

  1. I love seeing a woodpecker often walk round in circles when I hear that jack hammer in the woods, had one in the garden in last 5 years.
  2. We bought a new garden ornament last week kingfisher on a bulrush really nice, I'll post a pic. We get them on the river by the house never fails to stop us, also got either marsh tit or willow tits and I still haven't managed to say which it is yet, maybe this year
  3. The bells don't stop them catching anything but at least you will know when it returns home with it's new play mate, not sure if it would work but could you put a cage or similar on inside of door so cat and rat can't run around the house, realise you would need small holes to stop the rat getting away
  4. Just thought I have linked the kindle to one of the lads phone in work once to watch the end of the snooker so you could possibly go that route, we only use it with Wi-Fi but if you have plenty phone data or WiFi were your staying could work
  5. Not sure if showbox works on the kindle we have two now and they do most stuff you have asked about just fine just got a feeling show box needs android to run?? Someone will come along with better knowledge cos I'm not tech savy either
  6. My electric mower just went puff so something wasn't right, the atco cylinder started though she didn't like the long grass 😉
  7. We spotted goldcrests in our garden around a pine tree of some description and been about this year as well, was really chuffed as I had never seen them before
  8. Ha ha Longbower, I wondered if you would take the bait I will pm you ⏰
  9. No not a Munster, I will ask the fella next time i see him where he got him from, brown and white by the way
  10. Cage trap and bait, like you say it will be back.
  11. So did you get the 9 with an air rifle then?, I used to shoot on a golf course and was normally there first light or late evening your very unlikely to meet Joe public at 4 or 5 am. If you can do a few early mornings won't take long to notice a drop in the numbers
  12. Wondered what that fresh smell was! Sure the old TV advert went something like that ☺
  13. Not sure if this is any use to anyone I looked at this thread a while back, but I was out walking down the river the other day and came across a big spaniel, he was eye ball to eye ball with my Gsp and looked to easily out weigh him, my pooch is about 63cm at the shoulder so he looked a big lad but everything looked in proportion and he was moving well??
  14. Read something a while ago think it was on here about using vosene shampoo meant to help, I add coconut oil to my dogs food as well
  15. Thanks 30-6 and dm, I will keep my eyes open for net time there in.
  16. Irs like most things now days manufacturer cutting costs using cheaper materials or skill level so it looks like you got unlucky. As has already been said you should get a straight swap once they take a look at it, if your not happy ask for a refund
  17. Can I ask then even though there only Aldi cameras you sound happy with them i take it, I am planning on getting one next time there in stock Cheers Mice!
  18. If you managed 1 for 1 shot then its 100% and you know your set up worked 👍
  19. Mice!

    Suggest a film

    Newbie, got all those in the dusty DVD pile, a good action film if you haven't seen it is the raid, it never stops or slows down
  20. Mice!

    Suggest a film

    Just had a look it's only 123 mins so not as long as i was thinking can't believe i haven't seen it when its from 1970?? Watched all the usual suspects from around then with my dad el Cid, Spartacus anything with a knight it pirate Newbie, I have all those in the dusty DVD pile a good action shooting film if you haven't seen it is the raid, it never stops or slows down
  21. Mice!

    Suggest a film

    I will have to watch that one, I like historical films when you know there accurate, read all the sharpe series by Bernard Cornwell and seen the TV series that's the thing I felt let it down not enough actors or extras to make it feel epic. Thanks
  22. Mice!


    Don't know where you are Esca, but do you have an air rifle club near you? Might be able to turn up and ask the question most people probably quite happy to let you take a look, just be careful if there field target probably be great but not always practical for shooting live quarry
  23. I saw an interview with phil and holly on ITV this morning with a former royal marine, couldn't agree more with what he said, we don't know half of what goes on and were better off that way A mate of mine came back from what was Yugoslavia he was never quite the same, he just said once picture a 14 year old facing your way with an AK47, we couldnt deal with that these chaps do on our behalf
  24. Used to enjoy spring watch etc but with him bleating on its better on mute. As for poodles used to be a standard one my dog ran with many moons ago lovely big dog with a normal hair cut
  25. You got me curious now guzzicat how did they save his life?
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