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Just got back from the vets, my 5 month old jack russel broke his leg at the wk end it was repaired yesterday and all was well last night. The mrs woke me at 8am saying the dog had collapsed, I ran down stairs and the poor fellow was struggling for breath I though he had food trapped in his wind pipe I first tried hitting his back to dislodge it obviously never worked. On the way down to the emergency vets he lost consciousness I revived him twice by blowing into his nose. xrays shown his lungs were filled with fluid and his organs were shutting down if he did get over the fluid he may never be the same I then let the poor chap be put to sleep. Its such a bast~~~ that he was so young always happy to see you and so full of life. We had loads planned for the year chasing rabbits ect, and to have his life taken away at such a young age has really ****** me off. Just buried him and thought I'd share it with you lot. You don't half miss em when there gone. Regards Terry.

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Thanks for the support lads your right Dan about getting another it just feels like I owe the dog my time to get over it without feeling bad about getting another. I feel stupid that someone who won't bat an eyelid about shooting rabbits or foxes like the 2 last night gets so attached to an animal. sopy tw~t I know. Regards Terry

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Heart felt condolences to you, I've had the experience of losing my little Jack Russel bitch and know it's a harrowing time. Time healed me although it still brings a tear to my eye every now and then, but getting another dog certainly helped bring the happy times back for me, it may well do the same for you.

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My heart goes out to you William.


When I lost my first dog I vowed never to get another as it upset me so much. Fortunetly for me, I was introduced to a waif that had been very badly treated, it was the best therapy I could have.


I suggest you get another one sooner rather than later, it will help.







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I am sorry to hear about your Jack. :lol: It never seems fair with the young ones. I lost a 5 month old ferret kit a few weeks before christmas in 2004. :D Her sister was very lonely so I bought her a friend from the RSPCA... well actually 2! :D The moral of the story is like LB said you feel good giving another animal a chance where your loved one lost out. (one of the ferrets I got had been abused and was a nervous wreck but now fine. :( ) It heals partially in time. :)


FM :lol:

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Sorry to hear about your loss lad.

Lost the pup in my avatar pic about two months back.Some ape ploughed into my dog run when he was doing a bit of work with a jcb and rolled over her as she slept in her kennel.

Only had her 2 months but i dont care if you you have them a day or 15 years once the little ******* win you over it is like losing one of the family when theypass away or something happens to them.

Went out that day and bought another one to take herselfs mind off little molly being killed cause she was worse than i was but i still find that little molly comes in to mind a few times a day .

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Sorry to hear that. My jack cross is being a bit of a handful at the moment but you have helped put it all back into perspective again and made me realise what I have got.


Johnskevena, sorry to hear about yours as well. I have a soft spot for cavaliers, we used to have a Blenheim years ago. Almost got a ruby last year or rather the wife did.

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Lads thanks for all the kind words you have all helped me to start to get over it. I did see the vet today he was sincerley gutted he never new anything like this to happen, he may have got a clot which disslodged embalism I think their called either way he was unlucky. I was also asking him about the chances of it being anything heredetary he was sure it wouldn't be. I will make contact with the guy I got it off he has bred them as working dogs for years so hopefully I may get another in the future. It would be nice to get one similar to my own to see a likeness if you klnow what I mean. Cheers lads again and make sure you appreciate you dogs as I sure you all do. Regards Terry

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