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Everything posted by clangerman

  1. as our pathetic response to this mess is a letter from fat boy they won’t bother about lack of a fishing license it’s not like we are going to do anything but whine about it
  2. exactly what’s needed remove gutless gump and hand the job to someone with the minerals to dump them of
  3. sound like marriage material to me avoid avoid avoid
  4. like the gov tells the truth if you have the minerals you can do whatever you please these people are trying to enter the country illegally if criminals refuse to listen you make them do so if it takes razor wire or firearms you deploy them
  5. when we run out of excuses someone will eventually admit we have a gutless wimp running the show if the boot was on the other foot we would be waving them of to france this is a reality of the brexit lie control of our own borders WHAT control!
  6. best money you will ever spend don’t make the same mistake twice stick to single and mingle
  7. can’t make a silk purse from a sows ear ditch the cheap springer and buy a quality pcp job done
  8. clangerman


    gumps blithering on about peppa pig is the new bench mark in embarrassing your self how does anyone sober look that stupid
  9. it won’t make a difference last years most popular gift for grannie was covid
  10. so long as they have a license to print money from their gov masters no interest in showing riots that might give people ideas
  11. having a brew after shooting with a farmer two girls came past with a pigeon informed them it was one we most likely lost but apparently not they insisted the bird had trauma? from a fall pair of us had a job not to laugh
  12. good report there getting amongst a few nice job
  13. one of us is exactly how the public see it here we are defending needless cruelty and there will be moaning when we get shut down unreal
  14. neither have I my uncle was a cruel man but as a farrier beat a horse in this manner you would leave his yard missing teeth and your horse needless cruelty
  15. clangerman


    nice one it’s all the fun stuff and hand them back when you had enough love having mine spoil him rotten
  16. it’s a owners responsibility to have control so if your dog kills someone’s child you should be charged with manslaughter
  17. Saturday night before last five stabbings in town centre problem is not knives it’s the booze
  18. we stopped doing that because it was far to sensible and worked
  19. describes it spot on facebook especially is not worth the time it takes to sign up
  20. working with a new gun and young dog no shame in a bag like that and topped with a good post well done
  21. only thing more disgusting than food waste is supermarkets daily price hikes for a essential like food something more than wrong with their morals profit before all else sickening
  22. only on rape here with buckwheat in watched them eating the seeds for most of today
  23. now that’s a how it’s done vid dropped like flys nice job
  24. basc need to check out the land officer on the tube then about the most honest vid on steel with a 20b you will see no frills decoying in the field 35yrds and your done fair play to the man for his honesty exactly the same findings as myself and crew and I think he’s being over generous at 35yrds
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