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phrases from the field


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bet you heard these once or twice


"The field was blue, boy"


"There were loads when i first got there"


"After i moved they all went where i was"


"These cartridges / bullets are rubbish"


"The wind was all wrong"


"It was the biggest ole dog fox you ever did see"


but i suppose most common of all.........


"**** it"


any more?........

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"Had this gun serviced a while back, it hasn't shot well since"

"Just as I was about to shoot, I swear I saw somebody walking agross my line of fire and I had to pull the shot"

And my all time favourite, and one time signature "I swear these barrels are bent"

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He saw the sun glinting off me glass eye and swerved as I fired :good:


Left the safety on and pulled the shot flicking it off :good:


I must have forgotten to put any shot in these home loads :yp:


Air's too moist, makes the shot path curve, like cricket balls do you know :mad:


I forgot that steel shot is pulled down by the earth's magnetism :P

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According to the laws of random dispersion, you must hit something, sometime.



I had that damn dog trained to a 'T' last week.



Never be any use that dog. Too much pedigree in it.



Labradors are OK for old men I suppose.



Next dog I get will be something friendly - like a Chesapeake Bay Retriever.



The way that dog runs in you should enter it for the Grand National with a jockey on it's back.



Friggin scope must be out..... I'll check it later - pity that you can't be there.




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bet you heard these once or twice


"The field was blue, boy"


"There were loads when i first got there"


"After i moved they all went where i was"


"These cartridges / bullets are rubbish"


"The wind was all wrong"


"It was the biggest ole dog fox you ever did see"


but i suppose most common of all.........


"**** it"


any more?........



You are in breach of my copyright, please stop.




LB :good:

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The sun was in my eyes :good:.

Ground was too slippy for good footwork.

Too much rain!

Not enough rain!

Runoff from the roads has put the salmon down.

Moons right next week for the sea trout.

Waters too warm/cold.

This downstream/ upstream wind is mucking up my casting.


And my all time favourite, "YOURS".



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When i was a kid the old fella had a great saying,

just as my poley Hob sank its teeth into his hand.

He used to say,


"OW you *********** ******************

I'll *********** Your ********* **** ing neck "



Then i would get a smack around the head and be told " You should handle it more often"

Ahh!! those country sayings that stick in your memory from childhood .

Thanks pop.


Regards Sutty :good::no:

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When i was a kid the old fella had a great saying,

just as my poley Hob sank its teeth into his hand.

He used to say,


"OW you *********** ******************

I'll *********** Your ********* **** ing neck "



Then i would get a smack around the head and be told " You should handle it more often"

Ahh!! those country sayings that stick in your memory from childhood .

Thanks pop.


Regards Sutty :good::no:




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Another one :D , your out lamping and a fox is spoted about 140-50 yds away and wont come into the squeek.


You line up, then, by human nature, pull the shot to the right and miss :D:no::/


But you thought you saw the fox go down and walk over with the lamp to look for it, walking up and down for an hour :P:good: , saying, 'I know its here some where, aha, their......s****e...its just a rock, its got to be here prehaps.[/i]!!, ect ect, then your maye says, forget it, you missed. :yes::P



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