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Did the Gales ruin your day too?


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went out this morning- it was dry but a tad windy- we drove the 3 miles to one of our larger shoots- only to find the wind had picked up a notch and was bending some seriously large oak tree's- setting a hide would have been dammed near impossible and as for woodies nothing was flying apart fromone large Carrion Crow and he was being blown about something aweful :yes::good:


so an full english breakfast in the local cafe a vist to the RFD to buy 22 LR rounds and home by 10am- :( :(


so, did it ruin it for anyone else??


Les :good:

Edited by Lez325
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Not at all......


Set up for Pigeons but it was obvious they werent going to play....


So put out a couple of crow decoys............. :yes:


Then it all went ballistic..... :good:


Crows and Jackdaws every where....


Took 80 shells and ran out at 1 o'clock with 44 crows and Jackdaws....


Cleared up and just got back in the truck and the heavens opened.....


So all in all a good day... :good:

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Sorry you had a bad day mate, very windy and wet in norfolk too.

inbetween the showers i've been sniping pigeons in the farmers field. THEY'RE SO DUMB!!!!!

got about 30 with my 22 before they twigged i was behind my hedge.

lucky for me he still hasn't ploughed his field yet cos they do seem to like the stubble.

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We had mostly rain all day today and we had only shot 4 pigeons by lunch and we waited till about 2:30 pm and we went into our main roost wood where there were a few birds going in abit earlier than normal and luckily the rain had finally stopped but the wind was very strong and there was the odd tree and branch falling down in the wood but we gave it ago anyway.


Dad sat up one end I sat in the middle and we ended the day with 44 pigeons, 1 dove, 1 squirrel and 8 Crows :yes:

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The wind was good fun.. not so sure about the rain mind...


I was out Pheasant shooting today with Catamong... some fantastic high birds with the wind behind them! - Highlight of the day for me, was pulling down a last season big cock bird, come - sky scaper that broke from a wooded spinny! He was going some, and would not have been out of place on one of the south west's "high birds" days... :yes:


Rain stopped play though just after lunch.

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Gale what gale. I went out this morning after geese and all we had was a light breeze on the Norfolk coast. Thousands of pink feet over all well out of range and just had a single greylag. The wind got up a bit this afternoon , but noway near as strong as the forcasters promised. We have yet to have any real rough weather yet this season , we are praying for some real rain to flood the marsh , but everywhere is dry at the moment. We need weeks of rain to do any good.

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Not at all.


Had about 12 guns for our walk one, beat one syndicate, 14 pheasant and 3 pigeon shot for 59 cartridges. Ther drives were in the valley as up on the South Downs we'd have struggled to stand up!!


Finished at 1pm and as soon as we left car park the rain started. No rain in for the whole morning.


Great morning with some good shots by the guns who were lucky enough to have a shot!!



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Another cracking day for me the farmer has now plough in 100 or so arces leaving only bout 20 as a strip .

Perfect the birds poured in all day till 1500 hrs shot nearly 500 rounds for 364 pigeons 10 rooks some jackdaws.

Started first light the rain did not put them off they where coming across from a large wood 4 or 5 clicks away in constant stream like starling do .

Off with the ferrets tommorow then down to game dealers .

Regards over the hill

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it ruined it for me :yes:

had not been able to get out for the last couple of weeks, so was adamant that I'd get out today, wind took my home made blind across the field a couple of times, 1 pidgeon and 1 crow, the rest were too high and fast, will keep fingers crossed next friday is calmer

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Probably just had the best day's shooting I have ever experienced. Shooting Partridges on the edge of Salisbury plain. Absolute screamers which needed a bundle of lead and then some. I shared a peg with my wife and we had our fair share of the 94 birds shot to 8 guns. Can't get the grin off my face ;-)


Why can't every day be a shooting day and every shooting day be a REALLY windy one ;-)


Night all.

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If anything the wind enhanced the day.It was our first day this year and the birds were everywhere they should have been an flew better than they ever have.There was 68 birds in the bag and there was 306 shots fired which was a reflection of the conditions and the quality of the birds.Roll on next week.

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seems I was wrong then - most seemed to have had a good days sport- Im in Somerset and that wind was GALE force almost blew my truck of the road at one point and the rain was coming in sideways lol


Now look at today- I have things to do and its flat calm and sunny down here- typical aint it :good:


Les :yes:

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