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Big Brother

deputy dog

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It looks like channel 4 has seen fit to waste another shed load of their budget airing yet another series of Big Brother :lol: . Thank goodness that its the final series :yahoo:. I for one cant understand how people can eagerly sit down every night and waste their time, actually watching other people waste their time locked in a fabricated house with camera's in. I actually have a friend who records them sleeping in the nite when he goes to bed. And plays it through in the day just incase he has missed some thing whilst the contestants were sleepig :lol: . I realy belive, he and many other daft ******* who watch this mind numbing program have to get themselves lives or a decent hobby :shoot::good: .

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I'm pleased to say that I have never watched one episode of this rubbish program. :yahoo:


I watched an hour of the very first series when it was first broadcast all them years back. And decided it was a pile of **** and never turned it on again. Rather watch paint dry for entertainment. How people can say they cant wait for it to start baffles me :shoot::good:

Edited by deputy dog
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It's just a covert method to get the population used to being in a surveillance society.......endeth my conspiracy theory........ :hmm::hmm::hmm:



Rather than a covert method of surveillance, it IS as my kids are living proof that its a very clever way of flying the "diversity flag" my youngest is 16 she watches it avidly ( yes I don't like her watching but the other half has the say) when I cringe at the gay (both ways onslaught that this is) I am suddenly the bigot, society is slowly being brainwashed into acceptance of to me sick deviant practices, and other cultures, to the detriment of the heterosexual indigenous population.



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It's a pointless piece of mindless ****.


I know wimmin like this kind of excrement, but I can't understand why a bloke would find it even remotely interesting :hmm:


Scary. Is the guy that records them sleeping through the night a bit of a "lightweight"? :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

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when I cringe at the gay (both ways onslaught that this is) I am suddenly the bigot, society is slowly being brainwashed into acceptance of to me sick deviant practices, and other cultures, to the detriment of the heterosexual indigenous population.




Source: Wikipedia "A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices. The correct use of the term requires the elements of intolerance, irrationality, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs. The term has evolved to refer to persons hostile to people of differing race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion in modern English usage."





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