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Canadian Goose Carcass

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Dear all,


I am after a freshly taken canadian goose for a scout camp that is coming up shortly. Has anybody got opportunity to take one that I could pick up (I have freezer space) in the West Yorkshire area but it is required to be as fresh as possible.


Thank you


Uncle Stuffy

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I'll leave the rest to MC he is more eloquent in his replies :yes:


but a slight hint those are vermin and geese may be on the general license but opinion is pretty divided as to how much they need controlling for crop protection in the middle of the spring / summer

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I'll also point out the one I saw the other day had 10 goslings and really leaving that lot to die is ruining a lot of next years sport, they are wildfowl as well and are very unlikely to meet the terms of the General license at the moment

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I went down to our lake today to zero one of my rifles, it's where my range is. On the lake were 6 Canada's one pair of which had 6 little ones. Fantastic to watch them and I don't begrudge them the bit of corn they graze beside the lake, fair swap in my mind for the enjoyment they give me.


However, going by the if it moves shoot it brigade perhaps I should have used them for target practice, after all they are on the general license.


For heavens sake shooting is our sport, lets treat it as such and show a little respect for our quarry.

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I would suggest Unclestuffy you get a domestic goose from a butchers or put your scout camp back to September when I am sure for the cost of a few non toxic shells someone on here would be delighted to give you one. To have one shot in the middle of the breeding season would set a very bad example to your scouts.


I suspect you want one for a meal. At this time of year the birds will be quite thin after the stresses of egg laying and rearing young , so have little meat on them.

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I went down to our lake today to zero one of my rifles, it's where my range is. On the lake were 6 Canada's one pair of which had 6 little ones. Fantastic to watch them and I don't begrudge them the bit of corn they graze beside the lake, fair swap in my mind for the enjoyment they give me.


However, going by the if it moves shoot it brigade perhaps I should have used them for target practice, after all they are on the general license.


For heavens sake shooting is our sport, lets treat it as such and show a little respect for our quarry.


Fair play as it's your corn Charlie.

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Nothing makes it on to the General Licence without good reason!







Absolutely Wipe them out all of them.


Leave the bloody things alone until the CORRECT shooting season.

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Absolutely Wipe them out all of them.


Leave the bloody things alone until the CORRECT shooting season.



Chap, you are entitled to your opinion and you can make your own choices, am I telling you what to do?


Kindly do not tell me, situations may well vary round the country, but round this way the Canada is VERMIN, end of. They are not Wildfowl in the sense you talk about, and even on the rivers and ponds they are a pain, and their **** is a real H&S issue.


They went on, and stayed on the Generall Licence, because Natural England have decided they are an issue!


So lets just open our mind a bit and take in both situations


I currently have several farmers whose sheep/lambs are competing with the Canada for grazing rights and the mess they make is ridiculous. The stables are full of them, so are the the Golf courses, and even our local Nature Reserve is ****** off with the numbers they have of them!


If you have a shortage in Essex then come to Berkshire...and bring your rifle!



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Perhaps it would have been worth hitting them harder before the breeding season?



But if they did that they wouldn't be able to boast about shooting them all year round and then quite possibly their winkies would shrink even smaller than it is now.


I wonder how many squirrels or rabbits these Canada Warriors shoot a year? Probably not many and they just use the "PEST CONTROL" banner when it suits them.

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I have no problem shooting Canadas but do feel we would not be doing anybody any favours by shooting them when thy have dependent young, for WHATEVER reason. leave them for a short period till the young can survive and then go at it if required,


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Well put Doc :good:


It helps to have a few morals where shooting is concerned, otherwise we invite more regulation. One things for sure being seen popping off canadas leaving goslings about is very bad PR for our sport though i guess you could shoot them as well and it wouldn't be so bad.

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Well put Doc :good:


It helps to have a few morals where shooting is concerned, otherwise we invite more regulation. One things for sure being seen popping off canadas leaving goslings about is very bad PR for our sport though i guess you could shoot them as well and it wouldn't be so bad.





As I said before, Wipe them out all of them.


Exterminate, Exterminate, Exterminate.


Get rid of all the vermin in the country and then come up with a good reason for keeping your FAC.

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But if they did that they wouldn't be able to boast about shooting them all year round and then quite possibly their winkies would shrink even smaller than it is now.


I wonder how many squirrels or rabbits these Canada Warriors shoot a year? Probably not many and they just use the "PEST CONTROL" banner when it suits them.



You really need to open your mind!




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Something doesn't look right about that pic :good:


Like MC says everthing must die. Every fox, fox cub, Canadian, seagull, starling etc etc. If it's on the General Liscense then slaughter them all. Show no restraint or compassion.

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All yours in one outing are they? :good:


Like I say you have to Open your mind, this was a job I did for the Council in a Woodland Park, the results you see were after 3 days, of a total of 4 1/2 days work and over 170 were removed in total.


The job was documented with Risk Assessments, Method statements, several site surveys, several meetings, Council Meetings to sanction it, Aerial Photos, site plans, warning signs and around 20 acres of the (70 acre) park being taped off and patrolled externally by the site wardens to keep Joe Public out.


They were all my work, sole, individual and by myself and all taken with the Falcon I am holding in the picture.


That is the Result of Winter (late November) Pest Control and is one reason I get paid.



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Something doesn't look right about that pic :good:


Like MC says everthing must die. Every fox, fox cub, Canadian, seagull, starling etc etc. If it's on the General Liscense then slaughter them all. Show no restraint or compassion.



Here we go then, another picture, and I have several more!


Oh Yes...and who said anything about slaughtering everything, some of you guys really do have an exceedingly narrow view and patently obviously have no real idea of Game and Vermin Control.


I take it you would be happy for a professional to come round and remove a plague of rats and their young from your kitchen at any time, don't suspect you would be too happy if they said leave it until the summer and it will be a bit of sport shooting them outside! Oh yes...I know, but thats different!! :lol:


Chill out and understand there is another side, and it doesn't necessarily involve slaughtering everything that moves!


ATB!! :good:


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