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Now don’t get me wrong I know it’s the stuff of school boys and as a responsible pillar of the community I should know better…..but


Mrs P made some curry game and topped it with pickled eggs, Fantastic!


Its now reeking revenge with the emphasis on REEK, trouble is I still find it extremely amusing and have never grown up as far as a titter at a good old **** is concerned. Its driving Mrs P nuts, and she just cant see the funny side which sends me into even more hysterics.


Am I alone in my adolescent amusement of the musical anus ? :good:



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You are not alone in your adolescense. There is nothing more funny than the ****. It is garanteed to get all the men laughing and all the women saying " That's not funny"





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I havent laughed so hard in ages, cheers Pavman. :lol:



:D:D:D :( :lol:



Martin my wife's a funny thing you know, when I **** I just chuckle to muh self then blame a bull frog while the wife looks on in disgust. However, if the wife drops a powder puff, by christ, she bloody laughing her head off!!!!! :good::lol:

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It think the ones who dont find it at least mildly amusing are the odd ones out. It is after all a natural bodily function - albeit one that we try and be a little discreet about sometimes.


It is also accompanies older age - so has been earned :good:

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Wherever you be let the wind go free, it gives mankind great ease. It warms the bed on a wintry night, and suffocates the fleas. My daughter STILL reminds me of the time, when she was little, that I ****** on EVERY step of the stairs! (About 16 in all!)

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I have 2 young boys (4 and 5), and they are highly amused by all things gassy.


We were at the elders parents evening a while ago, and James' (rather attractive) young teacher was chatting away to him and us, and she noticed a scratch on his arm.


"What happened to your arm James?" she asked


"Morgan (one of our cats) scratched me"


"Oh dear, did daddy tell her off?"


"No, he sat on her head and ******"


The shame!!!!! :good::):lol::lol::lol::lol:

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I have 2 young boys (4 and 5), and they are highly amused by all things gassy.


We were at the elders parents evening a while ago, and James' (rather attractive) young teacher was chatting away to him and us, and she noticed a scratch on his arm.


"What happened to your arm James?" she asked


"Morgan (one of our cats) scratched me"


"Oh dear, did daddy tell her off?"


"No, he sat on her head and ******"


The shame!!!!! :good::lol::lol::P:lol::D



priceless :):lol::lol:

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:good::lol::lol::):lol::lol::lol::P one of the funniest threads all year.. but the worst is my friend who sits next 2 me and burps in my face.. so it's all out war and we are trying 2 control laughter and then we get sent out.. oh well. Parents don't like farts but oh well.. no point keeping it in.. the best is when you are trapped somewhere for example a bus- they can't escape..


A few years back me and my friends would play a game where you would **** in somewhere crowded (e.g. a small shelter pakced with people when raining) and then get points- like if you made them hold their noses 3 points, laugh and shout it out was 5 points and making everyone go ewww was 7 and 10 points was making everyone move out.. :D

was really fun...


but yeah good thread :D:D


Haz :(

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I have a thing for extra hot pickled onions - I eat so many I make my own now. Anyhows, I chugged a whole jar once with some extra strong cheese and fresh white bread and then went to the cinema for the evening with the missus.


I have never smelt anything like it - like a rancid compost heap. And so much of it.


The best bit was dropping them randomly - in the lobby, in the queue and in the cinema. It was like Moses parting the Red Sea the way it cleared people.


I have no shame and am quite experienced in these things whereas the missus gets all embarassed - unfortunately it ended up she just looked guilty.


If you want a wind recipe - spicy hot pickled onions.

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I have a thing for extra hot pickled onions - I eat so many I make my own now. Anyhows, I chugged a whole jar once with some extra strong cheese and fresh white bread and then went to the cinema for the evening with the missus.


I have never smelt anything like it - like a rancid compost heap. And so much of it.


The best bit was dropping them randomly - in the lobby, in the queue and in the cinema. It was like Moses parting the Red Sea the way it cleared people.


I have no shame and am quite experienced in these things whereas the missus gets all embarassed - unfortunately it ended up she just looked guilty.


If you want a wind recipe - spicy hot pickled onions.


If i might be so bold i should like to challenge that recipe, my friend recently injured his knee and as such has been taking a whole array of painkillers and other such drugs, and these things are doing more worse than good. when in his room the other day he approched me, turned around, reversed and released into my face. i however soon had the last laugh when i was instantly sick all over his floor. that my friends, was the finger of God. i can still only see through one eye.


can't stop laughing about some of these (petebrady) :good::good::lol::D

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