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Cartridge safety

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i was then looked at in horror when i put 10 carts loose into my pocket and took my pump action with me just incase i needed it as i also needed to change the banger rope in the field behind the tree line, i was told you should never put cartridges into your pocket loose as they could go off.


Send him for a clay lesson, My first lesson i was given a vest and when i had done it up instructor took a box of 25 ripped the top off and dumped them in the left hand cartidge pocket of the vest handed me a gun in a slip and off we went to the first trap.... after 20 clays another box was emptied very unceremoniously into my pocket!


I'm still here!

Edited by HDAV
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Even if the primer was set off, the powder would just fizzle. Needs to be confined in something (like a shotgun barell...) to go off :lol:


correct! the whole point of the barrel is to force all the energy in a direction, if the primer was somehow dented enough it would just fizzle or "pop" as the pressure can go everywhere! christ if cartidges were like the OP was told we wouldnt need guns with 28" barrels!

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I can confirm that keeping cartridges in your pocket can be quite dangerous, I injured myself once.


I got home from work and put on a coat so I could go out with the dog. Unfortunatly I'd been shooting the previous day and the right pocket was full of .410s. I was playing with my dog and I threw a ball for her. As I did this the momentum from My hips caused the jacket to swing around and the pocket with the cartridges went crashing into my privates. Hurt like hell!


True storey!


You think thats bad, i once dropper a 42g 3 on my big toe with no shoes or socks on :lol: haha



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You think thats bad, i once dropper a 42g 3 on my big toe with no shoes or socks on ??? haha




I'll take your 42g No3 and raise you a metal flask, lip first, dropped from a shelf onto my big toe nail bed. Up until then I thought true pain was watching 'The X Factor' sober.

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Is there anyone out there with the nads, or lack of brains to give this a go and then report back.


I saw in a previous post tonight that our favourite Irishman has been drinking vodka, maybe he should go and interfere with the smoke alarm them play with his cartridges! ???


i was drinking vodka last night, tonight im drinking port ???


anyway theres no batteries in the smoke alarm at the mo, in fact theres currently no smoke alarm, it wouldnt shut up when i set the kitchen on fire last week so it went sailing through the (open) kitchen window at speeds close to mach 3 :angry:

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If one went off eiither in your pocket, in a cartridge bag or on a belt it would still blow your leg off . I think chances are slim but fairplay to the bloke for mentioning it . Atleast you know safety is on his mind allbieit that he got it a bit wrong lol lol ???

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i cant get my head round what you lot are saying, so sorry to drag this up again but can someone explain to my small brain (fairly scientifically) how a cartridge wont detonate if its not in a barrel :oops:


forgive me if im wrong, a shot shell works on the exact same principle as any other bullet so why is it an exception? couldnt just be the casing could it?


thanks :lol:

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Is there anyone out there with the nads, or lack of brains to give this a go and then report back.


I saw in a previous post tonight that our favourite Irishman has been drinking vodka, maybe he should go and interfere with the smoke alarm them play with his cartridges! :good:



It happened to someone out lamping on here with an .17hmr round in their pocket.


FM :oops:

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i cant get my head round what you lot are saying, so sorry to drag this up again but can someone explain to my small brain (fairly scientifically) how a cartridge wont detonate if its not in a barrel :oops:


forgive me if im wrong, a shot shell works on the exact same principle as any other bullet so why is it an exception? couldnt just be the casing could it?


thanks :good:


It will detonate but the lack of enclosure means it wont go off like it would in a barrel one going off in you pocket would not be fun but without a breach to contain the explosion and direct the powder to burn (it takes 18" inches of barrel for the powder to burn and the breach to contain the side of the case the casing would split and the smouldering powder would ooze out. Perhaps taking some shot with it but more likely just split the side of the casing un contained powder burns like a match head.


Well thats my very untechnical opinion. Its probably good practice not to have carts in your pocket and not to mix them with keys, change other metallic objects etc.

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What a load of old cobblers. The primers are well hard to set off anyway. Take the barrels off and put your finger over the firing pin and pull the trigger, and you'll see. I've tried smacking the end of cartridges a few times with stuff to hand and they're well ard.


Not as ard as me for trying it though - obviously :oops:

When I'm cold in the hide I set a couple off in my hand just to warm em up. :good:

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It will detonate but the lack of enclosure means it wont go off like it would in a barrel one going off in you pocket would not be fun but without a breach to contain the explosion and direct the powder to burn (it takes 18" inches of barrel for the powder to burn and the breach to contain the side of the case the casing would split and the smouldering powder would ooze out. Perhaps taking some shot with it but more likely just split the side of the casing un contained powder burns like a match head.


I doubt it would just melt, as you say the barrel directs the kinetic energy, reinforces the two other sides of the cart, the circumference (think this is the word) and the primer end, forcing the wad to shoot out the remaining end..


Id have guessed without the reinforced sides with loss of a barrel, the whole thing would just blow up :good:

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It will detonate but the lack of enclosure means it wont go off like it would in a barrel one going off in you pocket would not be fun but without a breach to contain the explosion and direct the powder to burn (it takes 18" inches of barrel for the powder to burn and the breach to contain the side of the case the casing would split and the smouldering powder would ooze out. Perhaps taking some shot with it but more likely just split the side of the casing un contained powder burns like a match head.


Well thats my very untechnical opinion. Its probably good practice not to have carts in your pocket and not to mix them with keys, change other metallic objects etc.



It won't DETONATE as cartridges do not anyway. The powder BURNS at a controlled rate. If for some reason the primer should go off the the powder would ignite and most probably split the plastic case open. You may be unlucky and it will push the shot out and there will be a big puff of smoke.


Rifle bullets again will only push the bullet out with lots of smoke etc the bullet won't go very far at all.

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I can confirm that keeping cartridges in your pocket can be quite dangerous, I injured myself once.


I got home from work and put on a coat so I could go out with the dog. Unfortunatly I'd been shooting the previous day and the right pocket was full of .410s. I was playing with my dog and I threw a ball for her. As I did this the momentum from My hips caused the jacket to swing around and the pocket with the cartridges went crashing into my privates. Hurt like hell!


True storey!


This is one of the funniest things I have read in ages!!

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so what do you do if you have a dud cartridge, think some people say to push it down into the ground..

from what youre all saying that would be more dangerous then just leaving it on the ground

Chuck it on a fire, then you'll sort of see what happens when one goes off out side of a barrel. :good::good:


It's surprising just how much you can dent a primer before they go off, the primer has to dent enough to allow the priming compound to crush against the anvil :yes: , or in a rim fire round to crush in the confines of the rim

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try it again, if it doesn't go put it in a different pocket and take it home. Open it up burn off the powder throw the lead away and soak the primer in diesel if you want to be absolutely certain.


Ok cheers, so im guessing from this that you cant re use the lead? :good: seems a shame if you reload..

probably to do with the animonininiminity? (can you tell im new to reloading?) :hmm:


Chuck it on a fire, then you'll sort of see what happens when one goes off out side of a barrel. :yes::good:


It's surprising just how much you can dent a primer before they go off, the primer has to dent enough to allow the priming compound to crush against the anvil :good: , or in a rim fire round to crush in the confines of the rim


i appreciate that mate but when i was just getting into shotgun shooting (im very unlucky) about 5-10 of 200 would fail to fire and the guys id shoot with would treat it like a bomb disposal team, one would say "christ its happened again WAIT WAIT" pass it to his friend whod check the primer then pass it on to another who'd grap it like a hot patato and throw it as far as he could..


was this all just over reacting then??

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yes it was over reacting, take the usual precautions wait a bit before breaking the gun, then try it in the other barrel. If you were getting that many either the cartridges or the gun were at fault its not normal. Even if you put them on a bonfire they don't do much as its outside of a barrel. Its not to be advised but they won't go off as they show in films it'll just be the primer going off

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