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ian brady will he spill??


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I agree that there are categories of criminal, very few and very specific who's crimes are so appalling that they merit 'special treatment'.

I would personally not object if Brady were given a 'truth drug' (scopolamine) in an attempt to put the victims rights in this case, before those of a deranged criminal.

Sadly, after all the other searches, it is entirely likely that Brady cannot explain sufficiently accurately where the body is, for it to be discovered.

What a terrible sentence Mrs Johnson has had and what a ilfe as a result. Brady has no rights in my view, so exceptional were his crimes, he has escaped the definition of 'human'.

He is simply an animal.

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I think you'd struggle to find a law abiding member of the public who wouldn't agree with the suggestion to torture him - he absolutely deserves it! although the odd bunny-hugging/human rights pleb will say otherwise...


There would be no struggle at all. We aren't all sick in the head.

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I'm not sure that this sort of thing is what we would like to see posted on an open shooting forum where we are all surposed to be responsible and law abiding members of the public. However, when you stop and think about it I suspect that Brady and Hindley had that thought firmly in their minds while committing their cruel crimes against those totally innocent children.

I strongly suspect that this is yet just another of Brady's sick stunts and attempts at getting media attention! Let's at least hope that he will eventually divulge the location of the young lad body so that the family can eventually get some sort of closure.


Well said Frenchie I also suspect that this is another of his manipulative stunts. He could not say where young Keith was buried when they took him to the moors some time in the 80's I doubt after 50 years or thereabouts he has a clue where he put him.


Anyone who kills a child does not just kill that child, that person prevents the birth of that childs potential children their grandchildren and more. In that respect that killer does not deserve to breathe for one more instant the air that civilised people breathe. That word civilised is what separates us from the likes of Bradey, Hindly, Roy Whiting and dozens more.


I say keep him alive for as long as possible, let him languish in the situation of his no hope of getting out from jail by an early death.


When he does die as eventually he must, cremate him and put the ashes on the local tip.where civilised peoples rubbish is dumped.


When this happened all of those years ago I would have been the first person given the opportunity to separate his head from the rest of him.


In my "more mature" years I have come to the opinion let the ******* rot for as long as it takes.


Rant over(until next time Brady appears in the forums).




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I've said this before: Even if Brady stated in a letter where Keith was buried, it would be just about impossible to find the same spot.

the moors are peat bog, and shift and change all the time, I'm sure Keith will never be found, an awful thought but one shared with others who know the moors much better than I do :no:

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I've said this before: Even if Brady stated in a letter where Keith was buried, it would be just about impossible to find the same spot.

the moors are peat bog, and shift and change all the time, I'm sure Keith will never be found, an awful thought but one shared with others who know the moors much better than I do :no:


A news article just now said pretty much the same as what you said - the moors shift and change all the time.


However, we do live in an age of technology. Do we not have any technology that could help find the remains?

Edited by Reece
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A news article just now said pretty much the same as what you said - the moors shift and change all the time.


However, we do live in an age of technology. Do we not have any technology that could help find the remains?


Acidic peat makes archaeologists, forensics etc cry because it is so destructive. Given the profile of the case everything will be tried but sadly I suspect there is little left of the poor lad.

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People that willing take others lives, should be punished, severely! When you take a child's life, there should be no other punishment than death. The 2 kids that led and murdered Jamie, are living a rife life. If you take someones life, you don't deserve to be treated as a human. Civilised humans do not murder people!! It's really that simple.

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The fact that Winnie Johnson has just passed away makes it even more tragic as she fought so hard for so long to get that monster to divulge where he had hidden young Kieth's body so that she could get some sort of closure.

I will not go into my personal spiritual beliefs and I am not prepared to discuss or debate them on an open forum but I will say is that I (Rightly or wrongly) personally believe in a spiritual afterlife - If I am right at least Winnie and Kieth are reunited at last, let's hope so!

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I agree that there are categories of criminal, very few and very specific who's crimes are so appalling that they merit 'special treatment'.

I would personally not object if Brady were given a 'truth drug' (scopolamine) in an attempt to put the victims rights in this case, before those of a deranged criminal.

Sadly, after all the other searches, it is entirely likely that Brady cannot explain sufficiently accurately where the body is, for it to be discovered.

What a terrible sentence Mrs Johnson has had and what a ilfe as a result. Brady has no rights in my view, so exceptional were his crimes, he has escaped the definition of 'human'.

He is simply an animal.

No my friend to call him an animal is insulting to most animals as most animals only kill for food dogs will kill rats but not torture them to death a quick bite and shake and its dead the fox will kill chickens but for my mind the most evil of animals are domestic cats they seem to derive great pleasure in torturing things to death before going home to a nice bile of cat food.

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No my friend to call him an animal is insulting to most animals as most animals only kill for food dogs will kill rats but not torture them to death a quick bite and shake and its dead the fox will kill chickens but for my mind the most evil of animals are domestic cats they seem to derive great pleasure in torturing things to death before going home to a nice bile of cat food.


Agree. Even animals have a sort of social construct, and behave in a much more civilised way than people like Hindley and Brady.


A relative was driving across Saddleworth Moor last year on the way to Wales and apparently, it's a very eerie place.

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Its very sad that this woman didnt get her wish to have her son in a proper grave before she passed away!! the one thing that really annoys the cr&p out of me is how much has it cost the tax payer to keep Brady alive by tube feeding him through his 12 year hunger strike? al the human right numpties really get on my wick!! if you want rights to nice suroundings and being treated as a proper human being you should live by the law of the land and as i see it if you do not want to abide by the laws of society then you for go these rights!! prison should be a rotting dank hell hole of a place where prisoners are made to work their fingers to the bone for 18 hours a day breaking rocks into gravel for road resurfacing!! instead of being nothing more than air conditioned secure health farms/universities that they are now!!

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She isnt part of the recognised advocate system and is treated as "just" a visitor when attending Ashworth according to the paper


Thanks for that - I wasn't clear. She should be sacked from the system that let her in to the prison. She is an attention seeking muppet - and that is being charitable. I deliberately did not refer to her stunning good looks. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Surely thats the point he wants to die, so deny him that right for as long as poss, would suit me if they pulled his nails one by one, minced them and added it to the feed in the tube, same goes for his nuts, and limbs working from the feet up

Edited by Paul223
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Brady wants to die?????? After how many years of "hunger strike" - he isn't really trying.


In all that time, you might have thought he would have found a way to end it all - if that is his wish.


He is a manipulative attention seeker - just like the "advocate".

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