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hugh's fish FIGHT!!!!!


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Signed it along with 5 friends so far. I was chatting to an Irish trawlerman back in the 80's and they were fishing for herring in Bantry during the winter. They dumped 200 boxes of herrings over the side in one drop after being sprayed with dye by some authority so they couldn't be landed. Shocking

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I just e mailed to my local MP





As a former Lowestoft trawlerman I am aware that the fishing industry is something you fully support. If you had an opportunity like me to watch the fish fight programme by Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall last night You would have been shocked at the waste of perfectly edible fish much of it breeding stock that has to be dumped at sea under the terms of our membership of the European policy http://www.fishfight.net/chefs/


You may be inclined to lend your support, I am sure they could use it. Worthy of note to me was the fact our fisheries minister could not name 3 out of 10 fish caught in the UK, that’s a bit like having a minister of transport who can’t drive!


Warm regards


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See what would happen if you were to keep a Bass that was 1/2 inch undersize . That carnage on Fish fight is where the real vandalism of the environment takes place . Obscene is not the word for this . The EU portrays itself as helping the 3rd World too and they do not even let the " discard" go for catfood never mind humans . Show that program in Ethiopia or Sudan and they would drop dead out of despair .

Good on the skippers for giving the fish away on the beach .

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I just saw HFW pole and line fishing program. All well and good but it must push the price up to perhaps unaffordable costs. Can we not have sensible netting of other good species brought to our shops? Mackrel and Pollock are good ones but not very popular.


I cannot help but feel there is some irony in the URL of the organisation "fishfight .NET"!!

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I just saw HFW pole and line fishing program. All well and good but it must push the price up to perhaps unaffordable costs. Can we not have sensible netting of other good species brought to our shops? Mackrel and Pollock are good ones but not very popular.


I cannot help but feel there is some irony in the URL of the organisation "fishfight .NET"!!

Personally, I love mackerel and pollock and many others - I'll try anything.

In the UK generally though, the public is dead set on cod (especially) and only a couple of other species.

A lot of people unwilling to change, or even try new species. Hopefully people will feel angry enough to take on board not just the campaign, but the fact that there are more sustainable delicious fish out there.

Here's hoping! :hmm:

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I just saw HFW pole and line fishing program. All well and good but it must push the price up to perhaps unaffordable costs. Can we not have sensible netting of other good species brought to our shops? Mackrel and Pollock are good ones but not very popular.


I cannot help but feel there is some irony in the URL of the organisation "fishfight .NET"!!


All Sainsbury's own brand tuna tins are pole and line caught as I understand it. My machine is telling me that a 200g tin from there is £1.09 and a 200g tin of Princes tuna which is purse seine netted is £1.45.

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Another fantastic programme from HFW it really looks like this campaign mite have a chance of changing the common fisheries policy! Please if you haven’t signed up already have a look at the website at http://www.fishfight.net/ and if like over 100,000 other ppl u agree then sign up and help change the policy also don’t forget to ask your local fish and chip shop to try mackerel baps thanks for the support TIM

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Signed up.

It's unbelievable how anyone could think that it makes sence it keep things as they are, such a waist of food and fish . There is no sensible reason to throw perfect good fish back over the side dead..

Total on fish fight was about 154000

Cheers Jon

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