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Yep a good night out on the beer will do it, I spent last friday night at a wedding reception and probably had somewhere in the region of 12 - 15 pints of John Smiths (**** I know but it was the only bitter they had) and my **** was evil on the saturday

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Large volumes of cheap strong lager plus some high protein stuff like eggs. Thats why dog pumps smell so bad ie protein. Try to refrain from burping too,let it go downwards.You can get the wife to massage your abdomen to assist but do the decent thing and get them to step back as you issue forth.Bear in mind it contains Pheromones,so be prepared for passion!

Works for me apart from the massage bit,my wind disgusts my family :sick:

Edited by vole21
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worked away for 8 weeks once, kept to a good health diet :sick:

breakfast- a good old fry up

dinner- sausage or bacon and egg batches

tea- a carvery £5 all you could eat ??? plus plenty of lager

cleared the scaffold on numerous occasions with the old botty burp :good:

and on one occasion trapped one of the lads to suffer :hmm: all i could here was ime going to be sick, ime going to be sick :yes::yes::yes:

i do love working on the buildings

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worked away for 8 weeks once, kept to a good health diet :sick:

breakfast- a good old fry up

dinner- sausage or bacon and egg batches

tea- a carvery £5 all you could eat ??? plus plenty of lager

cleared the scaffold on numerous occasions with the old botty burp :good:

and on one occasion trapped one of the lads to suffer :hmm: all i could here was ime going to be sick, ime going to be sick :yes::yes::yes:

i do love working on the buildings

actually had one of the boys i work with spewing of the scaffolding lol

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for really stinking ones (so bad that the smell makes your eyes water when you go to the toilet) you need to put in a bit of effort - drink for 5 days, first two days vodka and red bull, nex two days port, then the final day more vodka and red bull. you dont need massive amounts (3 1/2 bttls vodka, 1 bottle port) will do the job perfectly :hmm::sick:

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