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wow!- collector or dangerously obsessive?


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I think theres a lot been exaggerated shall we say.

For such an arsenal and only 6 charges I will wager that some of those "illegal" weapons were deacts that someone decided were capable of being reactivated.....old style deact perhaps.


Reminds me of a case many years ago in this area where during the trial, the accused was referred to by the Police as a very dangerous individual who must be stopped and incarcerated at all costs.

Once convicted, he became a sorry and easily led loser according to the post trial speech by the officer in charge of the case.

They have to justify vast amounts of cash spent and if an enquiry turns out to be not quite as dangerous as first declared, a little bit of face saving comes into play.


Sounds quite feasible to me- for example the belted ammo they decided to photo we did not get to see any of the case rims - it could be reconstituted (cartridge fired and bullet replaced) .


I also love the way that in the text the journo sensationally suggests that 4000 rounds is enough to arm a batallion - by my reconning its s about enough for a Section 10 men at 300? rounds each and 5 x 200 round belts for the GPMG?

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one thing i don't understand with cases such as these... i was under the impression firearms offences carried a 5 year mandatory sentence?


Offences relatiing to section 5 stuff carries the 5 year mandatory minimum. However, a court can, in exceptional circumstances, hand down a lesser sentence and very often do.



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you do have to wonder what is exceptional about this though unless he got a bonus for collecting as much of it as possible..........


Well, I'm not actually sure that there was any section 5 gear in there, to be honest. Trying to define just what the facts are in firearms stories is very difficult due to the general ignorance of journalists. It would be so much easier if they would just make the effort to print which particular sections of what particular Acts people have contraveined.


Judging from the final sentence, the quote from the cop, it could be that he just remained in possession of guns after his cert expired or that he'd said that he'd got rid of some when he hadn't.



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It will be interesting to learn just how many of those 'firearms' are firearms as defined by law.There is an installation of 'firearms' seized by or surrendered to police in Leeds Armoury,but in fact many of them aren't actually real firearms.Police do not differentiate between real firearms,de-acts,soft-air,replicas etc when they compile numbers of 'firearms' they have recovered,seized,handed-in etc.

They may well all be real firearms,but judging from past police practises I'd be very surprised if they were.When it comes to letting the truth get in the way of good press they can be as cynical as the best politicians.

Saying that,if they are all real,Id love to know where he got them.

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the g15 air pistol must have exceeded the 6ft/lbs and the same for the 2 air soft bb guns.

i for one think its a over reaction as you can buy the belted ammo basicly empty cases re tiped and i bet a dummy hand granade you usto be able to get them from most army surplus.

so a little scaremungering i think

Edited by fruitloop
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After the Mick Shepherd case its always going to raise doubts in my mind. The big question I would ask is how would a person get their hands on genuine stuff like that? It doesn't get advertised on ebay for example. Maybe somebody might aquire one by chance but how would he have collected that many? I reckon a lot of them were deacts.

Edited by Vince Green
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After the Mick Shepherd case its always going to raise doubts in my mind. The big question I would ask is how would a person get their hands on genuine stuff like that? It doesn't get advertised on ebay for example. Maybe somebody might aquire one by chance but how would he have collected that many? I reckon a lot of them were deacts.


There was a case recently of a guy who was found with loads of illegal stuff. He had apparently got hold of a copy of someones RFD certificate and altered it to make it look like his. He then set about buying guns from various RFD's around the country. I believe he had around £20K worth of guns when he was caught.



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funny who they put all the firearms on the bed to make it look a better raid ,bet most were on his FAC ,but i thought it was 5 years for FAC offences


Thats just what i thought. The article tried to say he had so many guns he had filled every room up to the brim incl his loft. My guess is that from the looks of his house its a newish build with **** walls, so he probably has his gun safe up the loft as its the most secure place for it. The police have just emptied everything which looks like a gun onto his bed and taken a picture so the public will assume he`s some sort of nutta leaving guns all over his bedroom.


Whilst it looks like a lot of guns, there are air rifles in there, probably some bb guns, replicas and deacts - all perfectly legal "firearms" to own. So I wonder about the "6" which they are charging him with. Could be anything really. But, the sensationalist reporting certainly doesnt convey a good impression to joe public.

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I am pretty sure that I have shot with this man ,both at bisley and at a couple of local ranges when practical rifle was popular .

Some times these avid collectors get carried away and will buy off ticket guns from other avid collectors and stash them away . There has been a number of collectors over the years sent down for being bloody stupid and collecting off ticket guns . I dont really have to much sympathy for them . They seem to get all a bit to complacent about gun ownership .


Harnser .

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Funny thing is if he was in the USA all those would be legal as it is your right as an american to own firearms they would probably mock him for his small collection



I'm looking at the guy's arsenal and thinking "what's the big deal"?


They'd probably have a heart attack if they saw my collection.

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The press will always run with whatever makes the story look good! I couldnt tell which are de-act and which are real as I dont know a lot about firearms in all honesty, that said I dont have any sympathy for him as he clearly broke the law and must have known what he could and couldnt have!

Like Harnster said I think some folk get a bit carried away regards collecting and rights and wrongs of doing so. A friend of mine who regularly represented his country in his chosen discipline of shooting ended up bringing into work one night a handful of rounds to show me the difference! I had recovered an old rifle round casing (spent) when diving and he was explaining the difference between sizes and uses etc. At the end of the shift he left them with me and said to keep a hold of them!! This was years ago before I was into shooting and didnt have a clue regards the legalities of this, so on the way home ended up chucking the lot into the nearest river I drove past! I do recall one round was an 9mm and I wonder to this day why the hell he had that round?

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