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Unusual left and rights


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Went for a walk round a new field this morning, and my first shots were a left and right... squirrel followed by a pigeon...


It got me wondering what unusual left and rights that others may have shot...? so let us all know if you have a story to tell. :good:

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On a beater's day a few years ago a lot of pheasants were flushed above my peg and I managed to shoot one with the first barrel and two with the second, as they were flying almost one above the other :yes: True story witnessed by Mrs PhilR.


I've seen someone shoot 2 mallard with one shot and last week a mate had 3 greylags for 2 shots. As for my own left and rights, let's just say a left and right is a rarity for me given my shooting ability the last 2 seasons.....

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One of the first times I took my little springer wildfowling 'we' had a left and right mallard that come up off the renes.....both retrieved by her ladyship who'd sat steady while they dropped, damn I was chuffed and very proud of the little sprout :D



not 'unusual' but any left/right for me is, so worth a mention :lol:

Edited by ziplex
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I`ve had lots of double kills with one shot over decoys, once killed a sitter at 35+ yards and TWO more sitters sat well to one side and maybe 20 yards further away that I hadn`t dreamt I`d touch :look: .


Last week I was shooting a rabbit stand when someone pointed to a balloon on the ground, next shot I killed the pair by waiting for the rabbit to line up :lol::D , amused myself that did.

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I think my best one was in the depths of Winter, walking the hedgerows with my dad hoping to flush a pheasant out of hiding. As I walked along 'my' side, I heard a rustling noise in the wheat about 20 yards out. Turning around I saw a nice big cock pheasant emerge from the top of the wheat; closely followed by a fox jumping into the air to try and catch it. I took the fox with my first barrel and the pheasant with my second. It was quite a good day :)

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I think my best one was in the depths of Winter, walking the hedgerows with my dad hoping to flush a pheasant out of hiding. As I walked along 'my' side, I heard a rustling noise in the wheat about 20 yards out. Turning around I saw a nice big cock pheasant emerge from the top of the wheat; closely followed by a fox jumping into the air to try and catch it. I took the fox with my first barrel and the pheasant with my second. It was quite a good day :)



That sounds amazing :):cool1: , sub zero cool.

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