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is it worth givin up???





25g =4 days



I gave up nearly 4 weeks ago after smoking between 40 and 50 a day and realising that I was slowly killing myself!

I feel so much better both physically and mentally and I am much better off financially. I don't know you from Adam but please give quitting smoking a try, if not for yourself for your family and friends.

If you want any help, advice or information please do not hesitate in sending me a PM!


Edit: If you want to know more have a look at: http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/ind...howtopic=104841

You will be surprised how many others are either giving up or trying to give up smoking!

Edited by Frenchieboy
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Get it done dont just talk about it .

Its not easy I smoked for 20 years and I could probably just go back to it tomorrow . But im no quitter :P

Make your mind up and stick to it .

:good::good: :go

od: :yes: :blink:


I'm 5 years in april...it's now like smelling fish n chips and you gotta have em, but the urge is gone within a minute, if you know what i mean.



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  • 1 month later...

im trying, will be 3 weeks this friday. i have to admit, i am one of the grumpy quitters though, i fret over the slightest things. i know i must quit, i just do not know if i can do it. also i dont feel that much different physically, altho i only went thru maybe 15 to 18 cigs a day. i quit because of the price of the damn things! good luck to all trying

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Well done keep up the good work, I quit over 5 years ago and was on around 20 to 30+ rollies a day, Ifeel loads better now and my clothes no longer stink, I tried all sorts of different methods to do it but the only thing that worked was just going cold turkey, hard work but worth it, good luck.

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Well done keep up the good work, I quit over 5 years ago and was on around 20 to 30+ rollies a day, Ifeel loads better now and my clothes no longer stink, I tried all sorts of different methods to do it but the only thing that worked was just going cold turkey, hard work but worth it, good luck.



Dont ya mean cold chicken its cheaper!





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About 7 years for me ,best thing i've ever done the sense of achievment is brilliant and the money you save is bloody unbelieveable. O.K. say you smoke 20 a day thats £35 a week or £140 a month and over a year thats £1680 ,soon adds up doesn't it?

Anyway really well done mate keep it up ,fantastic effort so far. :good:

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About 7 years for me ,best thing i've ever done the sense of achievment is brilliant and the money you save is bloody unbelieveable. O.K. say you smoke 20 a day thats £35 a week or £140 a month and over a year thats £1680 ,soon adds up doesn't it?

Anyway really well done mate keep it up ,fantastic effort so far. :good:

I rekon i smoked a few more than that.


I could get near 150 out of 25g i did roll quite thin tho!




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