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The get Bob 300w back posting thread .


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Many of you will have enjoyed Bobs banter and his inexaustable knowledge of all things shooting and any thing that goes bang , also Bobs definative answers to members problems .


For reasons known to himself Bob stopped posting some time ago and the forum is worse of for not having the old dogs comments . I shall take the lead and ask Bob to come back and join his many friends in a bit of banter and chat . Come on Bob start posting again we miss you and your comments . Please help me to persuade the old reprobate to come back on board .


Harnser .

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I have been to see him today. He is a top chap. He sorted out a rifle of mine for me and some other bits.


Would be nice to see him post again on here and would make staying in touch a lot easier.




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Many of you will have enjoyed Bobs banter and his inexaustable knowledge of all things shooting and any thing that goes bang , also Bobs definative answers to members problems .


For reasons known to himself Bob stopped posting some time ago and the forum is worse of for not having the old dogs comments . I shall take the lead and ask Bob to come back and join his many friends in a bit of banter and chat . Come on Bob start posting again we miss you and your comments . Please help me to persuade the old reprobate to come back on board .


Harnser .


Here here!



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I used to think that at times he could be a bit blunt and argumentative, but he knew his stuff on some subjects. The forum has lost a few of that sort which I feel is a shame. Not everyone agrees all the time and the good old chaps who actually have some idea of what they are talking about are nice to have around.


I'd like to see him back. :good:

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