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Why are rambler


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Four weeks ago at our local shoot we had some ramblers pass by - now there is a public footpath right through the middle of ground and each shoot a sign saying "shooting in Progress" please wave red flag blow whistle and sound horn and someone will call you through - in the 15 yrs I have been shooting there I have only seen two groups - This group had a mind of it's own and thought "we will go pretty way round edge of field - Yep right in front of guns - they were about 200yrds away and were seen before they got close anyway so everything stopped for them - Well it seems they have been to the council - guess what - We can't shoot over that field anymore - this ground has been there for 25 yrs with no trouble at all - so that's four stands gone and organiser's have had to squeeze up the other six stands to get the ten in -- Must say it's changed the layouts and a lot more thinking has gone into set up - HG was 49x60 instead of usual mid 50's - twenty ton of road scrapings are on site and new path's have been laid at far end in boggy bit.

But what a load of tossers these people are - seem to think they own the place.





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take your dog's first thing in a morning to take a dump on the newly laid footpath's :angry::angry:



personally i don't mind rambler's they're just getting out and doing what they enjoy.i do however object to something stopping someone else's hobbies from taking place or being compromised just so they can have their cake and eat it

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personally i don't mind rambler's they're just getting out and doing what they enjoy.i do however object to something stopping someone else's hobbies from taking place or being compromised just so they can have their cake and eat it

Trouble is, it's always the ramblers. I love going for a walk in the country, but I don't want to be associated with the ramblers association who think that the countryside is only for them. Nobody should be allowed to cycle, shoot, walk dogs, ride horses, drive 4x4s or have any other kind of hobby except the same one as they do.



Grrrrr indeed!! :angry:

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What grounds did they use to complain, was it noise? obstruction of the footpath? falling shot?

Why not challenge this instead of rolling over and just giving up? just because the council say something doesnt mean its right you know.


Ask what the complaint was about and ask for proof??




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I am not a committee member - I asked why gully wasn't on and member told me the ramblers complained to Council - I would think knowing our committee they argued our case but being shooters "we have no rights" -- I would think they could have been near about max for fallout and also found out they never used path but came across fields - It seems they have to use these paths once a year to keep them open and they pick a shooting day. :angry:

Also considering how close this ground and other one 1/4 mile away are to built up area I am surprised this is first complaint but also the grounds are right next to M6 so locals must be used to noise. - The other ground had a complaint about shooting on Rememberance Sunday although we always had 2 min silence - someone complained again and we had 15min next year (councils orders) now the shoot isn't on that Sunday now. So we are slowly getting eaten away.



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Trouble is, it's always the ramblers. I love going for a walk in the country, but I don't want to be associated with the ramblers association who think that the countryside is only for them. Nobody should be allowed to cycle, shoot, walk dogs, ride horses, drive 4x4s or have any other kind of hobby except the same one as they do.



Grrrrr indeed!! :angry:

i agree, i used to do a lot of green laning, out of all the footpaths and green lanes we were aloud to use 5%, the ramblers were allowed 100% and still they complained, i've had the police round on several occaisions due to people taking my reg number, i've been threatened, hit with sticks, had dogs set on me, in the end i ran one persons dog over when it tried to bite the wheels and had the police waiting for me when i got home, i made a counter complaint about the dog as it was on a public footpath it should have been on a lead.

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I would think that the CPSA will do nothing :hmm:


But it would be good to be proven wrong :good:



That really was my point BUT they should be helping out as they are meant to be "Encouraging and supporting the sport of clay pigeon shooting"

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What are the CPSA doing to help out?


Have you contacted them for any advice?

Im with you there ,they should be the first port of call as they have legal teams who look into this sort of thing all the time ,they are after all our reperesentative body(if you are CPSA affiliated) go for it what have you got to lose :good:

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You may find the Council Used The Highways Act, Section 130... probably along the lines of :- An obstruction to a highway is defined as

‘something where a person wilfully and without lawful authority obstructs the whole or part of a highway from the public use’. and

A physical obstruction to a public right of way that prevents the public from using it and by so doing constitutes a risk to health and safety.


even though signs are in place you are stopping uninterrupted passage....


you could always apply to have the path temporarily relocated on shoot days (behind the guns, as its your land following the boundary along to the original path) and signed with the diversion.


The council should have provided the Act on the Notice... If it was issued in super quick time it would have been a Priority One (Health and Safety)


Hope that helps... a bit?

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Thanks for all the replies - The shoot rent's the land so I don't know what exactly the council said to Committee or Committee to council. All I know is what a committee member told me when I asked why we wasn't shooting over field to left. That was the council have stopped us after ramblers complained. ??



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  • 1 month later...
Four weeks ago at our local shoot we had some ramblers pass by - now there is a public footpath right through the middle of ground and each shoot a sign saying "shooting in Progress" please wave red flag blow whistle and sound horn and someone will call you through - in the 15 yrs I have been shooting there I have only seen two groups - This group had a mind of it's own and thought "we will go pretty way round edge of field - Yep right in front of guns - they were about 200yrds away and were seen before they got close anyway so everything stopped for them - Well it seems they have been to the council - guess what - We can't shoot over that field anymore - this ground has been there for 25 yrs with no trouble at all - so that's four stands gone and organiser's have had to squeeze up the other six stands to get the ten in -- Must say it's changed the layouts and a lot more thinking has gone into set up - HG was 49x60 instead of usual mid 50's - twenty ton of road scrapings are on site and new path's have been laid at far end in boggy bit.

But what a load of tossers these people are - seem to think they own the place.





I here there might be an open season on ramblers

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I was at a woodland sporting shoot a couple of weeks ago and a rambler walked right in front of me when I was shooting an uphill stand. The clay flight line was just above the tree canopy so in a sense he was more in danger of being hit by shrapnel but about 20 people shouted at him all at once and he just plodded along like he was oblivious. When he crossed my line has was well within lethal range of a 12 bore.


All laws and danger sings were in place - unbelievable.

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I was at a woodland sporting shoot a couple of weeks ago and a rambler walked right in front of me when I was shooting an uphill stand. The clay flight line was just above the tree canopy so in a sense he was more in danger of being hit by shrapnel but about 20 people shouted at him all at once and he just plodded along like he was oblivious. When he crossed my line has was well within lethal range of a 12 bore.


All laws and danger sings were in place - unbelievable.



Right to roam init! - in their eyes and intrepretation this legislation gives them the right to walk where they like regardless. Sadly it will need one to get injured in some way and a court case they loose to stop this attitude.



Edited by Yellow Bear
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