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Things to do before you shuffle off this mortal coil


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Just been watching a film called 'Bucket List' Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freemen. Its about 2 men with short life expectancies

Unusual film but hence the title.

What would you like to do ?


I would like to visit Japan in Spring and Alaska in Autumn, fish for salmon in Russia or Iceland.

A really expensive day on grouse, partridge and pheasant, naturally. Some goose flighting. The list is long so I'd best start !!!

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hmm ime a long way away from this i hope,,,but then so was my buddy killed yeaterday on his bike :unsure: :unsure: makes you think

no1 love and be loved by a woman


no2. fly in a plane

no3 se my freinds over seas (kinda like a free holiday where i sleep on a couch)

no4 drive a shelby gt 500 :wub:

no5 visit luke kellys grave

no6 se the northern lights

no7 travle the world a bit (i hate travle but is some thing i realy should do)


the rest are for just befor the end!

no8 try a class A

no9 try a sheep :eh:

no10 some thing involveing a vad load of hookers and no9and no9 :blink: :blink:

Edited by highseas
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fly to the moon/space, do something worthwhile to be remembered for, make my kids proud & to see them succeed in all they want to do.

see northern lights, visit farther christmas with the kids in Lapland (mum was always going to take em but the cancer took her first :angry: ),go back to the Cook Islands, learn to play the guitar & a 1000 & 1 other things but so long as family & friends are happy to have known me alls good :good:


oh yeah great film as well :good:

Edited by robadob
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S'pose I'm pretty lucky as I've managed to do a lot of stuff in my younger days :yes: .


I've got 4 things left I really want to do:


1. See the Northern Lights

2. Visit Nepal and see the Himalayas

3. Shoot on a 200-300 bird day (grouse or partridge)

4. Buy a Ferrari F355 Spider (nearly within price grasp now!)

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Fly in a mosquito.........or a spit at a push.


well the mossie is out, dont think there is one still airworthy? though I know of 3 that are undergoing restoration to full flight condition, ,you would have to travel though.


my must do's all involve travel all will be achieved in the next 2 years :good:



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