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Madeleine McCann - when do you draw a line under the case ?


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I heard today that there are 37 officers working full-time on this case, presumably they have been for the five years since she disappeared.


What do you think ?

I think... you should check your facts, the police have only been on the case for a year

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If it was my daughter, id want a hundred officers! Should they stop looking? No! Do we really need to voice our parenting opinions on this? They messed up big time. They know this. Can you imagine what they go through every waking minute? I cant see them ever being the same again. I really do feel sorry for them, even if they have messed up. The way people keep calling them this and that is unreal. What they did, leaving the child alone, happens all over European holiday sites and its been going on forever. Its not for everyone, so thats that.


100% :good:

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Horrible situation, for me I would never give up and live out there till I found her either way. I can not imagine the horror of having to live with making the decision they did and I hope one day it works out but if nothing else maybe this has reminded people that the lives of our children are worth so much more than a night out and a drink,,,

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One of the things which has always saddened me with this case is the inverted snobbery and resentment about the McCann's having money, as if this sort of thing would never happen to working class parents.



Edited by Bagsy
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I watched the tv doc tonight and yes i do still think the parents are to blame in some way, BUT there is still a girl missing and hopefully alive and if it was my daughter then i would want everything possible done to find her...

so if we opening the case and spending £2 million achieves that its worth it

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Before any one says shut up I have freedom of speach ,think they had something to do with it feel sorry for the little lass wot ever happened to her ,think when they left her alone they gave her sleeping pills and it went wrong the rest I'll leave alone


I won't get any friends saying this but I have to agree with the comment above! I have a few friends who are from the medical sector and even they admitted that years ago and even quite recently it wasn't unheard of for children of medical families to be given things to help them sleep etc when on holiday so the parents could unwind a little in the evening!



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Plenty of lazy cops sat in vans hoping to catch you at 45 in a 40 zone.


ACPO spent £2m on an annual conference jolly instead of being at work doing their proper jobs.


Then again, you could get a crowd of coppers watching a body float face down in 3 feet of water, waiting for training to be brave.


How much has the phone hacking investigation cost?


Or Met Police racism compensation?


Whatever the presumed guilt of the parents, Madeleine was innocent and deserves justice.

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Why are Brittish police on the case its our tax money it happened in a foreign country and they left her ,they should have been jailed


The 1800's have been on the phone, they want their style back.

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It's relative.


They have done over £10m on phone hacking and £7m on Abu what's his face, his wife, his kids etc.


I would rather see £17m spent trying to catch a paedo and teaching those ******* useless Portugese coppers the difference between their ***** and their elbows.



Good shout, I agree

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Wasn't he a doctor and what did she do ?. for two supposedly intelligent parents they left there kids alone


And if they were painter and decorators.....what's the relevance?


A British citizen went missing abroad, whatever the circumstances, and the parents were at the mercy of a hopeless foreign police force. Getting British police involved is the least we can do and I'd expect nothing less for anyone in the same position.

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They where only at the mercy of a useless foreign police force by there own doing , ive been abroad and would never leave my kids supposedly doped up with sleeping tablets to get a bit of piece and quiet at a meal . But i do hope they find her just to get to the truth

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It seems to me this case is so complex that only the police have any idea of the full details, and few of them.

Irrespective of the parents, their involvement, guilt or innocence, their callous indifference or acceptable medication, I agree with those who assert Madeleine's rights to a final outcome. If 1000 officers are required to solve this case, surely even that would be justified.

They just need a very intelligent Head of Investigation to call an end when there remains no hope.

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What the Mc canns did was obviously not good,leaving their children,but it happens a lot,if there is a snatcher about and you leave your child in the car while going to pay for petrol you are runing a risk,they did not kill their daughter,and the foriegn police maybe should have reacted better.But when you lose a child or in my case about to,believe me a second does not go by without thinking about it,whats happening etc,I would sell my life style and soul to save my boy,i can't but the McCanns deserve to be helped to find their daughter,No one can comment about leaving the mc Canns to rot and divert officers to a different case,all the time your kids are tucked upstairs nice and warm and healthy.they messed up ,who hasn't? Maddie should be found.

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This is another "them and us" thread.....


they had money/she was a doctor blah blah blah


Its a child thats is missing and every effort should be made to find her despite what her parents may or may not have done.


PW prejudice at its best :no:



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it has always made me furious.....


they left their kids and went to a bar , the bar was a fair distance from the apartment it wasn't even next door.....they did the same thing every evening at the same time.....


child neglect in my opinion, they caused what ever happened to that kid by leaving her and should be in prison


I'm with Compo90 on this, the parents are 100% responsible, that aside, everything should be done to find this little girl, Ben Needham has been missing a long time too.....we can only hope that one day.............

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