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What's the furthest you've shot a bunny at?

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Witnessed by a member of the forum and measured with his laser range finder at 135 yards. This was with HV ammo and 1 mil-dot holdover on the scope. With subs I would say my longest would be about 70-80 yards, but the majority of rabbits would be within 50 yards.

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roughly 75 mtrs (50 mtr zero) - but the vast majority are 40 or less. I'm sure longer shots can be done with regularity but I just dont practice with the .22 enough to be that comfortable taking it too far from the zero point. mainly beause this is where the .17 comes into its own :good:

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130 yards ranged with a finder. No the spot and distance only let down is me shaking on the sticks which 9/10 means I miss. :D oh and has to be a dead still say and I only go for head shot at that range...never take the shot when side on in case I wound as well. Sensible always

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Ok I know this us contentious, but....

If you know holdover etc and conditions permit done serious range must be available on an LR!


If you can shoot a rabbit dead at 40 yards with a sub 12ftlbs airgun surely a rimmy spitting out about 95ftlbs should create a humane kill at several hundred.


So it's down to shooter capability and round capability.


Hitting a rabbit head sized target should be possible out to about 200 yards (assuming 1moa grouping at 100 yards)


So what is the capability for accuracy of a subsonic .22 LR round? Well I know it's poss to hit a rabbit head consistently at 80 yards so again assuming 1 moa I'm thinking 150-200 yards absolute max.


So perhaps we have an answer? Max effective range on rabbit head sized target of up to 200 yards, dependant in optimum (bench) conditions and a good shooter!


Realistically I can't see regular reliable head shots in field conditions of over 100 yards. I only ever take headshots some may be happy with body shots which could push effective field range but I'm a headshot only kinda guy (except the runner I shot up the ar$€ the other day as it ran away)


Ok sod the tin hat I reckon I will need an Anderson shelter after my post!

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130 yards ranged with a finder. No the spot and distance only let down is me shaking on the sticks which 9/10 means I miss. :D oh and has to be a dead still say and I only go for head shot at that range...never take the shot when side on in case I wound as well. Sensible always


130yds headshot off sticks with 22LR is damned good shooting, but I have to say, if 9/10 you miss you shouldn't really be taking those shots.

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Ok I know this us contentious, but....

If you know holdover etc and conditions permit done serious range must be available on an LR!


If you can shoot a rabbit dead at 40 yards with a sub 12ftlbs airgun surely a rimmy spitting out about 95ftlbs should create a humane kill at several hundred.


So it's down to shooter capability and round capability.


Hitting a rabbit head sized target should be possible out to about 200 yards (assuming 1moa grouping at 100 yards)


So what is the capability for accuracy of a subsonic .22 LR round? Well I know it's poss to hit a rabbit head consistently at 80 yards so again assuming 1 moa I'm thinking 150-200 yards absolute max.


So perhaps we have an answer? Max effective range on rabbit head sized target of up to 200 yards, dependant in optimum (bench) conditions and a good shooter!


Realistically I can't see regular reliable head shots in field conditions of over 100 yards. I only ever take headshots some may be happy with body shots which could push effective field range but I'm a headshot only kinda guy (except the runner I shot up the ar$€ the other day as it ran away)


Ok sod the tin hat I reckon I will need an Anderson shelter after my post!


Actually, I have air rifles that group better at 40yds than my 22LR, in good conditions. "One hole" is possible, and I don't mean "one big hole", so I'd like to think I can shoot a bit. Even so, for me, 22LR hunting past 70yds is hard work unless conditions are good.

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130yds headshot off sticks with 22LR is damned good shooting, but I have to say, if 9/10 you miss you shouldn't really be taking those shots.


As stated front on into head or chest. And I've only done it twice... Never if a shot that hits would wound

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i never use a range finder. i used one the other week and ranged a kill at 92 yards. witnessed by a member on here. ps, it was a woody, not a rabbit. ive made shots further than that, so i guess its more than 92 yards. TBH, they are never usualy that far out, so get it at 60 at the most.


edit: i only posted half what i was on about :rolleyes:

Edited by MM
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810 yards, seven and three quarter inches, resting on the top of a sapling post. I thought the best way to acheive the range was to flick the butt lower as I fired. I remember the day well because it was very windy. By licking the index finger of my left hand and holding it above my head I estimated that I would need to aim off to above the gate post that was seven feet four to the right of it.


Thats the gods honest truth lads, honest.

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