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Head or body shot

theoben fenman

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In my opinion the best place to head shoot a rabbit with an air rifle is not between the eye and the ear but directly under the ear. This hits the brain stem. They go down without a twitch or a kick.


Strictly speaking points of aim for rimfires is straying from the topic a bit, but sinse its come up its worth noting that body shots on rabbits with rimfires .22LR or HMR, are best taken square on the shoulder. A rabbits physiology is different to deer or foxes. They are barrel chested and their vital organs are further forward in relation to the front legs. A shot to the ribs behind the shoulder, as for larger animals, will paste the liver and smash the stomach. Nail them on the shoulder bone and they drop without a flicker and paunch cleanly.

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Strictly speaking points of aim for rimfires is straying from the topic a bit, but sinse its come up its worth noting that body shots on rabbits with rimfires .22LR or HMR, are best taken square on the shoulder. A rabbits physiology is different to deer or foxes. They are barrel chested and their vital organs are further forward in relation to the front legs. A shot to the ribs behind the shoulder, as for larger animals, will paste the liver and smash the stomach. Nail them on the shoulder bone and they drop without a flicker and paunch cleanly.


Exactly, drops them every time on the spot, much less kicking and bouncing than a head shot.

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My feelings when shooting rabbits: If you're shooting with a sub 12ft springer or pcp you should go for a side head shot - if you can see both eyes then don't shoot. And the range should only be at a maximum of about 25 yards. If you miss at that range (arguably you shouldn't have been taking the shot in the first place if you do) then there's more chance of missing the rabbit altogether rather than maiming it. Simple rules but it minimises bad shots! :good:

Edited by spookytooth
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Who taught you that and did you ever ask why?


Having spent a lot of time at the range, i made sure i was comforatble hitting the target at differnt ranges, and took instruction from fellow users at the range. I was then taken out by one of these chaps who gave me some very useful advice... shoot within your capabilities, ie range, and go for the head, it drops them quicker and doesnt ruin the meat. I know i can hit the head when i take a shot, so why go for the body? but thanks for asking :)

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I have probably shot more rabbits with air rifles than the average, without doubt a head shot with the pellet placed from sideways on between the eye and the back of the skull is best by a long way. I cant ever remember a jaw shot. Remember you have limited power with an air rifle so placement is the key, get in to 25 yards or less. That is really good training for deer stalking in the future/



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Aim for the back leg. That way, they cant run away :lol:





Side on I use the back of the eye as my aim point & just below the ears when the target is facing away, however for face on shots I'm happy to take a Heart / lung shot.



I use sticks a lot, makes light work of my HW77, I made mine -


I use a heavy grain .22 pellet.

Edited by PLH1966
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Well thats ridiculous why arent you moded for this


I have Jedi powers and control the mind of Cranfield!!!







I use a heavy grain .22 pellet.



:o Hey, thats not fair. I dont take the mick out of your religion!!!!



Oh, wait you called me a moron. Well, dont loose sleep of it junior, i wont. Now, anybody want to come round to mine to do a bit of badger baiting? :yp:

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Getting back to the topic, I have found face on shots to be be less effective as a shot to the head.

Using Bis Mags in .177 I have watched the pellet hit smack between the eyes and then lost the rabbit.

I dont ever do body shots but maybe in the front on presentation a body shot might be a bit better.

No more front on for me only head shots behind eye and in front of ears.



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I don't think I've ever took a head on shot, just wait for a good side on, just the way I was taught many years ago (about 35...) :blink:

I think a rear head shot is 'allowed' isn't it? Again, not for me as I'm not sure enough to pull the trigger, unless its a 'textbook' side on hit. :good:

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