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tinitus ear ringing -shotgun noise

Matt Gould

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I have had it for as long as I can remember,trough not using ear protection,in all the years of rough shooting .I went to a number of specialists, but there does not seem to be a cure. The only good thing about it as far as I am concerned is , that it comes , may last for a few days and then it goes.So I hope that yours will only last a short period and then

disappear .

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Had it for about a year now. Surprisingly, I don't think it was from shooting. I work in a server room, gentle low hum for however many hours a day. When I'm in silence, the ringing is just about the same loudness. It's almost as if it was cancelling it out.


Some nights, I can only get to sleep listening to radio to mask the ringing. If I wake up early in morning...that's it. I'm up. I tried amitryptaline (sp) for it, helpe sleep sometimes but I don't like taking meds so stopped.




People - ALWAYS wear ear protection! Even if you or your family or friends are not shooting, make sure all are wearings defs or buds!

Edited by huffhuff
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Had tinitus for near 30 years, playing in bands and playing with guns with no ear protection.

Getting more prominent the older I get as the hearing fails, nowt can be done but you must try to listen to other sounds "through" the tinitus and ignore it as much as possible, if you listen to the whistle or hum it will focus your hearing sense on it all the more.

I hope its temporary for you.

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Wear ear defenders. With enough time you won't notice them with mounting the gun and if you get the electronic ones you will hear better than without them on, as well as having the shot sound deadened

Edited by Bloke
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I got a bit of a scare after shooting pigeons one day without any hearing protection... Intense ringing in the ears, and it felt like there was a bubble in one ear (Same feeling you get if you've been swimming under water).


ALWAYS use electronic ear defenders now. Helps keep the ears warm this weather, too. :good:

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I had it for about a week and then it went thank god, been shooting shotguns for over 40yrs and my father( a well known skeet shooter) taught me always to protect me luggs.Then some madman let me have a couple of shots with his H&H .375 side by side on the off chance, is it loud I asked, Noooooooo,not really was his reply,I had a bit of a cold at the time,maybe this was the reason.

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Had mine about 6 years. Got it one day I was sharing a hide. It was mates turn to shoot, pigeon approaching up the hedge from the right(he was on my left) I told him to go ahead and he fired sort of over my left shoulder. My balance was off for a few days. Hospital called it acoustic trauma. I causes me terrible headaches but I generally cope with it. Vacumn cleaner drives me mad though.

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I get occasional tinnitus, a high pitched whine almost too high to hear. When it comes on, other souds like TV seem to get quieter and my right ear feels as if about to "pop" on an airplane or in a fast lift.


I have found that pushing my finger into the soft hollow just behind my earlobe sometimes stops it, hurts though.

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How do you cope with it Steve? Does nothiing help at all?


I suppose I learnt to live with it, just like some people who are in constant pain. In my younger days, we all shot without hearing protection, but the damage to my ears was caused by shooting in a local quarry. My mate was standing about two feet to my side, and fired two shots off. It was like a smack in the head, and the ringing started. I thought that it would go after a couple of days. Boy, was I wrong. The ringing/whining noise gets worse when I have a head cold, or a room etc is very quiet. It does get me down somedays though. And, now I'm getting older, it feels as if it's louder. I've never had tests, or tried 'cures', because there is'nt one.

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I have it too.


Playing in a band, and shooting have certainly contruibuited to it.



People say wear hearing protection, but after a season of trying i cannot hear wildfowl approaching on the marsh with ear protection, so i dont bother. Its where the most of my shooting takes place,...... Oops.


You learn to live with it.

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Get yourself a set of hearing protection and use it. As you can tell from the posts, it really happens with folks that shoot a lot. I guide hunts and ear plugs (that let you hear low decibel noise) are part of my kit. Don't take chances. On this one. You only get one set of ears.

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I have it too.


Playing in a band, and shooting have certainly contruibuited to it.



People say wear hearing protection, but after a season of trying i cannot hear wildfowl approaching on the marsh with ear protection, so i dont bother. Its where the most of my shooting takes place,...... Oops.


You learn to live with it.


I use various noice protection items. One is a Napier Pro 9 set, which is excellent, and, I find, does not interfere with normal sound. I also use an electronic ear muff set, with built in microphones/amplifier. When switched on full, I can hear birds approaching, much sooner than without them on. Another bonus is that they keep my ears warm too.

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All those who do not wear hearing protection nowadays are really STUPID, not just for shooting either.

I have an ear infection, had it over a month now, no hearing in my right ear, as the saying goes, you don't appreciate something till its gone, Doctors say mine will come back but when ? It is making me grumpy, well even more than normal, when I am with a group the noise just blends in and I cannot follow conversations, so I just retreat into myself, man when my hearing comes back I am gonna be extra careful looking after it !

Edited by onefulham
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I had a problem a while ago, I only ever wear protection in my left ear. I was sharing a hide and after the day had finished I noticed how dull my hearing felt, people on the phone sounded like chipmunks (well the misses did) accompanied by a constant buzzing. Luckly it only lasted about a week. The dullness feeling went after a few days

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