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You will find no link It is a town called Ravensthorpe, predominantly Asian into which all the other asylum seekers from all over the place are finding themselves. By the way, Ravensthorpe is also home to the biggest Amphetamine factory in Europe, according to relaible sources, but before you ask why aren't the authorities steaming in and sorting it, it is a racially sensitive area, one in fact where the traffic wardens are specifically instructed NOT to ticket an Asian car, WHATEVER the circumstances, yeelow lines, no tax etc etc to avoid racial confrontation (fact and don't ask me who is the traffic warden because that would just get them into trouble) We are finding of the riots from the police who attend them who are part of the local shooting community. The news is being repressed, for whatever reason, and that is first hand from the cops on the ground. The boys name is Lee Massey and to save you trawling (but feel free) here is the report





On the 12th of October, 2003, Dewsbury Celtic Rugby player and father-of-one, Lee Massey, was murderously attacked in the Ravensthorpe area of Dewsbury, West Yorkshire.


A gang of up to 40 middle-eastern asylum seekers, wielding machetes, hammers, knives and iron bars attacked Lee, Darren Lee, his stepson, Daniel and several others as they were enjoying an evening out.


Darren was stabbed and suffered a punctured lung and Daniel had 30 stitches in wounds in his arm and chest.


During the attack, a car was driven at them, it mounted the pavement and Lee was catapulted into the air, landing on his head. The driver of the car then deliberately reversed his vehicle over him, shattering his skull. Lee suffered severe brain damage and leg injuries as a result.


The car sped off and was later found abandoned.


Police later arrested five asylum-seekers but were unable to charge anyone because none of them could speak English and no translator who understood their dialect could be found.


Subsequently, five more men were arrested. A little while later, these men, and the five who were originally taken into custody, were released on police bail. One irate local said:


"Our local TV news thought it more important to tell us about how unfair it is that there isn't a mosque in Belfast to cater for the city's Muslim population, rather than report the attack on Lee. People here think the authorities and the media are working together to keep the lid on this".


Those who attempted to kill Lee and his friends, whose whose crude and unpleasant comments to a girl they didn't know had set the events of that evening in train, had been sent to Dewsbury as a result of the Home Office's dispersal programme.


A spokeswomen for Kirklees Council suggested that the number of asylum seekers living in Dewsbury was "somewhere between 700 and 900".


A total news blackout was imposed upon the events of that night by the British media.


The only site on the whole of the World Wide Web where news of Lee's condition could be accessed in the immediate aftermath was that of the British National Party.


On the 26th of November, 2004, The Yorkshire Post reported thus:


"Ten Iraqi Kurds assembled weapons including a metal pole and a chunk of wood with nails for the pre-planned attack outside the Royal public house in Ravensthorpe, Dewsbury...


The prosecution say Lee Massey was on the pavement when he was injured by a blue Honda Civic which was deliberately driven at him. He received head injuries, a fractured skull, and has been left with severe and permanent brain damage. While he was in hospital it was thought he would not survive but he did so.


Mr Gibson (prosecuting) said the attack on October 12 last year - a Sunday - was planned and that the Iraqis had gathered at a house in Ravensthorpe to prepare.


'A large group of Iraqi men met at a house just around the corner from the Royal. It was the home of two of the defendants, Ari Karim and Jaza Karim.


Many of the participants arrived by car. The prosecution say the meeting was pre-arranged. A number of weapons were taken up. Wooden legs were removed from a table, a metal pole outside the house was taken and at least two men were armed with knives. Somebody had a piece of wood with nails in it. A skip was near the house - other debris such as concrete was taken'.


The Iraqis then went to the car park of the Royal pub where one of them, Saman Ahmed, spoke to landlord John Butcher, according to the prosecution...


Bestoon Mohammed has denied wounding Darren and Daniel Lee with intent. Mohsen Sadiq has denied causing Lee Massey grievous bodily harm with intent.


The other defendants are: Ari Karim, Hawker Mahmood, Jaza Karim, Saman Ahmed, Bahgat Fayzulla, Nizar Maoloud, Herish Wali and Najat Majid".


Mohsen Sadiq, who was jailed for twelve years, was the only one of the riotous asylum-seekers who ended up with a jail sentence.


Nine other Iraqi Kurds were cleared of any involvement and the rest never came to trial. This included those who chased and stabbed Darren and Danny and tried to stab others.


And Sadiq, who was granted temporary permission to stay in the UK after his asylum claim was rejected, did not have to face a charge of attempted murder, grievous bodily harm was the only thing he was charged with. Commenting upon this, Judge Alistair McCallum said:


"I wish I could pass a higher sentence for this heinous crime but I am bound by precedent." He also said:


"You intended to cause Lee Massey really serious injuries and you certainly achieved your goal. Out of respect for his relatives I shall not catalogue his appaling injuries... but you have totally ruined his future, permanently leaving him completely incapable of enjoying a normal life, and destroying his marriage."


Judge McCallum added that Sadiq's response on being told of Lee's injuries, he said, "that's his problem", demonstrated a "lack of humanity I have not encountered in the many people who have come before me."


Lee's mother, Margaret, said:


"Before, he was happy-go-lucky, he loved his work as a HGV driver. He was a fantastic rugby player – he can't play rugby again, he can't work again. He's very angry and frustrated with his injuries. He can't speak properly but he has taught himself to walk again. He has good days and bad days."


Is it 6 years since ? Crikey time flies!


Yep Fullbore is correct. Raventhorpe is a good for saken place and on the occassion I do have to drive through the vermin pit of dewsbury and raventhorpe its best to kept the windows closed


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I do wonder what the BNP are really trying to do in politics because they could never actually run the country, know how to start running the country or have much dialogue with the rest of the world (that we would want to be in discussion with!) How much insanity does Nick Griffin have? How much is ego driven? because I am very confused by his motives since he has unsound and frankly pathetic arguments for any of his points.


I don`t have the answer to that, but ill tell you this, Nick Griffin might be a nutter, his ideas and ways of doing things might be to far-right or to extreme for you, But I think you all should be happy that there is a bloke called Nick griffin and that he is as bold or as nuts as he is.


He is a man that cares about his own people and his own people only, yes white people that have been here for a very long time. The thing is the other politicians don`t care, they will do more for other races and nationals then for their own.

They will put political correctness before their own history, culture and religion.


I am from South Africa (White) and our history, religion, culture and our language is being destroyed, school text books is being burned so that our history gets erased, the thing is we would like a guy like Griffin because only then will there be someone that constantly reminds everybody that we or in your case the English are still here and that you guys should not be treated worse then the other guy.


Look in France there are now more foreigners then the original folk, in the USA the black population is almost getting bigger then the white population the same in the EU and slowly but surely in the UK, when that happens the original group gets made second class people and their history, culture and language gets taken away for PC or what ever, now some of you folk might say that`s being racist, well what makes another race better?, why then do we want to save the polar bear when there is other bears that is more easy to look after, because every one specie is just as important as the other.


You need a guy like Griffin to remind the other politicians that it`s okay to fly the St Georges flag when England is playing football or rugby, hell I could go on but some of you guys still need to learn to appreciate what you got and realise what you got that is in danger of being lost.

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He did make one point which I did respect and that was for other countries and religions to acknowledge we are the rulers in our own country just as they are the rulers in theres. We leave you alone and you leave us alone to run our own affairs.




Bring back our Armed fources to this country, post them at all ports of entry to out Island, and use them also to back the police up and crack down on crime.


And stop wasting money on other countrys and lets get our own house in order before preching to others.


Religion is very much the root of all evil followed closley by benifits.

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I don`t have the answer to that, but ill tell you this, Nick Griffin might be a nutter, his ideas and ways of doing things might be to far-right or to extreme for you, But I think you all should be happy that there is a bloke called Nick griffin and that he is as bold or as nuts as he is.


He is a man that cares about his own people and his own people only, yes white people that have been here for a very long time. The thing is the other politicians don`t care, they will do more for other races and nationals then for their own.

They will put political correctness before their own history, culture and religion.


I am from South Africa (White) and our history, religion, culture and our language is being destroyed, school text books is being burned so that our history gets erased, the thing is we would like a guy like Griffin because only then will there be someone that constantly reminds everybody that we or in your case the English are still here and that you guys should not be treated worse then the other guy.


Look in France there are now more foreigners then the original folk, in the USA the black population is almost getting bigger then the white population the same in the EU and slowly but surely in the UK, when that happens the original group gets made second class people and their history, culture and language gets taken away for PC or what ever, now some of you folk might say that`s being racist, well what makes another race better?, why then do we want to save the polar bear when there is other bears that is more easy to look after, because every one specie is just as important as the other.


You need a guy like Griffin to remind the other politicians that it`s okay to fly the St Georges flag when England is playing football or rugby, hell I could go on but some of you guys still need to learn to appreciate what you got and realise what you got that is in danger of being lost.


Actually, I am really not happy that Nick Griffin exists (in politics) because, as I also said "to a degree, some of his points have merit". And for those issues to progress up the agenda I want an upright politician who can articulate his/her clear thoughts and persuade, one who can debate, one who has the guts to stand and be counted. One who achieves success though leadership, by doing the right thing not though fascist propaganda and violence. I imagine a person who can lead the UK in tackling issues such as Ravensthorpe as mentioned a couple of posts above. Unfortunately we do not currently have such a politician as they all want to be PC/re-electable moderates by taking the line of least resistance. We appear to have political managers not statesmen and leaders.

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Not really no.


The BNP is a political party, Jack Straw is one man who is a member of a political party. You know the labour party who was elected to run the country.


Now the labour party may be doing a bad job but the BNP wouldn't know where to start.



Not sure where you are coming from with this, Nick Griffin is also only one man.


A bad job indeed and are you sure ANYBODY could do any worse. Today, in a country where we don't even have an armed police force, streets of the city are being patrolled by police with SUB MACHINE GUNS. That doesn't even happen in America. Why is this necessary? Whose fault is it?

It is problems like thes that need addressing, as well as rampant immigration, a burgeoning health service, health tourism, and before you start shouting racist at me, how come an American can come here and be treated for free when we don't have a reciprocal agreement with them? Youu need medical treatment in the States mate, you'd better have a fat wallet or insurance, and then there's the Ozzies, going on their round the world trips but the first port of call is England so they can get all the jabs free.

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I imagine a person who can lead the UK in tackling issues such as Ravensthorpe as mentioned a couple of posts above. Unfortunately we do not currently have such a politician as they all want to be PC/re-electable moderates by taking the line of least resistance. We appear to have political managers not statesmen and leaders.


oh you are so wrong? if only this chap could get a bit more backing I would vote for him in a heartbeat





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Not really no.


The BNP is a political party, Jack Straw is one man who is a member of a political party. You know the labour party who was elected to run the country.


Now the labour party may be doing a bad job but the BNP wouldn't know where to start.




yes the nasty nasty BNP not like those other "elected" nice lads? eh!





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god you've got some dubious reading material Kudubya no wonder you're paranoid about authority


not paranoid about authority at all I just hate dishonest people in EVERY walk of life not just the controlling few,and I will not be herded like a subserviant sheep,


filth is filth corrupt is corrupt and bent is bent simple as, no grey area's ask our recent resigned 1st female home secretary,

or ian blair :good:





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You hate dishonest people yet you are defending that cretin Nick Griffin and the facist party that he leads?


Which face have you got on today? as you obviously have 2


I have never said I support griffin other than his right to speak freely and hang himself if he wishes (can you actually read?)

oh and who was it bashing the cops last night outside BBC headquarters in wood lane was it the "facists" no it was the bused in rent a mob some sponsered by trade unions (not known to be lefties them eh? get your mail today)


I simply say the rest are not that clean are they? if the scum that infested the present govt had actually represented the wishes of the people who elected them, rather than further their own left wing ideology whilst lining their pockets at the same time griffin and co would not be above the horizon, the far right looks a good alternative right now to some? ask about in a northern mill town?



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I have never said I support griffin other than his right to speak freely and hang himself if he wishes (can you actually read?)

oh and who was it bashing the cops last night outside BBC headquarters in wood lane was it the "facists" no it was the bused in rent a mob some sponsered by trade unions (not known to be lefties them eh? get your mail today)


I simply say the rest are not that clean are they? if the scum that infested the present govt had actually represented the wishes of the people who elected them, rather than further their own left wing ideology whilst lining their pockets at the same time griffin and co would not be above the horizon, the far right looks a good alternative right now to some? ask about in a northern mill town?





Do you really think a BNP governmemt would be any different?


It is not the government that run a country, it is the civil servants that work behind the scenes.


And no I didn't get any mail today, and until you have just mentioned it I hadn't noticed. I had also forgot that the lazy ******** that are royal mail workers were on strike. The sooner they either get on with the job they are paid to do or are replaced by people that will the better, ******* unions are a disgrace and have been and will continue to be the downfall of industry and service in this country.

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Do you really think a BNP governmemt would be any different?


It is not the government that run a country, it is the civil servants that work behind the scenes.


And no I didn't get any mail today, and until you have just mentioned it I hadn't noticed. I had also forgot that the lazy ******** that are royal mail workers were on strike. The sooner they either get on with the job they are paid to do or are replaced by people that will the better, ******* unions are a disgrace and have been and will continue to be the downfall of industry and service in this country.


see we aint that far apart?


oh and it looks like auntie has got the message judging by these comments?



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I think Nick did a decent job & stood up well, since he was the only sheep amongst the wolves, prefabricated at best. He's thrown out a challenge on Sky News this morning to the Straw Man, & Co, lets see what happens, bet they won't want to give him anymore publicity.


Was a wake up call, best one was the Muslim Guy who Nick answered, & told him some home truths about his own faith, he went a bit silent after that.


We all know they wont get to rule the country, but at the end of the day Joe Bloggs on the street does agree with a lot he is saying,



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I think Nick did a decent job & stood up well, since he was the only sheep amongst the wolves, prefabricated at best. He's thrown out a challenge on Sky News this morning to the Straw Man, & Co, lets see what happens, bet they won't want to give him anymore publicity.


Was a wake up call, best one was the Muslim Guy who Nick answered, & told him some home truths about his own faith, he went a bit silent after that.


You're telling me he did!


We all know they wont get to rule the country, but at the end of the day Joe Bloggs on the street does agree with a lot he is saying,





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You hate dishonest people yet you are defending that cretin Nick Griffin and the facist party that he leads?


Which face have you got on today? as you obviously have 2



Oh come on surely you can come up with more names than that, which is he a a fascist cretin or dishonest. I didn't see Nick Griffins name on the list of dishonest mortgage fiddlers and bogus expense claimers

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They totally missed out on the identity issue and NG could have scored some real points.


Councils not allowing the flying of the St Georges cross

Councils not allowing schoolkids to make and exchange Xmas cards

Happy holiday instead of merry xmas

Same with easter.

Kids coming home from school and telling parents they need to take this, that and the other tomorrow as they're going to do an Asian dance or a pretend Asian wedding. None of the traditional English things that we were brought up with.


It may offend someone from another faith or culture but it doesn't matter in the least if it offends us.


Add to that, that we have a scottish Parliament, a Welsh Assembly, a thingummy in NI and a British Government. Where is England in all this? It doesn't appear to be there, does it?


And you wonder why people are turning to a party that is preaching Britain for the British? In fact what they actually mean (in my humble opinion) is England for the English and it's what a lot of the population want to hear. Many are sick and tired of being treated as second class citizens in their own country.


By the way. To add to the yorkshire bit, there are a couple of parts of Leeds that are no go areas and run by Somalis and Asians. Outside inner city London this area is the worst in the country.

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