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cartridge belt's

ste eibar

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I've got a leather belt with canvass loops and never seen another in that combination. I still think it looks great.


Yes, it might damage your stock, but it depends on how you handle/carry your gun. I sleeve mine after each drive or if carrying it broken, the stock is up under my armpit, so it's never been an issue.


That said, I rarely use the belt now as I just tip carts into my coat pocket and press-stud back the flap to allow easy access.


TBH mate, I wouldn't bother buying one. They're a nice idea, but not by any means, an essential :good: .

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i just stick em in my pocket. i have a couple of old belts but never use the. if im trying to reload quickly i find it easyer to have them loose and not in a belt. just carrie your cartridge bag to the stand and put a couple of hand fulls in your pocket before the drive starts, put em back in the bag at the end :good:

Edited by pigeon street
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If you are going to get one i would definately go for leather. I use one but it's always under my coat, pockets are filled first and belt is used to top up if needed. I often see guys have theirs on the outside of their shooting jacket so tight that it actually restricts the gun mount and swing as there's no give in the jacket as a result of the belt.

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I like using mine, find it a less tiring way to carry thirty extra shells than heaving a cartridge bag around with me. It is always worn under the jacket though, to protect the gun stock.


I also find that the butt of the gun sits nicely on top of the belt, too, as I wait for the birds, so it's less tiring holding the gun up for a long time.


Tiring ?? I am pushing 40 and already sound like an old codger.

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Forget it and buy an open top cartridge pouch, like some clay shooters wear.

Much easier to speed load the gun and won't damage your stock badly.

I use one all the time when Game shooting.......brilliant. :yes:



Took the words right out of my mouth - wouldn't be without it on a game day.

Observe John Bidwell loading his 8 shot auto at his Game Fair demo...says everything.

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