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4x4 drivers are the worst.


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So are most of the posters on here speeders.? :huh: :huh:


I have to say I have noticed 4x4 drivers (mostly women ) are right up my bumper anywhere in a speed limit -


It's obvious really as they are bullet proof - can stop on a tanner and and drivers have better reactions than Lewis Hamilton. - I am not tarring everyone with same brush just those up my bumper. :yes:




Dave :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Here in Cornwall we get more than our fair share of second home owning city types with their 4 X 4 - well you do need one for those viscious speed humps at Waitrose, as said above meet them in a lane and they will not back up (cos they cant) and heaven forbid they might get them dirty!!!!

I say if you dont need a 4X4 dont get one :P

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I have noticed that drivers of 4 x 4 are the most reluctant to pull into the verge when you meet them with your humble hatch back on a country road.



:lol: :lol: dont bother me...I just throw mine up the verge....remember meeting and old boy down a country lane in a BMW X5 11 PLATE and he refused to back up the 10-20 yards to the gap so I could pass.. as for me to back up it would be ALOT further....So I just chucked it up the verge, waved and went round...his face was a picture!!!

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:lol: :lol: dont bother me...I just throw mine up the verge....remember meeting and old boy down a country lane in a BMW X5 11 PLATE and he refused to back up the 10-20 yards to the gap so I could pass.. as for me to back up it would be ALOT further....So I just chucked it up the verge, waved and went round...his face was a picture!!!


I remember a funny incident meeting a car on a lane . The other driver was almost alongside a pull in but refused to back up . He started to wave his hands in the air and gesticulate . So I got a newspaper from the back seat opened it up fully and pretended to read so he knew I wasn't budging . I could hear reving and shunting and then quiet. I lowered my news paper and the numpty had somehow managed to do a 26 point turn and drove off in the other direction ....

Agh well at least I proved a point bullies don't always win

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been toying with the idea of my next motor choice seems between a disco TDV6 or a BM X5, think you have just persuaded me the X5 is the one to go for, it seems to have maximum aggravation factor built-in :lol:




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I remember a funny incident meeting a car on a lane . The other driver was almost alongside a pull in but refused to back up . He started to wave his hands in the air and gesticulate . So I got a newspaper from the back seat opened it up fully and pretended to read so he knew I wasn't budging . I could hear reving and shunting and then quiet. I lowered my news paper and the numpty had somehow managed to do a 26 point turn and drove off in the other direction ....

Agh well at least I proved a point bullies don't always win



Thats the method i would use, or get out lock it up and go for a wander :good:


had to love this answer from the article


"Lies, damned lies, and statistics". What about all the VW Tuareg 4x4's and Audi Q7's that I constantly see overtaking the LandRovers? Sadly, the LandRover marque does seem to attract ageing chavs, who we all know are often anti-establishment and disrespectful by nature, so if there was a statistic for which drivers are usually illegally parked on double yellows or 'disabled' bays - it would probably show LandRover drivers as the worst offenders, with any make of car driven by an 18/19 year old male second!


can just imagine him fuming as he wrote that :mad:



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Tend to find a LOT of women,irrespective of what they're driving,drive too close to the vehicle in front,but then so does my mate,and he's a rep.

Living in the lakes there are thousands of 4x4's,and you can tell all those owned by visitors,because as you say,on narrow country lanes a lot of them simply freeze when confronted by oncoming traffic,not daring to reverse,nor get too close to the hedge for fearing of scratching the paintwork.

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Don't worry I live in the lakes and like to scare at least one tourist a day :good: a lot seem to come up in their audi's and beemers thinking they own the roads and then wonder why you won't budge on a narrow country lane when theres a perfectly good passing point 200 yards back :sly:




I've also taken to playing chicken, I've got a heavy duty towplate on the rear and soon theres going to be a 5mm re-inforced heavy duty steel bumper winch bumper on the rear too :) as you say a lot of the people I get tailgating me are women in fiestas or clios and well……………….1) I'll win the insurance claim and 2) a plastic clio hitting me in town if I do an emergency stop isn't going to damage my off road armour plating too much:P









I'm not the nicest driver to be around :lol: and I've been told a few times I have serious road rage :o

Edited by Dr_evil
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Don't worry I live in the lakes and like to scare at least one tourist a day :good: a lot seem to come up in their audi's and beemers thinking they own the roads and then wonder why you won't budge on a narrow country lane when theres a perfectly good passing point 200 yards back :sly:




I've also taken to playing chicken, I've got a heavy duty towplate on the rear and soon theres going to be a 5mm re-inforced heavy duty steel bumper winch bumper on the rear too :) as you say a lot of the people I get tailgating me are women in fiestas or clios and well……………….1) I'll win the insurance claim and 2) a plastic clio hitting me in town if I do an emergency stop isn't going to damage my off road armour plating too much:P









I'm not the nicest driver to be around :lol: and I've been told a few times I have serious road rage :o



You'd better hope you don't meet me on the road one day <_<

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Testostorone-tastic! :lol:


I have a 4x4 and will usually go on the verge is its a tight squeeze and someone is curtious - but what i will say is that if they are clearly not willing to move and sit in the middle of the road then i will do the same - I didn't pay the extra expense for a 4x4 to drive it over boulders in the verge cause some idiot can't brake in time for a passing place or show some manners - after all - a car will put two wheels on a verge just as well as a 4x4...it's not extreme offroading!





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My view is if you're a tourist you can go on the verge……..….it's my shortcut not your scenic route!


very selfish,


whoever is nearest to a passing place should reverse or at least engage in a way to resolve it,


however all depends on the attitude of the other driver



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very selfish,


whoever is nearest to a passing place should reverse or at least engage in a way to resolve it,


however all depends on the attitude of the other driver




I don't believe in that, the fact they've decided to take an un-signposted route then try to either crawl or race down it at a stupid speed annoys me



Plus as far as I'm concerned I'm in the bigger car and I know the route, most of the people I meet are people in their 3 series's trying to be smart. For the most part it's also usually harder for me to reverse a landrover into a tight space than it is for chief **** in his flashy sports car into the closest one to him

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