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Kidney stones


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I have just spent the last 2 days in absolute agony because of a kidney stone, it started on saturday after going out with protom, barney, and ryan for a walk round shoot.


While walking round i noticed a small amount of discomfort coming from my lower left back, then during the day it seemed to move round to the front side, it was not too bad to start with so ithought no more of it.


Later on saturday night i got a real bad twinge from it which lasted for about 10 mins then went away.


Sunday night, early hours of monday mornning was spent down at my local A&E Dept doubled up in absolute agony, I can't describe the pain, but on a scale of 1---10 it was about 11,, after being seen by the staff and a doctor they diagnosed a Kidney stone with a possible secondary infection caused by the stone passing through, apparently its the nearest thing a man can have to giving birth

They prescribed Morphine for the pain, i had a couple of shots of this, boy what a difference, it didn't remove all the pain but at least it was bearable, also given something to stop me being sick everywhere.


I had to go to work on monday to do a training course still in agony, the pain killers given to me by the hospital took some of it away, but i was still very uncomfortable, I have to go in again this morning to finish off the course and then i am going home.



I have just found out that i will have to see the consultant reference this stone and he will decide what to do with it.


Has any one else had one of these things, and how did they get rid of it.

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I have suffered with kidney stones for the last 30 years (despite taking drugs to reduce my calcium levels) and had 12 operations to remove them.

I have only managed to pass 5 stones without medical intervention.

They are very painful, but only when they are moving.

Drink lots of liquid (water preferably), this flushes them out as "dust" and doesn't give them a chance to grow.

In the last 3 years I have increased my intake to 3 litres+ a day and only had one slight incident.

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Drink lots of liquid (water preferably),


I had one about 5 years ago, and touch wood nothing since.


I realy only drink water anyway, and the Dotor actualy put it down to a holiday in France, with a combination of dehidration and drinking French bottled water which they add extra calcium to (becuase it is good for you!)


ANyway, worst pain ever, more so than child birth women say. :good:

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My Mrs would agree with you V8. She's had them and a mate of mine has them at the mo. The OH got hers on the first night of our hols a few years back now. Rushed her to the local A&E about 11pm through a real pea souper of a fog. Luckily I kinda knew the road and it was very twisty turny.


Turned up at the A&E with stomach contents all down the side of my van. The pain was so intense she spent most of the time throwing up. I wouldn't have minded too much but I splashed out on Haddock & chips for her earlier that evening. I'll not have it said I don't know how to show a bird a good time.


Cut a long story short, she had one stuck in her tube from the kidney to the bladder and another still in the kidney. She had a JJ stent put in to drain the kidney as it had become enlarged and couldn't shock the stone as it may have damaged the kidney. After about 5 - 6 weeks she had it all treated and removed. She now has a list of food she should avoid as they're high in oxalates or oxalic acid which most kidney stones are formed from. Things like tea, coffee, strawberries, chocolate, rhubarb, beetroot etc, are all on the list. She just has a little now & then.


Anyway, sympathies for you my friend as the Mrs said she'd rather have another kid than go through that again.

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Your description sounds all too familiar to me.


I ended up in A & E about 6 weeks ago having suffered for a few days, until the pain got too bad.


I landed on the surgical assessment unit; within a few hours I had seen 3 different consultants, had X ray; Ultra sound; and Scan. They located the stone trapped in a tube. They decided that it was too small and in the wrong place for Ultrasonic fragmentation, and prescribed drugs to ease passing, and an instruction to drink lots of water.


I had to stop the drugs after a little more than a week due to side effects.


I saw a Urologist in clinic a couple of weeks ago, still in discomfort rather than pain, and had a further Xray. A few days later the consultant telephoned me to advise that he had reviewed the Xray, and that the stone was still in place, and offered me an operation to grab the stone. I thanked him for the offer and requested that we put the operation on hold, as I did not know if I had passed the stone or not, but that I had been totally pain free for 2 days. I received an appointment for an Ultrasound scan next week.


I can't complain about the service that I have received, and would agree that the pain reached 11/10; certainly comparable to the pain experienced from the serious burns that I endured in April 08.



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Kidney Stones, just the mention of these brings me to my knees. I've had several of them and had a rough ride with treatment for it too.


The first stone I passed several days after Lithotripsy in London. I'll never forget it as it literally brought me to my knees.


My last stone was the worst. After diagnosis and having had a stone's before, I was booked in for Lithotripsy at St Thomas'. This didn't work and I was then readmitted to have a stent fitted. Effectively a plastic tube that's inserted in the Urethra to help the stone pass. Unfortunately, they used the wrong size tube and after several days, made me bleed very heavily, so much so that I was rushed back in to have an emergency operation to remove it.


I was then sent back for more Lithotripsy in London but this time using a different machine that does not require a General Anaesthetic. I wish they had knocked me out though, it fires a sound wave with pin point accuracy at the stone to break it down. Each shot is timed with your heart beat and is gradually increased in power. I received 100 of these and each one was like someone flicking an elastic band against me. Fortunately, that worked.


I haven't had another stone since '95 and prey that I never have another.

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I had them 2 months ago, started just with a slight pain, a couple of hours later I were all over the carpet, I could not stand, sit hell, I just could not do anything.


The wife phoned the NHS direct, next thing I knew they parked-up with a ambulance, took me to A&E, I was vomiting all over that ambulance, then got to A&E,vomiting all over that, it felt like I were sucking dents into the gas bottle but nothing help till the doc got there and gave me 10ml of morphine, that helped a lot with the pain.


The doc thought that it was my appendix and said she will have to do a internal.

**** me, before I could give it some real thought she had her thumb smeared in lube and up my bum it went, at that point I had no more dignity left.


Next day, had all the x-rays with the dye and 3 days later I was set free, never ever again do want this, was not pleasant in any way, shape, size or form.

Edited by Guinea Fowl
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Just been to see my GP, I have to go for some more blood tests, have an ultra sound scan done in the next few days, and it seems there is still blood in my urine so he has asked me to take another sample in a few days time.


At least the pain & discomfort has gone (for the time being)


Guinea Fowl Posted Today, 06:45 PM

I had them 2 months ago, started just with a slight pain, a couple of hours later I were all over the carpet, I could not stand, sit hell, I just could not do anything.


The wife phoned the NHS direct, next thing I knew they parked-up with a ambulance, took me to A&E, I was vomiting all over that ambulance, then got to A&E,vomiting all over that, it felt like I were sucking dents into the gas bottle but nothing help till the doc got there and gave me 10ml of morphine, that helped a lot with the pain.


When i phoned NHS direct they suggested that i should drive myself to A+E and if i felt sick or felt i was going to pass out i should pull over and phone for an ambulance

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:good: yes i had one about 3 years ago,hospital decided to remove the stone[large] using keyhole surgery.they removed the stone as best they could and i had a bag connected to my ----,can't remember what the bag was called.peeded blood for about 2 days and felt fantastic. infection crept in with the small bits of stone that was left inside,they decided to try sound wave treatment[lithotripsy] which is like being shot with a high velocity rifle,i was "HIT" 3.600 times over 3 sessions and have been sound ever since. nothing to worry about-only when they remove the tube from your ----.NOW THAT BRINGS TEARS TO YOUR EYE'S i can tell you :good::good:;)
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Yep, had this three times altogether, & thankfully didn't have to have surgery, but at the time I would have agreed to anything they suggested.


I can't describe the pain, but on a scale of 1---10 it was about 11,,


If you've never had this pain, it's one of a kind, you never forget it, doesn't matter what you do to ease it, it's still there :good:



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Mungler mate time for a new GP me thinks.....




I am normally pretty damn good a dealing with pain but never having had this and seeing the sheer number of responses of how painful it is, and I can't believe that there are that many "Big Gurls" here I pray I never suffer this ailment.


please can you lot tell me you are all way over thirty, please please please. I don't drink tea or coffee though so hopefully that lowers my chances.


Get well soon.

Edited by danccooke
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i had a bout of kidney stones a while back.started off with sore nuts.i went to the doc and he prescribed anti biotics.weeks later and still no better i got out of a seat in work one day for the pain to erupt.i passed blood in my urine and it was a scary moment.i headed to casualty to be diagnosed 9 hours later with a kidney stone.i have only had one twinge since then.not good company i assure you.

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Age is no issue . I passed one when I was 23 . I was in the shower and got the sudden urge to pee . Then my legs gave way and i wizzed pure blood whilst lying there . Its not a moment I wish to repeat. Anyone who has had or is going throu it now has my sympathy. Pain relief is the only thing that helps

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