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safe shot ??


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possibly because if it wasn't a rimfire it would have gone through the door?


I meant how did he know the difference between a hypersonic slug and subsonic slug stuck in the door?

Edited by dazza
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possibly because if it wasn't a rimfire it would have gone through the door?

Surely that would depend how far away if was shot from :hmm: Which is why i asked. A .22 centrefire could be fired from literally miles away and embed in a timber door and if cuffy wants to identify where it was fired from its going to make it a whole lot more complicated



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A lot of HV rimfire rounds have a copper wash on them. Not a jacket but a coating. Never seen a sub with that on?


Pictures of the offending bullet would be interesting though. :good:



copper coloured rimmy . meybe take some photos later . :mad: not much point , probably be accused of tampering by the smart people :mad:

old bill seem concerned enough tho

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Joking aside that is bloody outrageous! that could have been your son/daughter walking out that door and taken that right in the head (by the looks of the height in the pic, i'd be looking for someone to "educate" :angry:


do things like this not make you think that maybe sometimes there are some cases where FAC's should not be issued! :blink:


can you take a pic from the door looking out to the terrain infront of your house (as long as it wouldn't give away a location) just interested to see where it could have come from?





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