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Ear protection, what do you use

silver pigeon 3

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Hi, what do all of you use for ear protection when you are shooting clays/game/fowling etc? Currently i use in ear foam plugs when i am shooting clays and when i am decoying pigeons , but nothing when i am wildfowling or walking around with the gun, because i feel that they impair your normal hearing to much.

What i was thinking of doing is buying some custom made in ear sonic valve type plugs as according to the info they don't interfere with your normal hearing until the gun is fired and they are about £100, i just cant warrant spending £450 on the digital type at the moment.


Edit, sorry forgot to say that i have tried the over ear type defenders and i really can't stand them, so in ear it has to be.


Please let me know what you use/think




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I got some custom ones made that are made to the inside of your ear. Because they are unique they fit perfectly and after the first thought that your ears feel like they are in a fish bowl you dont notice them for the rest of the day, and you can still hear the approaching pigeon or your buddie at the clay stand :good: :good:


The over ear tube things by napier i tried and didnt like them, just as annoying as ear muffs and started to irritate after a while where i contanstly thought they weren't in properly :hmm:


Two plugs with passive filters (speech but no gun noise) were about £70 i think, and he came to my house to take the moulds customearprotection

might cover your area, give him a ring, quite a few guys on here have had them fitted by him

For all the time and money spent trying differnt stuff then deciding on the slightly more expensive route i should have gone down it straight away and saved myself a few pennies. Worth the money for the right protection i think.


Good luck with the hunt



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I had a custom pair made by Emtech or Entech for £90. They are the passive type, couldn't afford electronics, but they are brilliant and do not regret the purchase at all!! Cos they are custom fitted you hardly notice you have them on after a while and you can still hear pigeons and people next to you no problems, but they do an excellent job of muffling the BANG!! They have agents all over the country and they only take about a week to turn around. They also keep your pattern so if you ever loose one you can ring up and they will send a replacement out, for a charge of course. Well worth my hard earned cash :good:

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Has anyone tried the Deben electronic defenders...seem pretty good value at £50-ish?

I managed to break two pairs in about 3 months, they seemed to be very week at the lugs on the actual ear piece i gave up with them in the end :good:

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I managed to break two pairs in about 3 months, they seemed to be very week at the lugs on the actual ear piece i gave up with them in the end :good:


Going by your shooting, I thought you used your fingers :hmm:
























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Going by your shooting, I thought you used your fingers :hmm:



:lol: Wish I did last time I went, the ringing has only just stopped. What are those silver ones you use.....I would abuse your shooting but I can't think of anything witty to say other than call you swear words :lol::good:

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I use Deben Slim for clay and everything else.


I supose it depends if you soot alone or not really and need to have a chat about how poor your mate is shooting, I like mine, good for chatting if sharing a hide and not bad on the wallet, though I have not had to buy batteries yet,,,,,,, :huh:

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I've got a pair of Peltor Sportac headphones which are excellent for clays and centrefire :good:


£100 from Best4headsets http://www.best4headsets.co.uk/-MT16H210F-478-GN/asp/ProdID/3585/CtgID/3664/af/page.htm


A bit more than Debens and the numerous generic Chinese versions, but then Swedish firm Peltor are the benchmark for ear defenders. Compared to cheaper muffs the muzzle report is eased out of your hearing rather than everything going quite momentarily, which is less distracting when concentrating on your shot.


They take x2 AAA batteries which last ages, works fine in pouring rain and cranking up the sensitivity when out rough shooting can pick up rabbits shuffling their feet at quite some distance!


The only factor against them, and muffs in general, is your ears can get sweaty in hot weather.

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:lol: Wish I did last time I went, the ringing has only just stopped. What are those silver ones you use.....I would abuse your shooting but I can't think of anything witty to say other than call you swear words :lol::good:


Called ''shooters aid'', they are a bit uncomfortable, but if you cut them down and fit some of the little rubber bits you get with mobile phone head phones, the fit and feel 100 time better :good:



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