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Hi All,


Quick Q, does anyone here use a Sxs for general pigeon shooting?


I ask, as being relatively new compared to some members here to pigeon shooting. I'm in the process of looking for a 12b to add to my collection, and I've seen some very nice sxs on here that are in my budget.


Pro's and cons? Or is it just preference?

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Just preference i think

i used a baikal s/s non ejector with quarter and half chokes for all pigeon shooting for about a year

regret selling it to this day


i prefer semi in hide, as loading is easier, and for wildfowling... but s/s for all the rest

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I'm with TJ. It is personal preference, as simple as that. I use a "25" as it's quick and doesn't get tangled up in the hide netting, double triggers because it's easier to change your mind when a pigeon does what pigeons do best and it's quicker to reload "the bottom barrel".

I'm happy with my little lot because as very few other people are like minded there are some lovely guns to be had very cheaply due to lack of customer interest.


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Guest cookoff013

they are very fast guns, i bought one for the fun factor, i practiced for a whole year.


they are simply great. it took me a good whole to get used to the double trigger (clay shooting)


after the initial learning, i wouldnt be without one.

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No, not really, unless you've previously shot something quite heavy, but 2 triggers can test your patience until you get used to them.


Hmmm...I'm looking at a single trigger anyway, just wondered about aiming points, as the barrels obviously on a O/U point in the same direction, just wasn't sure about SxS.


Oh and no, a 686s 20 with 26.5" barrels, my hides poles are heavier! :lol:

Edited by kyska
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I also shoot a 25inch barrled s/s for all my shooting including pigeon shooting. I tried over and under and shot well with one but got no pleasure from ownership. Look around and you should be able to pick up and english boxlock with ejector for not a scandalous amount of money and you get a lot of gun for what it costs as british boxlocks are somewhat out of fashion.



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I,ve got a Ugartechea sxs 12 double trigger non-ej choked 1/4 & 3/4 you are welcome to borrow for a few months if you want but you would need to pick it up obviously-im in Bucks.



You are a gent, thanks a lot, its a bit far for me to travel, but there should be more shooters like you.. :yes:


I've made the choice and gone for a o/u anyway.

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I have an aya that's going to the gun shop tomoro to be put back together as the stock has just been re-oiled. It was given to me when I first started and i have not used it. I plan to use it for all my shooting until I buy a decent o/u . It's a light gun that shoulders easily so I should( hopefully) get on with it ok.

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Guest cookoff013

the main point is if it fits, its good to go.


most "if not all" sxs are short in the stock, if you are shooting for the first time with one, bring a pad, just to increase the lop, and bring that poi down alittle (in my case it was too short and my poi went high.) also wacked my middle finger in the Tguard.


if you have 2 triggers, thats great, 2 cartridges can be used, a heavy #5 in the tight choke and light 6 in the open.

selection of the shot coulnt be easyer. "close" incomers get the front trigger, away targets get the back. it takes some getting used to, and you may just end up going for any trigger. but thats ok.


i learned shooting front trigger, then back always. and now it is easily reversed.

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I use vintage sxs for all my shooting, current favourite is a Pape of Newcastle boxlock ejector, it handles like a dream and balance for me is perfect. Having always shot with double trigger sxs I would find it difficult to handle a single trigger gun. Sxs may be fairly cheap in Britain but some USA on line shops are listing non ejectors at fairly high prices. If you want a sxs snap one up now before they are all exported across the Pond.



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