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Macs first birds with the 410.


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Bought the wee man a 410 two christmases ago,and he has only shot it the once when he first got and tried the clays so on Tuesday we went up to the MILs and tried a few clays just hand thrown.Couldna believe how quickly he picked it up and even when he was missing with the first he was breaking it with the second pretty well,so told him we would go a wee walk with just him with a gun and try for a pheasant.

Yesterday morning we headed oot,and it was scorching where we were with not a lot of wind,not ideal for walked up but we held going,and after maybe 100 yards a cock rose going straight away so Mac mounted and fired,and the result was plenty of feathers out but the bird carried on and into the woods.Not the best of starts and id rather a clean miss but that happens with shotgun shooting.Another 400 yards on and from nowhere this cock rose and started climbing steep to clear the trees at only about 20 yards and on the shot he folded and dropped.Mac turned round and i dont know whos smile was the biggest but it was a top moment he wont forget.I congratulated him and took a quick pic thinking that would be the only one he would get,but he managed another 3,with two of them cracking crossers which i was absolutely shocked at when they came doon,and so was he.Hes done his apprenticeship walking with me when i have the gun for too many years and hes very safety aware and its great to see him with the gatt now.

After that we headed off about an hour away to a wee bit where we get the chance of a stag,and also plenty roe.Arrived there about 3 and absolutely no signs whatsoever of deer and thats the first time in maybe 10 years we havent seen red.Nay sure,but i think the two bad winters has thinned them out a lot as the red population there was not very high.Stayed there till dark and took a couple of moon pics just rising behind the hill.Also took the slug gun as the farmer has asked if we would thin the ferals oot as they are ******** everywhere and eating his barley,so had a ten minutes with the Clulite Supreme lighting them and the Webley dropping them.Ended up with 17 and only one getting out so that will keep him happy for a while.











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Can anyone explain what my global upload quota is,thanks?

Each user is allocated a certain amount of space on the server, if you hit the limit put the pictures up somewhere like Photobucket and then link that to here, you can upload as much as you want then. There is a stickie at the top of this section that should explain all.


You should send pictures 2 & 3 to The Shooting Times and/or BASC for inclusion in their mags, it says it all :good:

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Excellent write up and pics Dave, this young man has a leg up on all the other lads with a start like this. He is truly fortunate to have quality parenting and will grow up to be a fine young man and sportsman. Well done on both your parts!! :good:

Cheers Timothy,but way too kind.He puts in a lot of hours with me and deserves the gun now.


Each user is allocated a certain amount of space on the server, if you hit the limit put the pictures up somewhere like Photobucket and then link that to here, you can upload as much as you want then. There is a stickie at the top of this section that should explain all.


You should send pictures 2 & 3 to The Shooting Times and/or BASC for inclusion in their mags, it says it all :good:


Cheers fella.Pavman said there was a chance of maybe getting the limit raised and im waiting to hear from Teal hopefully.Might do that with the pics and he still chuckles when we mention yesterday.Means a lot to him and more to me.


A memory that will last forever, smashing writeup.

well done to you both.

Send a picture to BASC young shots page, my grandson was in last month, it made his day/month/year, fame at last.


Cheers fella.Would make his year to get his pic in so might do it.


Nice one and a good effort from mac might have to get a few lessons from him


Cheers Craig.Great to see him getting a bird or two and well worth all the time he has put in.

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Cheers again all.


Well done as always and I'm sure your proud as punch. I love that pic with your Son smiling and Rab in the background retrieving the bird.


Cheers Ollie,and sure am chuffed at him.Cracking lad and cracking dog make a happy dad.


Well done mate, Congratulations on your first pheasant :good: :good: :good:


Sako751sg, you must be a very happy father ;)


Cheers fella.Very happy indeed.

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