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Shooting Hares

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Afternoon all,


Here is a odd one, just read an article here about someone who shot a couple oh hares, heres the thing. I never shoot them, have some sort of stange respect for the beasts and leave them alone all season.


Is this just me being a tad odd?


Just thought I would ask the question really then wonder off in to my own strange contradiction of a world killing one thng and not another.......


Best be off, cooking kitten for tea.

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Not at all strange.


Lots of people don't like the taste of Hare.

I happen to like it and I usually take two or three a year. I often see Hares that would be an easy shot but I often leave them to go about their business whilst slotting every Rabbit that I can.

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I was pigeon shooting the other month and spent an enjoyable half hour or so watching three hares playing in the field and enjoying the sun. Even if I'd had my rifle I wouldn't have taken a shot.


Shot one only about 3 years ago. Wouldn't shoot another. Don't see them very often.

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used to go on hare drives 30 years ago, but their numbers declined around that time. We were told that their numbers were being knocked down by some form of disease. Stopped shooting them then to let them build up...... not shot one since

I guess if they were carpeting the fields I'd start again but still rarely see them

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We used to have 2 shoot days, in Sept, for "long eared Snipe", since the dog ban. Problem was, not many were taken and I had to take them home. So, now, I have kicked the 2 drives into touch. When we meet up for a shoot day, question asked..............Who wants one? If no reply, NONE are ordered to be shot :rolleyes:

I like to see them when out feeding up and until the landowners complain, let them be :good:


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It all depends on your ground I have one farm where we leave them as they aren't present in numbers yet another local estate where we shot 800 over two days on Hare drives. That estate is very well keepered, the ****** with dogs have been stopped from gaining access to the ground and obviously predator control is top notch. They didn't have a Hare drive last year but did the year before and that is because their tenant farmers were sustaining too much crop damage. I'm fairly sure we'll shoot the same number next year as well.

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we used to shoot a couple when we had our own little shoot put some ducks;partridges;pheasant on the land and whilst walking up the game; hares bolted and we shot a few but they were plentyfull on the ground then could see as many as 20 on any given day.but we had problems with dogmen and lampers taking them at will and numbers fell dramatically so we never shot another on that particular piece of land;so kind of stuck and don;t shoot them on any land at all now .

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Ultimately, like any quarry species it really depends on local conditions. If they are plentiful enough to be a pest there is no moral objection to shooting them, if theu are rarer than hens' teeth then it takes more justification. But I think there are many people much more experienced here who can make the judgement on their own ground without getting knocked for doing so.

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I quite like the taste of hare but also agree with the OP and have a strange liking for them so rarely shoot them unless asked but then always lamped so not this time of year. I'd agree with Dazza and say that an air-rifle (non-FAC) is not the tool for the job.

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Hares should be run in Daytime by dogs, more sporting and is better for the population.

Hare drives are massacres. Sad day the Hunting ban.


Had some brilliant days in the eighties with a vet and a coursing club in Norfolk. There were women, children and people from all walks of life. A real shame those days are gone.

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