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Christmas is coming.........................


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If you loathe it so much why mention it in the first place?


I really enjoy it, 2 weeks off work get spending time with friends and family, eat loads, drink loads - what's not to like?

I do think it should be kept in December though - not mentioned in October like you just have :P



:lol: :lol: :lol: Top post.


I agree, if you can't stand Christmas, shut the **** up and let everybody else enjoy it (in December).

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Perhaps you should have done a poll so we could count the scrooges.


Personally I love it, 10 days off work, loads of nice food, doing nothing and watching films on TV then boxing day shoot so get to have a walk in the hills in hopefully crisp sunny morning.


I don't have kids but I do have 9 nephews/nieces, 1 great niece, 2 sisters and 1 brother plus partners and my mum & dad to buy for so it does get a bit pricey but hey it's only once a year.


Need to lose a bit of weight in preparation for the several pounds I'm likely to put on.

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Yes i enjoy Christmas very much, the time off work, 10 1/2 days off work this (its been as much as 16 on one or two occasions, that does include Saturday & Sunday), spend time with family friends, see the hounds go boxing day, spend a day rough shooting, drink eat and be merry, watch some TV, lie in or two. My Children are at the right age to get it now, so Christmas Eve will be late night but hey...now where's that 410 for my son LOL :yes::lol::good:

Tight Lines


Edited by Aled
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I always look forward to Santa coming!



Did you perhaps mis spell a word there Santa :lol: :lol:


Christmas has been bastardised over many years so is not a traditional festivity any longer.


How many fir tree's do you see growing in Jerusalem? and when was the last time you heard of it SNOWING in the middle east?


We always depict Jesus as a White man!


The Tree is thanks to a PAGAN tree festival and Jesus MUST have been dark not white.


The giving of gifts has been totally monopolised to the point where people don't think twice to spend over £500 per child but complain at a prescription charge that could potentially save their life?


My lad is now 16 Christmas has never really bothered him and nor me too much. Time with family is the important bit.


Spending till your broke, Eating till you can't move, Drinking untill you pass out, This is not a celebration to me!

Edited by Lord Geordie
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Christmas is a wonderful time. For Christians it the great celebration of the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Absolutely nothing to do with the commercial festival it seems to have become, or the excuse some make in order to engage in gluttony and abuse alcohol.



I always enjoy walking the lit streets, visit the traditional Christmas markets (the proper Weihnachtsmarkts in Germany although the one n Manchester or the one they used to hold in Covent Garden in London are not too bad)and spend time with family, a luxury I am not afforded everyday. Thankfully we all are decent people with no hidden agendas and an understanding nature, so we like being around each other. Unfortunately due to the distances between us we only manage this three or four times a year. Christmas and new year are always one of the best...

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If you loathe it so much why mention it in the first place?


I really enjoy it, 2 weeks off work get spending time with friends and family, eat loads, drink loads - what's not to like?

I do think it should be kept in December though - not mentioned in October like you just have :P

They`ve had decorations for sale in the shops since August so why not mention it now?? :innocent:

You can eat loads and drink loads practically any time of the year and sky have had a couple of christmasy films on of late.

Hate the cost, hate the build up, hate the day and i`m curious as to how many feel the same.

Anyway, If you are one of those that likes it.......... Merry Christmas. :lol:

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Don't love it but don't hate it, I enjoy the first few days off work, but end up arguing as I'll be bored between Christmas an new year. least I'll have the dog to take out. I love seeing the family, specially grandparents as we don't see them tOo often. I enjoy seeing the young kids in the street on new bikes or coming round and showing us new gadgets, as the neighbours always are round our house, it's like a hotel. The commercial side does my head in. Hate all the hustle and bustle in town. It's just too expensive for me (as I'm a tight ***) and I have to go 3 weeks without a pay day. Used to it weekly.


I much prefer bonfire night and new years eve.

Edited by dan-250
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Can't say I'm a fan, however the wife is finally pregnant (with twins!) so I'm sure my opinion will change in the coming years. I really can't stand the commercial side of it, getting it rammed down your throat for 2 months isn't fun, takes all the joy out of it.


I'll be asking for a bigger cabinet.. going to need space for all the guns we'll need in the years to come!

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Good luck to all you guys that have time off for xmas, I have'nt had a xmas day off since I left school a long time ago, but I do manage a boxing day shoot, after I have finished the morning work.

me too, i usually spend christmas day dogging in and feeding, its usually quite peaceful and dogging in operations can be extended further than usual ;)

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