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Am I the only one who doesn't agree with this?


Why should I work hard and have little time for my shooting when someone else can sit on their ***** all day and 'get out when the farmer calls' and pay more for my insurance than they do?


If an unemployed person can afford the cartridges to go shooting regularly then I am sure they can afford to pay the same as me for insurance.


David, I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

Edited by 955i
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If an unemployed person can afford the cartridges to go shooting regularly then I am sure they can afford to pay the same as me for insurance.


who says they can though, and maybe they can afford to pay full price but when offered a reduced rate there hardly going to say id rather pay the full price please, :good:

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Am I the only one who doesn't agree with this?


Why should I work hard and have little time for my shooting when someone else can sit on their ***** all day and 'get out when the farmer calls' and pay more for my insurance than they do?


If an unemployed person can afford the cartridges to go shooting regularly then I am sure they can afford to pay the same as me for insurance.


David, I would love to hear your thoughts on this.



Who says they shoot regularly?


You still need insurance to go and fire one shot. Not all unemployed are lazy layabouts you know, some people lose their jobs through no fault of their own like I did in April of last year. I was fortunate to get sorted fairly quickly but not everyone is as lucky.

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Am I the only one who doesn't agree with this?


Why should I work hard and have little time for my shooting when someone else can sit on their ***** all day and 'get out when the farmer calls' and pay more for my insurance than they do?


If an unemployed person can afford the cartridges to go shooting regularly then I am sure they can afford to pay the same as me for insurance.


David, I would love to hear your thoughts on this.


Pretty sure they can afford a £5 tin of air-rifle pellets though?.



And to be honest, in my 6 month skit of being unemployed, I had around 2,000 cartridges already sitting in my shed, as my redundancy came very quickly and unexpectedly.



I think you'll find that allot of honest, hard working individuals are out of work at the moment, and trying there best to find work.

Edited by Bleeh
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i can understand were your coming from 955i


but only if they are perminatly unemployed, not just lost there job or cant work because of medical reasons


That is what I meant and apologies that it wasn't made clear in the initial post.


However, regardless of circumstances, would you expect to be able to pay less on your car or house insurance because you were unemployed?

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That is what I meant and apologies that it wasn't made clear in the initial post.


However, regardless of circumstances, would you expect to be able to pay less on your car or house insurance because you were unemployed?


No and not meaning any disrespect, is that any reason to slight them for doing what they can to help?

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Can I be the first one on this thread to infer that the people who work in BASC should stop pouring Crystal champers over their Coco Pops, flog their Range Rover Vogues and use the money to support the hard working shooting man who cannot ordinarily afford the membership fees. I would also like to suggest that BASC could give away free membership to the world if only they would stop lighting their expensive cigars with £50 notes.


I thought I would get in their first. We all know it's on the way :good:




Everyone knows that the BASC directors feed unemployed people to their hounds.

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Some of us just get a discount because we are all round good people. Or more commonly known as Wildfowlers. We use to get our own magazine as well but since the rabble complained that they were missing out we don't get it anymore.

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Hmm - I'm a self employed cab driver and have had the worst years takings imaginable. British man is not allowed to give up his job and claim benefits - not many would work forty hours for something like £150 a week after all the overheads. My cab blew its autobox Christmas night and is still off the road - so I have been unable to clear the rising debts from my credit cards, most of my profits were just turning money around. Fleabag has helped me out with a little part time work but I still cant afford to buy this years BASC membership. I am still a member of another organisation so thats it for now.


I have just about run out of bullets but still have some pellets left. Were I able to produce a UB40 is it? I might have taken up the offer if I were otherwise uninsured. I have not shot for about three months - but even if I only go once this year I am obliged to be insured.

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No and not meaning any disrespect, is that any reason to slight them for doing what they can to help?


Sorry Axe (and again, no disrespect), but the only way I can see of them being able to offer special rates for the unemployed is to make the employed pay more, and I want to pay more than my taxes do towards the upkeep of the unemployed as much as most on here wanted to help earthqauke victims!!


The only other scenario is that BASC can afford to do insurance at that price anyway and are therefore ripping most of their members off.

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Some of us just get a discount because we are all round good people. Or more commonly known as Wildfowlers. We use to get our own magazine as well but since the rabble complained that they were missing out we don't get it anymore.



true. i used to be un der wildfowler membership ut now under gamekeeper, so get their magazine.

and discount.

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That is what I meant and apologies that it wasn't made clear in the initial post.


However, regardless of circumstances, would you expect to be able to pay less on your car or house insurance because you were unemployed?

Can I hazard a guess that the reduction in membership fee is not on the small percentage of the subscription that is for insurance but as a discount on the much larger proportion that goes on protecting and promoting our shooting & conservation!


I'm surprised that with all the talk of recession there are supposedly intelligent people on this site who can't distinguish between the dole scrounging, workshy elements in our society and the poor unfortunates who turn up for work one day to either be met by locked gates or an apologetic manager who "has to let you go"

I'm one of the lucky ones who in my 42 years in work has never gone through that but in those 42 years thats exactly what has happened to millions upon millions of men & women.

How many of these workshy dole scrounging layabouts do you think are BASC members, do you think that the mindsets are on the same wavelength. On the odd occasion for example that someone gets prosecuted for poaching the court report invariably describes them as "unemployed" Do you think for one nanosecond that sort of person would "waste" one penny of either their ill gotten gains or their benefit money on membership of any shooting/fieldsports organization when it could be put to much better use in either the off-license or the pub.


Rant over


Mr P

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Fair enough discount for people who have been made jobless, but what about the people still in work? With everything going up in price I am really struggling, I still got to fix my car and thats got to wait till next month.


BASC dont be like the government help the people that are in work as well as the ones that are not.

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Am I the only one who doesn't agree with this?


Why should I work hard and have little time for my shooting when someone else can sit on their ***** all day and 'get out when the farmer calls' and pay more for my insurance than they do?


If an unemployed person can afford the cartridges to go shooting regularly then I am sure they can afford to pay the same as me for insurance.


David, I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

What a stupid thing to say. I can't wait until your moaning about being laid off work. ######

Edited by Zapp Brannigan
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