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Yeah been watching it lots 2nite.

I wanted to see if they mentioned whether he was a legitamate holder of a shotgun/firearms cert.The chief officer of cumbria declined to answer the question.

Also trying to work out what the firearm was.Very much sounds like a single barrel/semi auto fitted with a telescopic sight according to witness's! :angry:

They also showed a clip of a police woman removing the shotgun/firearm in a bag not much bigger than a 25kg feed sack.

I cant see any shotgun fitting into something that size unless it had <24" barrel/s so maybe an fac type shotgun but why the telescopic sight??Only thing i can think of is for solid slugs.

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Anyone wondering why you should pay your fee's for BASC, you should bloody well know now. Do you see CSPA saying anything!

You are spot on my friend pay up and join the BASC the only people who can have any hope of keeping us shooting.

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To be honest the report I saw I thought was a little disappointing.


I don't care if we can't host the olympics but I do think he should have said that less than 1% of gun crime is committed by licensed gun holders so that the public know that banning guns won't stop this happening again.

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The early responses yesterday were fine, the media were just looking for "soundbites" then.

The more considered and detailed responses will come today and in the next few days, when the media inquest begins.


Watching Sky News this morning was like watching an episode of "Drop the Dead Donkey". :angry:

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Its interesting isnt it, the way the media behave, I am sure their irresponsible reporting and need for any sound bites relevant or not fuel a situation like this. Without their "Hysteria" would we have half the problems we do.

To be honest listening to the way this situation is being hyped and reported makes me sick. Its pathetic, and i say that without any disrespect to those involved who have undergone a terrible experience

just my opinion


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I don't care if we can't host the olympics but I do think he should have said that less than 1% of gun crime is committed by licensed gun holders so that the public know that banning guns won't stop this happening again.


Very true, but I fear that the argument might be that only legally held firearms have ever been used to commit these kind of massacres, that is the most frustrating part, the real evil people who hold illegal firearms tend not to 'snap' and go on rampages.

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You could tel from the start the guns must be legal held due to all the press coverage.

If there illegal held somehow it never makes the news.


i agree with the above coment that evil people tend not to go on snap rampages but yet again, the media only tells you what it wants you to know.


i working and living in the real word with you eyes open can shocking if you've only ever been exposed to what goes off on the news

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I watched a report from a "witness" this morning....


" he had a james bond type sniper rifle"


"why would anyone shooting rabbits need a gun like that, we dont live in Bosnia"


Its not looking good im afraid,


I feel really really sorry for the families of all those involved but i sense another knee jerk reaction coming.....


One good thing was a police spokesman saying


" people use knives and cars to kill not just guns"



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Blimey, a balanced article from the BBC. They really should have mentioned what percentage of the offences were where the gun in question was held illegally though.


Interestingly, the 5 'most read' stories are not about the tragic events yesterday.


Also agree about Sky, they are really ******* me off with the hysteria. How's about following up why he went nuts and what others, as well as himself could / tried to have done to prevent it?

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I know I'm going to get battered for this one, but here goes anyway:


When was the last time a massacre of this magnitude was carried out with an illegal firearm?


The last 3 have been used by licensed owners.



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Y'know, I'm not entirely sure - Just seems strange to me that in my life there have been 3 massacres and all 3 have involved legally held guns.


I don't get why though, I haven't heard of anyone going out buying an illegal firearm and going on the rampage, it has been cert holders.

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I know I'm going to get battered for this one, but here goes anyway:


When was the last time a massacre of this magnitude was carried out with an illegal firearm?


The last 3 have been used by licensed owners.




Many more people are killed by illigal firearms. And the reason these 3 massacres are focused on is due to the fact that legal firearms were used. Think about the ones your not thinking of 7/7 bombings for example. They happened without using legal firearms. When people are not eligible for legal weapons they find illigal ones.

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I think the biggest problem with the press / media is they are ignorant if gun laws....to quote the telegraph for example "a firearms expert told the daily telegraph "if you have no criminal record,there is no reason you can't have a rifle that can drop someone at a distance of 2miles""


What a load of carp! What about good reason to have FAC or having approved land to shoot on? It is exactly this sort of sensationalist mis-reporting which is going to cause problems...

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Cars and knives still kill many more than guns, I think the reason the last three massacres have been with licensed firearms is that people simple go off the rails, being much more within the system a licensed user is much more likely to become over stressed about everything. A criminal that is open to commiting crimes or violence will invariably be more open to the use of guns illegaly and to cause harm, so they may not consider doing something like a massacre as it seems to close to the type of things they already do.


A sporting licensed shooter on the other hand that looses it and wants to do something totally irrational would do sometihng like this because it is so contrasting against their life at the moment, giving them a release?




P.S. if they do try and press something through parliament, we best all be very quick to take action and rise up as one body against it, and not sit around waiting for it to go away, which seems to be our usual way. Got to be pro active and loby MP's and the like.




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What amuses me is how they are harping on about a .22 like it is a .338?? Sniper rifle and all that? Why does'nt someone jump up and explain the true ballistics of the round and its characteristics together with its primary use!!


The truth of the matter is, the ones which are in hospital are the people who have been shot with the .22.


As dangerous as any gun is I would imagine the majority of the damage has been done with the shotgun.

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I know I'm going to get battered for this one, but here goes anyway:


When was the last time a massacre of this magnitude was carried out with an illegal firearm?


The last 3 have been used by licensed owners.



Peter Sutcliffe murdered 13 women using a claw hammer

but i dont think it was licensed.

Dr shipman did how many? 200 and odd.

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