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Red Squirrell


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Not a Sporting pic, but thought I would stick it up, I expect some people never get a chance to see the Reds.



This little ****** wrecked one of my bird feeders recently. Nice to have him in the garden though. I had a first at the feeders also when I was home, Spotted Woodpeckers, never could tempt them before, becuase of all the dogs in the kennels etc.




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Great pic Hammy, as children our parent used to take us to Kew Gardens too feed the reds. Fantastic creatures. We also used to see quite a few Round Aylesbury way too. But sadly, I havent seen a red for many years now. Perchanced accross one in Brighton last year but it was a reddish grey. The mind boggles. :(

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they are nice looking animals, when i lived in germany we used to have them living in our garden and eating off the bird tables, they were funny in the winter when they played in the snow because they got there winter coat and grew much bigger.



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There is a whole colony on the coast near Southport, Merseyside but you forget that it is only due to some serious wildlife management and it is a rare thing these days.

Nice Photo Hammy :lol:



Forestry Management are going to introduce the Red Squirrel at a Centre near me ........In fact it's on my Doorstep


I am keeping my ears to the ground on this one :( ...........But the land is part of the New Forest in Staffs and is therefore open to Joe Public ??? ........It'll be interesting to see how they 'll eradicate the Grey :lol:



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I have to say that I see reds quite regularly,but I have been complacent as last night while roost shooting there were 3 greys in an area of about 1/3 acre :lol:

We shot them near the farm last year with drey poles,so we will have to give it a go again this year but hopefullyget the whole wood done. :(

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My home is in Dumfries & Galloway, near a village called Thornhill.





Spend a lot of time near there in october & november every year salmon fishing on the river Annan at Lockmaben.


Lovely part of Scotland been going there for over 20 years now. :( :lol::lol:???


Fish the halleaths section of the river had some great salmon from there. :o :D

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I have worked in China for the last two and a half years, coming home to my place in D & G four or five times a year, I came home for a month recently (caught the last month of the shooting season), that's when I took the picture. Incidently I also managed to find myself a new job whilst I was back home looking after our operations in Cumbria & D & G, so I'm a happy bunny I'll be home soon.


The main strongholds in UK for Reds are D& G, Keilder forest and some parts of Perthshire I believe.



I don't fish the Annan, but the get some nice runs of fish, I live on the Banks of the Nith so generally wet a line there, my mate lives near Hightae and is just about to start building a new house at Halleaths. I do a bit of shooting and occasionally beat in that area.




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As in most places the greys seem to be expanding here although I am working on it :(

The reds are still in evidence and are regularly seen here.

Piebob you`d be surprised how many are in Angus,I was at Lindertis,half way between Kirrie and Airlie and there are considerable numbers there.

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