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Islam for uk demo


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There is no chance of that demo taking place; they make an announcement to get free publicity and everyone talking about it.


You are giving them what they want.


Ignore the crack pots - they are the BNP of Muslims :yes:


Move along, nothing to see here. The end.




Send 'em all home!


I :good: The Daily Mail.


Etc etc


And dare I say everyone was jumping up and down about the BNP, however when you get most people alone in conversation they find some of their ideas good, they actually say what is on peoples minds, the biggest danger if they get power is that they dont have the infrastructure to manage.



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And dare I say everyone was jumping up and down about the BNP, however when you get most people alone in conversation they find some of their ideas good, they actually say what is on peoples minds, the biggest danger if they get power is that they dont have the infrastructure to manage.




the bnp sound good and say what most people feel but then they go to far and i for one wouldnt trust them to look after this country

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No, you are allowed a point of view and to express it too, just keep it within the forum rules. It is not an impossible task you just need to restrain yourself. We all know the emotion we feel about this subject but we don't need to display it by saying stupid things that make us look ignorant to the fact.


The thought of this protest march disgusts me and I hope that the authorities take the necessary steps to ensure that it does not happen. I am not willing to tar all Muslims with the same brush though, as these are extremists. I know Muslims who are kind and decent law abiding folk, just making their way through life just as you and me. So why should I offend them by slighting the Muslim religion as a whole.


I have made my point without swearing or making any racist comments.

sorry axe but if you have used the words tar and brush in the same sentence as muslims the politically correct police would count this as racist

Edited by derek.snr
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the bnp sound good and say what most people feel but then they go to far and i for one wouldnt trust them to look after this country


I wouldn't trust them to look after my garden shed, never mind this country. Having dealt with several members of their organisation professionally, I can conclude that they are nothing but neurotic clowns. :good:

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I wouldn't trust them to look after my garden shed, never mind this country. Having dealt with several members of their organisation professionally, I can conclude that they are nothing but neurotic clowns. :good:



Hang here, I am well aware that only SOME muslims are radical and we aren't allowed to generlise, but as you have dealt with some of the MEMBERS not OFICIALS perhaps generalisation might not be a good idea. I mean some of the Labour party were bolshy union types you know

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I wouldn't trust them to look after my garden shed, never mind this country. Having dealt with several members of their organisation professionally, I can conclude that they are nothing but neurotic clowns. :good:



Funny that your beloved lefties have already wrecked the garden shed, as for neurotic clowns the twitch of the leader says he is charlie caroli.



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I have dealt with their officials...who are members. Apologies for not being clearer.


Again just to clarify, officials or leaders of the party, and what about the millions who elected them into Europe, and the countless others who voted in the local elections, are they ALL neurotic clowns?

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To answer a question asked of me:


From what I can find there are approx. 9000 British troops in Afganistan. With 241 Military personel killed in action.




There are approx. 3000 Canadian full time troops and 3000 Reserve Troops holding support positions. There have been138 Canadian Military personel killed in Afganistan.

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Why carnt the human race live and let live give peace and love a chance, instead of all this imright your wrong stuff, Let AFGAN

sort its own problems without outsiders medling

Because humans like to have guns and shoot things :blink:

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Lots of the problems in this country are of our own making, if you don't want a polish plumber, get an English one. If you don't want Asian garages, taxi, shops, take aways and restaurants, then simple STOP SUPPORTING THEM. end of. from Auntie. :blink:


Wot, no more keeeebabs? :good:

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As far as I can see they are against the marcf on the grounds of public safety, NOT because they decry the vile and racist motives of the organisers


Let me fill you in then as you seemed to have missed these quotes ? :blink:


..as well as to respect the rights of the people of Wootton Bassett and Wiltshire.


We will hold Anjem Choudary and Al-Muhajiroon responsible for any backlash against any Muslim in Wiltshire or elsewhere as a result of their proposed irresponsible and irrational actions and any insecurity brought upon the majority peaceful Muslim population.


Therefore we are putting the record straight and letting the media and general public know that the vast majority of Muslims have nothing to do with this group who are upon the methodology of the deviant sect known as the Khawaarij.
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