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Great White Hunter?


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Ok... this is probably going to turn ugly but I feel the need to do it! And... I appologise if some of the responses are seen as distasteful!


So... after Harnser's eye opening thread and in particular one of the responses claiming to have 'shot it all' :blink: Who has shot what? Do we have any Great White Hunters in our midst (at least 1 apparently)


I'll start the ball rolling: (nothing unusual here)



Deer - (Roe, Sika)


And that's it up to now..


I do want to try:


Driven boar (Germany/France)

Moose (Nordics)

Elk (USA/Canada)

Plains game (South Africa)


Have no desire to shoot dangerous or rare game... mainly as the cost would be too prohibitive and so has never registered on the radar. No real desire to shoot pheasant/grouse in the UK but wouldn't turn my nose up at an invite!!)


So... come on guys... anyone felled an elephant or a charging Rhino?

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The strange thing with me is that if I'm put in a position where all I have to do is effectively pull a trigger because all the donkey work has been done by a guide I lose interest.


It's the preparation and the knowledge I have of my own land that makes the hunt worthwhile and challenging. Going somewhere else just to kill something doesn't do it for me, I'd rather let it live.


Good luck to anyone who feels otherwise though :good:

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most things rabbits,pigeons,fox,roe,pheasants,partridge,woodcock cats and dogs :yp: . its easy to say ive only shot roe deer (altho i have been present when others species was shot from munties to red) and never a grouse but ive shot most other things. :good:

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Fox,Duck,pheasant,snipe,partridge,jay,rat,rook,hare,squirrel,magpie,wood pigeon,crow,rabbit all the usual rough shooting, no driven with the exception of the partridge..Majority was in my younger days.Only the last 5 in the last couple of months with S400 air rifle since getting back into shooting for my retirement.Gun safe, SGC again & possibly FAC next.


I enjoy all the above but would have liked to do wild boar shooting.





Edit. Forgot one...

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Not been shooting long,just three years,am out at least twice a week and have shot

Pigeon,not hit as many as i have shot at :no:

rabbit,love rabbit shooting :yes:

hare,shot one,never again

pheasant (not on one of those driven days) :no:









Wouldnt really want to do the big game thing,but would love to have a go at boar (hoggers,sky tv),or australia out of a helicopter appeals

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Pink-foot Goose











I would like to take the rest of the UK deer species, and boar.


I also would like to try dangerous game.

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roe deer

arctic hare

brown hare


feral cat









pintail/mallard cross


tufted duck







golden plover






wood pigeon

feral pigeon


my wife said the other day that for my 30th b/day i could go red deer stalking so hopefully a red stag can be added to the list. i would love to go hunting in africa sometime but thats pie in the sky just now.....maybe someday ;).

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I'd like to shoot a Sika, never been near them. I'd also like to shoot Boar and Bear if possible.


I'm not sure about the big 5 - I'd happily shoot something big but not rare. When I was out in Canada the Bears had a bad winter apparently and there weren't many about. Had there been loads I would have probably shot one but as it was I didn't. Even if had seen one in a shooting situation I think I would have left it alone.


I've got no interest in shooting rare stuff for sport and trophies. Not my thing at all! If I see a good Deer I leave it, let alone an Elephant or Rhino!

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Leaving aside that it's illegal and would be cost prohibitive; a Giant Panda - if only to silence the "I shot an elephant, giraffe, rhino, lion etc" insufferable shooting forum bores :lol:

a bit of a silly reply stating you want to shoot something so rare :rolleyes: as to silence the bores of this site maybe you should post here http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/index.php?/forum/11-sporting-pictures/

as its seems theres alot of people who like to post photos of what they have shot.accoprding to you all that have posted there are bores

posting photos has never been my bag apart from when its something real speical

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To be honest I don't go out of my way to shoot stuff, I have no interest in doing the Africa thing.


I have now shot 4 of the 6 deer species, so I wouldn't mind shooting Sika & CWD sometime, but I am not going to pay through the nose to do it.


Seems a lot people who have responded want to shoot Boar, out of curiosity I just wonder what is stopping them?

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I have to say personally CWD are somewhat over rated, I've done it and enjoyed it but they are one of the easiest species to stalk. Nearly shot a sika in a very memorable evening stalk but it had recipe for disaster written all over it. If you want someone reasonable for sika Dunkield we have someone on here with some fairly unbelievable ground I can mention if you're interested. Just try and go when half the place isn't down to maize as the idea of a sika on the edge of a very large block of maize when you've had a morning stalk as well is a recipe for a late night :lol:

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